"Car Point Group" S.R.L.

153 reviews

Strada Burebista 118 A, Chișinău 2062, Moldova




"Car Point Group" S.R.L. is a Car rental agency located at Strada Burebista 118 A, Chișinău 2062, Moldova. It has received 153 reviews with an average rating of 5.0 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of "Car Point Group" S.R.L.: Strada Burebista 118 A, Chișinău 2062, Moldova

  • "Car Point Group" S.R.L. has 5.0 stars from 153 reviews

  • Car rental agency

  • "Cu mare plăcere îți împărtășesc experiența mea pozitivă cu CARPOINT! Am avut ocazia să folosesc serviciile lor de închiriere auto și am fost extrem de mulțumit de tot ceea ce au oferit"

    "Positive: - the owner Corneliu speaks very good German - full insurance available, so no need for a deposit - no mileage limit - very fuel efficient car - the car I reserved (Nissan Qashqai) wasn't available, so I got a better class for the same price (Toyota Prius) - was able to take the car across the border to Transnistria without issues - small company, so I dealt directly with the owner Corneliu the entire time"

    "Embarking on a trip to Transnistria and Moldova was a journey that exceeded all expectations, thanks in no small part to our exceptional tourist guide, Corneliu"

    "I wholeheartedly recommend Car Point Company"

    "Salut la toţi vreau sa zic ca anume "Car Point Group"S"


  • John Borsch

Cu mare plăcere îți împărtășesc experiența mea pozitivă cu CARPOINT! Am avut ocazia să folosesc serviciile lor de închiriere auto și am fost extrem de mulțumit de tot ceea ce au oferit. Încă de la început, procesul de rezervare a fost foarte simplu și rapid. Managementul lor este bine conceput și mi-a permis să aleg rapid mașina dorită, perioada de închiriere și alte opțiuni personalizate. Prețurile au fost transparente și competitive, fără surprize neplăcute la predarea mașinii. La momentul preluării mașinii, am fost impresionat de profesionalismul și rapiditatea predarii mașinii. Mașina în sine era într-o stare excelentă de funcționare și curățenie, fapt ce mi-a dat încredere în a porni în călătoria mea. Pe parcursul perioadei de închiriere, mașina nu a prezentat nicio problemă, oferindu-mi o experiență lină și fără griji. La returnarea mașinii, procesul a fost la fel de ușor și eficient ca la preluare. Inspecția mașinei a fost foarte rapidă, fără a cauza întârzieri, și am primit depozitul in acelasi moment. În ansamblu, Car Point Group a oferit o experiență de închiriere auto excepțională. Profesionalismul, ușurința procesului și starea excelentă a mașinii m-au făcut să simt că am făcut alegerea potrivită. Recomand cu căldură CARPOINT celor care caută o opțiune de închiriere auto de încredere și la cea mai inaltă calitate. Cu siguranță voi reveni la ei în viitor pentru orice nevoie de închiriere auto!

  • Jakob Baumann

Positive: - the owner Corneliu speaks very good German - full insurance available, so no need for a deposit - no mileage limit - very fuel efficient car - the car I reserved (Nissan Qashqai) wasn't available, so I got a better class for the same price (Toyota Prius) - was able to take the car across the border to Transnistria without issues - small company, so I dealt directly with the owner Corneliu the entire time. He paid attention to details like double checking I had enough windshield washer fluid, the license plate lights were working and so on. A few notes: - in Moldova cars are expected to be returned cleaned inside and out which usually means you just pay the 200 Lei cleaning fee instead. That seems to be the case at every company and is fine if you're aware of it before renting. - the car had 170,000km and one of the 3 anchor points of the hood of the car was missing (they were waiting on the replacement part) but that didn't matter in the end as the car was working well the entire time I drove it. Overall I recommend renting a car here and would do so again in the future, especially since there seem to be a lot of issues (not returning deposits etc) with other companies in Chisinau if you read the Google reviews closely.

  • Esteve Borras Mora

Embarking on a trip to Transnistria and Moldova was a journey that exceeded all expectations, thanks in no small part to our exceptional tourist guide, Corneliu. This adventure was not merely a sightseeing tour; it was an immersive experience that skillfully blended history, culture, and passion for these lesser-explored destinations. One of the stats we knew was that Moldova was one of/the less visited country in Europe. This is changing fast and if you are planning to discover these regions, I would definitely get in touch with Corneliu. From the fascinating Soviet relics in Transnistria to the vineyards of Moldova, every stop on the journey was curated with care. And also important to mention older historic sites like Tighina fortress in Bender which was impressive. I would highly recommend this tour for those seeking a genuine connection with the places they visit, a profound understanding of history, and the joy of discovering the unexpected.

  • ninja 95

I wholeheartedly recommend Car Point Company. Full professionalism from the very beginning, constant contact with the company owner while using the vehicle. A fleet of cars in excellent technical condition. Picking up the car was very quick and convenient. Pick-up time adjusted to the customer's request. The return and settlement of the car was also very quick, without any attempt to prove any damage or scratches. Deposit - 100€ refunded in full without any problems. Additionally, Mr. Kornelius's assistant shared valuable advice on visiting Chisinau for me for the last my day tour. Thank you Dan. If you are unsure which car rental company to choose, choose Car Point. If You are honest with them, they will be honest with You. Kind Regards from Poland

  • Ion Lungu

Salut la toţi vreau sa zic ca anume "Car Point Group"S.R.L. este aceiea ce ne trebuie noua sunt nişte baeţi foarte serioşi şi foarte bravi şi au nişte automobile foarte ingrijite curate şi foarte confortabile automobile de top eu anume am fost foarte tare multumit de tot sunt amabili cu clienţii şi pe viitor voi concura numai cu ei pentruca sunt nişte baeţi foarte bravi successe mari pe viitor voua baeţi şi la clienţi va reromand "Car Point Group"S.R.L. concuraţi cu ei no sa negaţi veţi fi mulţumiţi va asigur şi la baeţi le doresc bafta aşa ca voi baeţi eu nu am gasit sunteţi bravi bafta inca odata voua "Car Group"S.R.L.

  • Stephen Hartung

We did a one trip to Transnistria with Cornel. Cornel was an excellent guide, flexible, knowledgeable and allowed us to see some extra things even though it meant we got back later. His ability to know when to provide information and when to sit back and allow us to discover for ourselves showed him to be a true professional. I would happily recommend him if you need a guide while in Moldova

  • Mason Fernandez

Cornel took me on a tour in one of his cars. He was early, safe, efficient, and made sure that my every need was met while we travelled. Even when things outside of our control caused problems, he did his utmost to make me and my friends comfortable. If I had to hire a guide or rent a car in Chisinau again, I would absolutely choose Cornel. He is a man of high integrity and quality!

  • Eugeniu Lugovoi

Automobilele sunt într-o stare foarte bună, curate și bine întreținute. Am fost foarte mulțumit de automobilul închiriat și anume de Toyota Auris hybrid. Un automobil foarte încăpător și econom. Numaidecît am să recomand prietenilor și cunoscuților această Chirie de Automobile. PS. Cornel mersi frumos ! Cu multă stimă și respect Eugeniu Lugovoi

  • Dumitru Boaghe

Am avut nevoie de o mașină și m-am adresat la CarPoint, de la prima interacțiune am primit informații clare și complete referitor la serviciu. Confirmare instantanee. Mașina in stare tehnica ideala și pregătită. Am primit și predat mașina ușor și cu o atitudente prietenoasă din partea companiei. Bravo! Recomand!

  • Victor Bahnari

Foarte bine a decurs totul. Recomand. In aceasta perioada aglomerata unele companii cu chirie auto nici nu ne raspundeau macar la mesaj. Car Point a raspuns frumos, ne-a ajutat sa gasim masina, masina a fost super, noi am avut grija de masina si la returnare totul a fost ok. Puteti apela cu incredere.

  • Constantin Ciocan

E o companie foarte răspunzătoare față de clienții ei. Automobilul a fost adus la aeroport și și am fost întâlnit la ieșire. La fel și returnatul automobilului. Membrul echipei foarte inteligent și mi-a explicat regulile de folosire pe perioada de chirie. Vă recomand aceasta companie

  • George Morosan

I could recommend Corneliu and his company as a reliable rental car provider in Moldova. The car was in a good shape, they were attentive to my requests and the overall communication went well. I am looking forward to continuing renting from this company on my future trips.

  • anatolii cotorobai

Colegi, eu am rezervat din timp o mas8na de 5+2 locuri, caci eu am 3 copii si am nevoie de mult spatiu. Deci masina mi-a fost acordata exact in conditia in care ne-am inteles! Preturile sunt foarte adecvate. Recomand cu cea mai mare incredere! Am devenit client fidel!

  • G. I.

The business owner was very helpful, I had a peculiar set of needs during my trip and he was able to make sure everything is alright. Flawless process of getting the car and returning it. You get the receipt and everything (as opposed to some other firms).

  • Victor Renita

În procesul de căutare a unui automobil în chirie personalul de la “Car Point Grup” au fost cei mai politicoși, oferind răspuns rapid, si foarte detaliat privitor la automobilul solicitat, cu poze si detalii clare, plus prețul chiar e unul … Mai multe

  • Walther Ivan Giron Matute

The tour was excellent, we could arrive to both monasteries and Cricova Wine Cellar with perfect timing. Cornelius, our guide, explained a lot of the history and answered all our questions. The food was also really really good. 100% recomended.

  • Parascovia Tulegenov

Great place to get in rent a car for your trip. It’s the best service here, and every time if I had trouble or questions, in few minutes everything was resolved. I will definitely rent a car again. Thank you for your great job.

  • Vasilisa Forsgren

Convenient and attentive car rental service! The car we rented was in great condition, and the type of cars offered met our expectations completely. The overall service and experience was great, will absolutely rent again.

  • Nella Rannazzisi

Well organized day trip to Odessa which ended being longer than expected. Cornel made sure we were hydrated, caffeinated and well fed. His does his research and cares for his clients. He is very pleasant and engaging.

  • Svetlana Dumeniuc

Very nice and professional people. Accommodated my needs, bring the car to the airport up to my arrival. At my departure they came to pick up the car , the same from the airport. Very convenient. Thank you.

  • Renatkat

Extremely knowledgable, caring and nice person to be with. We had the most interesting trip together with Mr. Corneleliu. We enjoyed the full day together and felt so good. A full recommendation from us.

  • Anatol Topa

Am avut o experienta pozitiva cu "Car point group". Managerul Corneliu a fost amabil si receptiv, masina - curata si bine intretinuta. tehnic. Calatoria a fost agreabila. Mersi mult Corneliu. Pe curind.

  • Marina Didenco

A fost prima experienta de chirie auto in Chisinau, si una foarte pozitiva. Automobilul a fost adus la timp la Aeroport, intr-o stare curata si contractul a fost facut in 5 minute. … Mai multe

  • ion cioban

A fost prima mea experiență de chirie auto în Chișinău și una pozitivă. Mulțumesc dl.Cornel, o persoană foarte serioasă si responsabilă. Mașinile sunt confortabile, curate și economie.

  • Thor Bakke

Mr. Courneliu I reach home in good shape after the interesting visit to Chisinau, and thanks for your excellent service. I have sent a message to Anette informing about my … Mai multe

  • Andrei Jubea

Personanul companiei foarte prietenos, m-au ajutat si mi-au raspuns la toate intrebarile. Masina era curata si pregatita la sosirea mea la eroport, reprezentantul … Mai multe

  • Ivan Solomon

Corneliu iești o persoană de Aur în tot sensul cuvântului !!! Recomand fără îndoială compania voastră !!! Atirnarea și comportamentul tău e la nivel !!! Succes în toate !!!

  • Felix Weichsel

I rented a car and it was in good conditions. Owner Cornelius is a nice person and offered a very hands on solution for my last-minute inquiry. Very pleasant experience!

  • Igor Botnaru

My secondary time using this company, really good, clean and reliable cars both times,amazing service, very helpful and understanding, fully recommended … Mai multe

  • Alex Antoci

Companie serioasa, Domnul Corneliu un barbat foarte bravo! Orice chestie discutabila cu Dumnealui si ramai multumit de calitatea masinilor. Cu siguranta revenim!

  • Esma Bozgeyik

We rent 2 days peugeot 208 from here and we are fully satisfied. He is so helpful, never say no, always finds solutions and finally affordable and trustable.

  • Nicholas Ciconi

Am ramas foarte mulțumit de serviciile prestate, masina in stare foarte bună,am primit-o curata si cu rezervorul plin. Cu certitudine mai apelez!! Recomand!!

  • Maria Axenti

Very good car, clean, in good condition! And Corneliu is always nice, very responsive! Have used the services several times and always all went well!

  • Cornel Bohantov

We've rented a Toyota Auris from Corneliu & CarPoint for a couple of weeks for a trip through Eastern & Southern Europe. … Mai multe

  • Jan MD Music

Am avut o vacanță minunată alături de familie Sunt foarte mulțumit de serviciile dumneavoastră, Recomand cu încredere!!! …

  • Ana Chihai

Vă mulțumim mult domnul Cornel, ne-am găsit foarte bine cu servizio dumneavoastră.. mașină în bune condiții de consiliat …

  • Baltă Andrei

Relațiile cu clienții de nota 10 Maşini bine echipate şi într o stare ideală Recomand cu încredere Jos Pălăria

  • Carlos Da Palma

I am very satisfied with my choice in reserving a vehicle with Car Point.

  • Victor Rotari

Best car rental agency in Chișinău. Great prices and excellent quality.

  • Bogdan

Super atitudine,mașină curata in stare buna ...foarte mulțumit!!!

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