Επαρχιακό Ταχυδρομείο Λάρνακας

109 reviews

WJ8P+VPV, Vasileos Pavlou Square, Larnaca 6023, Cyprus




Επαρχιακό Ταχυδρομείο Λάρνακας is a Post office located at WJ8P+VPV, Vasileos Pavlou Square, Larnaca 6023, Cyprus. It has received 109 reviews with an average rating of 2.0 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Επαρχιακό Ταχυδρομείο Λάρνακας: WJ8P+VPV, Vasileos Pavlou Square, Larnaca 6023, Cyprus

  • Επαρχιακό Ταχυδρομείο Λάρνακας has 2.0 stars from 109 reviews

  • Post office

  • "I know pretty well that for a packet reaching your hands, it takes lots of people to involve"

    "If you are thinking of using the Cyprus Postal Service, DON'T, their services offered are lower than pathetic! I have had the need to send written complaints for services received and nothing has changed, it is still as pathetic as it always has been"

    "Абсолютне враження, що вас спеціально розводять"

    "Possibly the worst mail service I’ve ever used (used three times)"

    "Shocking service!! I sent a parcel from the UK to Larnaca before Christmas"


  • dimitrios maragkos

I know pretty well that for a packet reaching your hands, it takes lots of people to involve. However, for helping you and taking actions when a parcel from the UK has arrived since January 15th and have not received it until February 11th...it takes personal involvement. This message aims to thank all personnel in the postal services but more precisely MR MICHAEL GEORGE that got personally involved for helping me even if it wasn't his job. MR MICHAEL GEORGE is a "Postal Superintendent " working in the "Larnaca Office of Exchange" and I would like once again to thank MR MICHAEL GEORGE and remind to all of us that: whenever the system may have gaps, it is the human factor that changes everything. I am foreigner in Cyprus...and lucky that MR MICHAEL GEORGE replied on his phone number. None was replying on the general number 80002000. None was replying on other numbers I found through internet when called. I spent maybe 3 hours for trying to communicate with Larnaca post office. When a public servant and Employee's understanding of the situation reaches the point to feel that involvement is required even beyond his jurisdiction and sphere of duties, these Employees honor the Cypriot and local reputation and add something more than just a valuable and positive review for the Post Services branch of Larnaca. I am obliged and thankful. Writing this review, is the least I can do. If you ever have a positive reaction from any of the public services, please do not ignore it. Inform the community. These Employees deserve it and have to be praised accordingly for illustrating the best of example around us.

  • Chris Goff

If you are thinking of using the Cyprus Postal Service, DON'T, their services offered are lower than pathetic! I have had the need to send written complaints for services received and nothing has changed, it is still as pathetic as it always has been. My previous complaint, I paid over £75 to the UK Royal Mail for a guaranteed 5 day delivery service, they did a sterling job and my package was received on the island of Cyprus in 49 hours. From then on, it sat here for o er three weeks, why!!!!!! My most recent complaint this week was regarding a parcel send by a friend of mine again in the UK on the 3rd Dec, it arrived here on the 20th Dec, yet again, for over a month, it did absolutely nothing, moved nowhere!!!! After a very stern letter of complaint sent to the Head Office in Nicosia (sent by private courier otherwise they would probably never have received it!) my parcel was finally delivered today, 24th Jan!. I have never known an operation like it, beyond pathetic. If my business was operated in the same way the Cyprus Postal Service is, I would have gone under a long long time ago. Seriously, use anyone but not Cyprus Post, your stress levels will skyrocket!!! I now use courier services, yes, a little more expensive, but, they have care and offer excellent services to their customers. This review system wouldn't allow me to give zero stars but would like to say, giving one star is one star too many.

  • Y H

Абсолютне враження, що вас спеціально розводять. В мене було дві відправки. Одна з магазину, інша з дому. З магазину я отримувала килимок для йоги, інвойса вкладеного не було і чоловік, який віддавав мені цю посилку, сам оцінив її, додавшу в суму розрахунку доставку. Дуже цікаво, чому цей податок, чи то мито, нарахували не на суму нето, а на суму бруто. Хоча за доставку я оплатила окремо і дуже недешево. В результаті вийшло 50 євро. Просто з нічого. Але сперечатись я не могла, бо не мала можливості довести реальну ціну цього килимка, сума конвертувалась двічі. Але вдруге я отримувала з дому СВОЇ книги, вони були порепані в деяких місцях, тобто не мали вигляд товару - це точно. Відправник, знаючи про нечистоплотність робітників, спеціально вказав в декларації, що це подарунок, а не покупка, оцінив посилку в 0 грн. Той самий чоловік розкрив мою посилку, сказав, що це нові і ДОРОГІ книги, став питати, скільки грошей я за них відправляла, я повторювала, що це подарунок і я маю декларацію, де це вказано, показувала, що книги не нові. Але працівник все одно оцінив мої книги і я заплатила за СВОЇ книги 8,5 євро зверху, окрім дуже дорогої доставки, яка коштувала майже як ці книги власне. Коротше, я просто в якомусь шоці і більше нічого не замовлятиму на цю пошту. Легше користуватися службами доставки, ніж кожен раз переживати приниження і знущання від робітників цієї пошти.

  • Sandy Karagianni

Possibly the worst mail service I’ve ever used (used three times). This service is nothing like Royal Mail or even Hellenic Post. After their arrival, parcels stay in Larnaca for 3-5 days, just to be sorted. Nothing arrives on time. Additionally, don’t even think of ordering anything outside the EU (AliExpress, wish, Shein). They will always open your package and ask you to upload a receipt. It will then take them forever to process the document and you will have to pay extra taxes plus a processing fee. My international parcel was supposed to arrive in seven days and it is still in Larnaca, two weeks after the estimated delivery date. Every time I call them regarding the estimated delivery time I’m told that they don’t know anything. The service standard is far below the international standard and it’s a shame, as Cyprus is a small island and has the potential for having a very efficient and quick postal service.

  • Jackie Foggin

Shocking service!! I sent a parcel from the UK to Larnaca before Christmas. I paid extra to have it tracked and signed for as it was a Christmas gift for family. It arrived on the island in plenty of time . However it then sat at the post office for a further 4 weeks without moving. I contacted the UK Royal Mail as they had tracked it but they couldn't do anything once it had landed in Cyprus. This is terrible service and Christmas was spoilt. It wouldn't be so bad if it was down to the postman delivering it but seeing as my family had to collect their own parcel from yourselves I cannot see why it had to sit there for all of that time....very poor service indeed and judging by the other reviews this is not a one off occasion!!

  • Stella Andronikou

Περιμένω δέματα από μια εφαρμογή του εξωτερικού. Παίρνω ενημέρωση από αυτή την εφαρμογή και μονο ότι δεν ήταν δυνατή η παράδοση του δέματος και ότι με έχει ενημερώσει το ταχυδρομείο ότι το δέμα πρέπει να παραληφθεί. Παίρνω το ταχυδρομείο και μου λέει ότι πρέπει να πάω από εκεί να το πάρω. Τους λέω" δεν έπρεπε να πάρω κάποια ειδοποίηση ότι ήρθε;". Τους ρωτάω "γιατί δεν το φέρατε σπίτι;" και η απάντηση ήταν ότι ίσως τα στοιχεία πάνω στο δεμα να μην φαίνονταν! Τα στοιχεία μου φαίνονταν παρά πολύ καλά! Γενικά είναι ο,τί να ναι! Βαριουνται να δουλέψουν, ψεύδονται και γενικά θα έπρεπε το κράτος να φροντίσει να γίνουν "αλλαγές" και να μπει μια τάξη εκεί μέσα!

  • Dennis Singh

The Cypriot postal system seems slow and not so efficient sometimes, and there is a lot of waiting at any step, until you have your package... ;-) On the other hand, I found random acts of kindness, and great service that are unthinkable, e.g. in Germany. - With employees going over private lengths to help. That kind of service compensates for some overdue updates in the logistics, or processing time. Communication: I think it has much to do with being accepting, and flexible. If you are friendly and open-minded, you will receive friendliness, and willingness to solve problems in many cases. Just my observations from the first 4 months of living here.

  • Chrystalla Georgiou

Disgusting service as usual here. Unfortunately communication is not their best point and customer service 0. I had a package sent to me for my birthday and my son's and it has been 2 months already and all i got from the customer service, was attitude and basically that im expecting too much due to coronavirus and that items may take 3 months to arrive from the UK. This has happened on many occasions before COVID and also i have found my post at work and home just thrown on the floor. Seriously, you dont do the country any justice. Cyprus needs some serious people skills, customer service.

  • Maxim Glebov

Долго, что свойственно для Кипра, но в целом все работает!) Очень много праздников на которые ссылаются работники, прикрепляю фотографию официальных выходных для этого офиса, но отдыхают гораздо больше. Таможня работает как будто на угад, часто берут лишнего, порой не берут ничего. Ожидая посылку закладывайте неделю/две в плюс)) теперь еще берут налогии/сборы с любой зарубежной посылки. Покупаете с Али экспресс за 2 евро, почте доплачиваете 4 евро. Бизнес ничего личного) Всем терпения!

  • Cecilia Kisanga

Today 11/07/23, I was shipping my personal belongings back to Tanzania as I am graduating today. The lady (forgot her name,but short grey hair, Froso or something) was kind, polite and very courteous to me and my Finnish friend. I have been to the post office a couple of times and the language, customer service hasn't been that great and mostly never found my parcel. So I thank her for being kind, as it has been a stressful, overwhelming yet a special day for me today. God bless you.

  • Ondrej Schottert

Terrible post services, worst postal service in the world, it is unthinkable that an envelope which is posted within EU takes 4 months to be delivered, out of that 4 months it has been 3 months and 25 days sitting in Larnaca central post office. obviously it is more important to drink your frappe than to sort out the parcels. this is not the first time this happened. i am very dissapointed that these things happen ( and been happening even before Covid 19 pandemic) here.

  • Kirill

Horrible service, I asked them to print the label they obviously couldn't do it, even though the printer was there, I went to the shop next door to print the labels and returned in 5 minutes and they told me that the place is closed. The time was 14:32, they just do not wait even 5 minutes, they rush home. This is government workers which just get the benefits from the TAX payers while giving no services at ALL. And they will never improve as nobody overviews their job.

  • Ch I

They are not reliable, it takes them more than 4 business days to sort out packages that have already arrived in the country, and delivery always takes longer than expected. If you ever receive a package from outside EU, you should expect from employees at customs to open your package In front of everyone at the office (including customers) and take “a look” at your item... imagine ordering underwear or something equally private...

  • panayiotis panayi

Τα τηλεφωνα δεν τα απαντανε! Ωσες μερες χρειαζουντε τα πακετα να ερθουν απο αμερικη ,αλλες τοσες χρειαζετε να κατσει στο τελωνειο! Δημιουργησαν ενα προγραμμα για να γινετε ο τελωνιακος ελεγχος προτου ακομα φταση στην χωρα μας (πραγμα που ειναι καλο) αλλα σε ειδοποιουν 3-4 μερες μετα αφου εχει φταση ,αρα στην ουσια ειναι ακομα πιο αργο το συστημα ακομα και απο πριν …νομιζω δεν χρειαζετε να πω κατι αλλο.

  • jack of blades

Οι άνθρωποι δεν ξέρουν ούτε την δουλειά τους, περιμένω 3 βδομάδες για ένα ραντεβού ενώ έχω ρωτήσει αν γίνεται η διαδικασία που με ενδιαφέρει εκεί και όταν πάω, α δεν γίνεται εδώ, πρέπει να πάτε στο τάδε υπουργείο στη Λευκωσία. Ευχαριστώ για τον χρόνο που έχασα, ανακατάταξη του προσωπικού άμεσα. Τα κουτσά άλογα δεν τα στέλνουμε ιππόδρομο αλλά σπίτι τους.

  • Coffeine Ssound

You get a phone or any thing from China, costing more than 50 euros?!, maybe less iam not sure. Workers will assess themselves how much is your purchase and make a huge tax of 25%, and they do not care how much it actually cost and the evidence that you brought to them Example: they estimated your purchase at 250 euros, then you will pay 315-320 euro.

  • Julia Semenenko

Об интервалах или хотя бы днях доставки вообще никогда не предупреждают. Звонят полсекунды и сбрасывают, типа под дверью, но не стучат и не звонят в звонок. На обратный звонок не отвечают. Это называется попытка доставки. Курьер не в состоянии доставить посылку человеку, находящемуся в квартире. Это жесть. За любой посылкой нужно идти самому на почту

  • alexander korabelnikov

I had to pay for my own used clothes some random amount of euros, as alternative a postman warn me about long process of custom clearance and paying finally as well. I could understand if the amount was calculated from parcel cost. The cost of parcel was on declaration, he didn't even saw it, and just say "50 euros". Disappointment

  • Anna Nyckowska

Często tam bywam gdyż odbieram paczki które wysyłam z Polski.Koszmar!!! Przesyłki dochodzą do mnie w Larnace po miesiącu albo i dłużej.Poczta jest czynna tylko do 14.30 a niestety nikt paczek nie przywozi pod wskazany adres tylko dzwonią do mnie żebym je odebrała sama.Paczki w Polsce są opłacone tak że powinny być przywiezione.

  • Marcel Scherf

Long queues. Packages get lost and magically appear months later. 3 different places to pick up your package depending on where it comes from. I've gotten used to it being a bad experience and don't expect much. Staff is mostly nice and they try to help if they can, but overall the Cyprus Post needs to improve a lot.

  • A. G.

They fail to clearly show or tell you where you can get your four parcels. You wait in lines and get sent around until they close and you leave with nothing. They seem not to be interested in helping you or to care about whether you get your business with them done or not. Unfortunately a very bad experience.

  • Alice G

Уведомление о посылке пришло с опозданием, sms уведомления вообще не было. На звонки не отвечают, висишь на линии до последнего. Мне перезвонили, но ответить не успеваешь всего 2 гудка и Пока! Так и не дозвонилась. Просьба доставить пакет курьером по адресу (заявка на сайте) игнорируется.

  • Sandy MacCoinnich

Useless and ignorant ball bags Lost my bank card from my bank 1 mile away. Then some simpleton hangs up on your enquiiry 15 seconds into the call, obviously too much bother to help out a customer. Oh they don't answer the email form, so don't bother with that either. Mutants.

  • Ashi SCB

Awful! I got the message that it was delivered but when I called the answer was "It was delivered to the post man not you and you need to wait for him to come" Waiting for a few days, no more info and I can't even go and take from "post man" personally! Very stressful system

  • Volodymyr Kohut

Дуже приємний персонал. Я випадково залишив на пошті свій телефон, пішов і забув про нього. Мені не тільки його повернули, але ще й вічлива жіночка-працівниця розказала про всі місця,які варто побачити на Кіпрі і Ларнаці. Дуже дякую за повернений телефон і приємну розмову)

  • Costas Kermanos

Πως μπορούμε να πάρουμε συστημένα αφού η κλείνετε από τις 2:30? Ο κόσμος εργάζεται εάν είναι να χάσουμε μεροκάματο για ένα συστημένο γράμμα τότε είμαστε για κλάματα..... Το χειρότερο ταχυδρομείο στον κόσμο μην περνετε συστημένα τότε άστε άλλες εταιρείες που εξυπηρετούν

  • Ilona Badenko

I've been there once. Had to send postcards, so I needed to buy stamps. There was a line inside but it moved very fast. Prices are good, personnel helped me, so I am satisfied with the service. Fingers crossed for the postcards to arrive to the requested places!

  • MEvsALL

One of the worst public sevices in Europe. No one is checking if they are doing their job properly. Notifications for packages NEVER arrive on time , big queue as always and they never seem to be doing anything about it. If i could put minus as rating i would.

  • Mister Mike

I'm usually go there to send and get things, and staff is really rude I asked one stupid guy to look for a Dhl and I can see it ,but he said I can't I will spend time to look for it but it was like 1 meter away from here he need just to check name and surname

  • Leonidas Stratigakis

Completely useless people. How is it possible a post office cannot print a return label? The lady sitting there said they cannot print because they don't have printers. On my way out, I saw a printer sitting at the front desk. Clearly they don't want to help

  • Сергей «incubus» Кот

Still one of the worst postal services in Europe. The people who left positive reviews here are either incredibly lucky or from a parallel universe in which everything works the other way around.

  • Marios G

Pretty useless, my pigeon can do a better job. Government cushy jobs with no desire to change or improve. Slowest service ever, no last mile delivery. Wake up and come to the 21st century!

  • wievz

instead of phone number they are giving email to send them mail! than to answer a question!! how many days more to wait- until they read my email and finally deliver me my parcel!!

  • Oleg Andreev

Зашли отправить открытку в Москву. Была небольшая очередь. Сотрудники такие же нерасторопные как и на почте в Москве. Потратили минут 8 и открытка была отправлена.

  • Louis Kanteh

The bundled incompetence. Incredibly slow. Tried to fix a printer with 5 people for 20 minutes instead of giving out packages. Luckily soon replaced by machines.

  • John Doe

Can’t understand the bad reviews. I treat the staff friendly, so do they treat me. Easy as it is. How you get treated is usually a reflection of yourself.

  • R J

Poczta spoko. Tylko miejscowi niekoniecznie przyjmują do wiadomości że jest kolejka i lubią się wczesywac od razu do okienka pokrzykując przy okazji ;)

  • S V

Δυσκολο να εξυπηρετηθεις σωστα και γρηγορα. Χρειαζεται περισσοτερο προσωπικο και περισσοτερη ευγενεια. Μεσος ορος ωρας αναμονης:20 λεπτα

  • Mike H

Very rude and lazy staff! They are not helpful and just ignore you after they say "I don't know"... Please change the employees!

  • michael haralambos

Very rude , the cashier (lady) was on the phone ordering coffee with 5 people waiting to be seen to. Also very outdated poor

  • Dimitrios Gogas

Αλπαράδεκτη η κατάσταση με τον υπεύθυνο διανομής της αλληλογραφίας στην οδό ΤΟΥΖ ΧΑΝΕ. ΟΥΤΕ ΕΝΑ ΑΣΤΕΡΙ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ

  • Yury Pakhtusov

The workers helped me with the process of sending my postcards very quickly and everyone was really polite.

  • Macios X

The Lady in the office was very helpful, we bought our post stamps very quickly and without any issues

  • NickCarFix

Worst post service in the world. My parcel has been in Cyprus for two weeks but I still can't get it.

  • Nadisha Dis

Very friendly staff. Very good service. Very kind staff and respect service for all nations

  • Enshadowed_

the most disgusting experience ever. Staff needs to learn how to behave. Animals....

  • Greg Pila

Rude, unreliable and slow. What best describes any Cypriot government services

  • Vasilis Paphitis

Ένα τηλέφωνο ένα τηλέφωνο που να το απαντά άνθρωπος δεν υπάρχει;;;; Ελεος.

  • Anastasia

Всё замечательно: вежливые и дружелюбные сотрудники, очереди не было.

  • petros gatos

Very lazy and unpleasant crew, especially people from PARCEL 24

  • luca pavan

The service is very slow and the employees are not helpfull.

  • Vadim Kosmovich

Привыкнуть к системе и дальше всё отлично работает!

  • pipa pita

Very bad service, lazy staff and ignorant crew

  • Ekaterina Semenova

Very friendly, helping and nice personnel

  • Darkness Will Fall

Snail goes faster than Cyprus post.

  • Pav Han

Poczta jest czynna tylko do 14.30

  • Mehakpreet singh

Cyprus post system is very slow.

  • Nicholas Björklund

Worst service in the world

  • Zaneta Olszewska

Parking always a problem!

  • Laourenzo Christian

costumer service suckss.

  • Juliana Smatova

Very polite operator!

  • Kat G.

Couldn't get worse

  • George Polydorou

Good fast service

  • Stergios Karamanlis

good service city

  • sergiu gumeniuc

Bad service

  • Andrey Taraba


  • Josef Charalampidis
  • Mister Hook
  • Liena Martin
  • Pantelis Panteli
  • giannis kon
  • Katarina Cazar
  • Danny Kheylik
  • Vasos Venizelos
  • kokos apoel
  • Sofia
  • George Cy
  • Gal Afik
  • Manolis Divanis
  • Marios Constantinou
  • Elias Con
  • Ketchapp
  • Mario Christofi
  • Stelios Apostolakis
  • Artemis Michailidi
  • Lion King
  • Giorgos S.
  • Antonis Antoniou
  • Κουλης Κυριακου
  • Eugene Gabriel
  • Melanie Valmadrid Reyes
  • zana frackevic
  • Samuel .A
  • Miluknits
  • Elina Michael
  • Ανδρέας Σίμας
  • Faviola Zim
  • Полина Погиба
  • fotis “Fothkias”
  • Pavel Diptan

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