
6231 reviews

12 Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea




국립고궁박물관 is a National museum located at 12 Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It has received 6231 reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of 국립고궁박물관: 12 Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

  • 국립고궁박물관 has 4.5 stars from 6231 reviews

  • National museum

  • "Alighting from the Gwanghamun Square train station, there is now a covered passageway going to the NPM of Korea where previously there was none"

    "A great place to acquaint yourself with the culture and lifestyle of the Joseon dynasty that lasted from 1310 to 1910, the National Palace Museum of Korea is a treasure trove of artifacts and information"

    "Cool museum showcasing the history and development of Korea’s royal palaces, and what everyday life was like inside them over the centuries"

    "It was a very interesting experience even for Koreans with authentic objects and treasures which some of them are UNESCO recognized"

    "Don’t visit the palace without going to the museum first"


  • ron h

Alighting from the Gwanghamun Square train station, there is now a covered passageway going to the NPM of Korea where previously there was none. About 4 floors of exhibition spaces, with requisite gift shop and cafe. Included in the display of historical artifacts, there's a section there about scientific advancement during olden times and history of Astronomy in SK which was quite fascinating. An hour or two visit would suffice. The cafeteria cookies were delicious at 3000 krw each. Wear comfy shoes. The vibrant scenery pictures were from the wall mounted LED display. The actual reconstructed imperial vintage car takes centerstage in this exhibition hall.
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  • Hansen Nugraha

A great place to acquaint yourself with the culture and lifestyle of the Joseon dynasty that lasted from 1310 to 1910, the National Palace Museum of Korea is a treasure trove of artifacts and information. There are over 40,000 objects of interest dating back to various stages of the Joseon rule. The most interesting aspects of the museum are the royal symbols dedicated to the kings and queens, the ancient weaponry and use of science and the documentation of the ancestral rites. The museum is curated extremely diligently and this makes it a pleasure to visit.
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  • Harry Wray

Cool museum showcasing the history and development of Korea’s royal palaces, and what everyday life was like inside them over the centuries. Exhibits on the palace architecture, design, royal fashions, food and dining culture, art, sculpture, and scientific instruments, as well as how it all changed and modernized over the centuries. Entry is free and the museum takes around 2 hours to see everything. Some reader boards are only in Korean, but mostly there’s enough English to learn a lot even if you’re not a native speaker.
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  • Hye Jeong Lee

It was a very interesting experience even for Koreans with authentic objects and treasures which some of them are UNESCO recognized. They also have a very cool stamp map. They have various sections including rituals, cars, palace architecture itself, palace history with old maps, household items, accessories, calligraphy, etc. I highly recommend this place. It took me around 2 hours but I was reading some of them and skipped some so it might varies.
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  • Victoria Gino

Don’t visit the palace without going to the museum first. I feel like too many people bypass the museum and just go to the palace to get photos of themselves in a hanbok. It’s a shame because there’s so much interesting information there so you can learn about the history of the place; plus it’s free! There are even audio guides available for a low price too. Visit the shop and cafe in the basement while you’re there!

  • Michael J.

One of the must-visit national museums in South Korea. Just go off at Gyeongbokgung station, and you just follow the way to the destinations. This national museum is in one location with Gyeongbokgung Palace. The entrance fee is free, you can see many history of the Korean Kingdom. From the clothes, utensils, any goods that have been used in that era, and many more.
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  • joslin priscilla

After visiting this national palace museum, I went back to time-line and imagine how the kings had lived such a lives with all the awesome system that they have possessed. As a foreigner I honor and respect korean system of national place.
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  • Kamal Weerakoon

Free entry! Useful overview of Korean history. If you're in a rush (like I was) you can do the whole place in a little over an hour. The audio tour is only 1000 won= USD 1. But it doesn't add much information to the displays.
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  • Arber Qesja

A short history of Korea. Many events were depicted quite randomly. The Japanese occupation was given a lot of importance I felt. Too much! It has been 80 years and the two countries do Billion dollar businesses every year with each other. Other than that, nicely done!

  • Raymond Goh

Great museum for Korean history with lots of exhibits and things to learn. Interesting to learn that Koreans were using Chinese characters even up to 1900s. There's 3 floors of exhibit.
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  • Alan G

Museum holding some objects from the Palaces and special exhibitions, visited Nov 2023 there was an exhibition of royal wedding clothes. Free entry, access through the gate directly opposite Gyeongbokgoong Palace ticket booth.

  • Sue S

A wonderful experience, seeing the different periods of kings and queens. The restoration of delicate fabrics, writings, and pieces of artwork. There is so much on display.
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  • Sharon Goh

It's easily accessible by subway. What I do not like is the wearing of Hanbok by tourists. It doesn't give the authentic feel of the ancient Palace. Child visit for free.
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  • cher redoblado

It was my first time to visit the local museum. I wanted to see the traditional art first before seeing the contemporary ones. Thr museum is simple but rich in history.
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  • JK Jeong

조선 왕조 시대의 역사, 문화를 체험할 수 있어서 유익했어요. 특별 전시 된 활옷 보며 감탄했네요. 지하 전시실에 천상열차분야지도 영상도 인상적이었어요. 15분에 한번씩 상영되니 꼭 보고 오세요. 이렇게 멋진 박물관이 심지어 무료라니...경복궁 가시면 고궁박물관도 아이들과 함께 꼭 방문해 보시길..
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  • 한상진

글씨가 많아서 읽기가 힘들었다...지하 2층에 있는 과학 전시관의 별자리 상영 정도가 좋고 자격루, 측우기 등등을 볼 수 있어서 좋았다. 고종이 타던 차도 있다. 다만 어디까지가 진짜인지 복제품인지는 잘 모르겠다. 돌 관련 문화재는 진짜같지만 다른 건 다른 곳에 있는 듯하다.
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  • Derek Clardy

Took us about 2 hours and was free entry. All the discussion of hwarat didn't do much for us. But the rest was pretty good. Worthwhile stop
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  • 방탄Land

BTS_RM의 기부 참여로 진행된다하여 방문하게 되었고 소홀할 수 있을 우리 문화와 문화제들에 대해 새삼 놀라움과 경의로운 마음을 느낄 수 있었다. 심지어 무료이기도 하니 좋은 계절 한국의 아름다운 역사와 고궁의 정취를 한껏 누려보길 추천한다.
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  • Hanna Kim

It was a very nice time to look around. There are so many cute souvenirs. And also there are old car that emperor used to ride. You have to come here :)
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  • Sun Ham

좋은전시가많아서 자주가는편입니다. 체험프로그램미리신청해서 만들수있는것도있으니 홈페이지에서미리 확인해보시는걸추천합니다. 직원분들항상친절하고 궁금한부분잘설명해주셔서너무좋아요. 기념품샵에새로운상품들이조금씩추가되어 구경하는재미가있어요. 선물하기좋은아이템들이은근히많답니다.
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  • 굿하이니

입장이 무료인게 가장 좋습니다. 경복궁과 연계해서 다녀오시기 좋습니다. 전시의 대부분 주제는 조선시대, 대한제국 관련된 내용입니다. 계단 올라가서 들어가면 2층이고 1층, 지하 1층에도 전시실 있습니다. 1층에 카페, 기념품샵이 있고 지하1층에는 아이들이 그림그리고 놀이할 수 있는 공간도 있습니다.

  • BrilliantJ

지하철3호선 경복궁역과 바로 앞에 있어 접근성도 좋고 무료입장이라 너무 좋다. 조선의 역사를 볼수있고, 다른전시관레서는 활옷만개 전시회중임. 외국인들도 많이 방문함. 조금 아쉬운 점은 조도가 너무 낮아서 조금만 더 밝게 해주면 좋겠다.
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  • LiangKai Huang

Nice place to visit for roughly 2 hours to know all the details and history about Korea or the Joseon Peninsula
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  • youngs kim

경복궁에 가시면 당연히 들러보실 국립고궁박물관입니다. 광화문을 들어서서 왼푠을 보시면 나즈막하지만 웅장해 보이는 건물을 마주하게 됩니다. 이 건물이 고궁박물관입니다. 조선 초 태조대에 법궁이었던 경복궁, 고궁 박물관입니다. 조선시대 왕실의 모습을 살펴보실 수 있습니다.

  • 김유리 (줄리안)

입장료가 무료고 지하철 5번출구와 바로 이어져 아주 좋았습니다, 쾌적하고 한산해서 역사공부하기 좋은 장소라 생각됩니다. 카페도 즐기는 사람들이 무척 많았습니다
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  • 김경실

광화문 광장 나들이 나왔다 우연찮게 들려서 관람을 하였습니다 활옷 만개 조선시대 역사 속으로 들어가 과학 문화 아름다운 활옷 까지 멋진 관람을 하였습니다
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  • 김미혜

연휴 기간중에 방문해서 사람이 많아 조용한 관람은 좀 어려웠디만 꼭 한번 가보시길 권해요 관심이 조금 뜸해지는 시기에 다시 방문 예정이에요
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  • JM Lee

역사를 잘 담아 놓은 곳. 역사에 관심 1도 없었던 나.. 무료고 국민 이라면 한 번은 가봐야 할 곳
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  • 선비&한량

궁궐에 관한 자료가 잘 보관되어 있는 장소입니다
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  • Heejin Gina Park

박물관 자체를 좋아하는데 이번에 활옷 전시 너무 뜻깊고 인상적이었고 좋았습니다. 서울에 산다면 자주 갈텐데 아쉬워요.

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