Coalition of Police & Sheriff

96 reviews

3605 Katy Fwy # 103, Houston, TX 77007



Coalition of Police & Sheriff is a Association or organization located at 3605 Katy Fwy # 103, Houston, TX 77007. It has received 96 reviews with an average rating of 1.3 stars.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Coalition of Police & Sheriff: 3605 Katy Fwy # 103, Houston, TX 77007

  • Coalition of Police & Sheriff has 1.3 stars from 96 reviews

  • Association or organization

  • "Got a call from them asking for money where I promptly asked the guy if he had something better to do with his life than try to scam people out of their money"

    "This organization is a scam"

    "Three stars - because I'm just not sure on this one"


    "I don't think this is a scam"


  • Water Lester

Got a call from them asking for money where I promptly asked the guy if he had something better to do with his life than try to scam people out of their money. Then he's like it's not a scam here's the website the website is which looks like a pretty generic site and then when you look up their name because the word cop is an acronym you find this listing where a lot of people are complaining that it's a scam and it is. Don't donate your money to this company. If you're looking for legitimate ways to to give money to local law enforcement look through Google and call the company you're interested in giving the money too be wary of any company that's calling you and asking you for money because they're usually a scam. Also a lot of times giving these companies that are calling you information like your credit card number is a way to open up the floodgates for them to take more money out of you than what you intended to give them because now they have access to your information. Do not give companies like this your information. Find the companies that you want to donate your money to and give that way if you're so inclined to give. Do not give to companies like this who call you on the phone. If you're going to give money make sure you do your research and make sure the agencies you're going to give money to are legitimate.

  • badweetabix

This organization is a scam. Do NOT give anything to them. They will try to use pressure and heavy handed tactics while trying to pass themselves off as police or lawman without directly claiming to be so because to falsely claim to be a law enforcement officer even on the phone is a felony. If you want to turn the table against them ask them directly, "Are you a police officer?" They have to say, "no" or else. If you Google their name, you will find several references by consumer protection groups warning about them. One of those sites even list how much the Coalition of Police and Sheriff actually give to the REAL police and sheriff - less than 6.6% of the donation they receive. A real charity gives at least 80% of what they receive in donation. If you want to donate to help the police and firefighters, donate to a legit charity such as The 100 Club.

  • Ronnie O

Three stars - because I'm just not sure on this one. I received a telemarketing call from "TEXAS Coalition of Police and Sheriffs". It took me a minute to realize the telemarketer was not actually a real person - but an interactive computer. I did some research, and even called C.O.P.S. directly in Houston. The telemarketer that called me, is NOT C.O.P.S. in Houston. I was told it is a company out of California misleading those they call - from various non-working numbers. I was further informed by the woman in Houston that they are in the midst of suing this California company. I guess the distinction of "TEXAS Coalition of Police and Sheriffs" means it is this other company with the telemarketing scam.

  • Sarah Ayala

DO NOT DONATE TO THESE SHADY PEOPLE. They would call repeatedly to my family business and my dad ended up donating hundreds of dollars thinking it was a great organization. When I did some research I found out they are not so great at all. They recently called back to ask for more money, I let them know we would no longer donate and to please stop calling and the man on the phone became erratic and would not accept no for an answer. Now I know better and whenever I see their phony sticker at a business I make sure to let the owner know that they are supporting a fake organization. If you want to support a non-profit please check out the 100 club.

  • Bearr Rivera

I don't think this is a scam... Although the website the volunteer fundraiser gave me over the phone was www.cops... something (didn't match what Google had, but could be outdated). I said I would pledge the top amount but I wanted something sent to my house to ensure it was legit, and wouldn't give my credit card number over the phone. Heather seemed fine with that (she opened the call with her full name). I look forward to receiving the pledge form in the mail. I believe there probably are scammers, though, masquerading as the legitimate organization, knowing that it'll show up if you Google it.

  • Daniel Montez

Just got a call from them, asking for donations for local law enforcement. Which I’d be all for, but wanted to look into the company more before donating. Asked them to call me back in about 45 minutes to move forward. After looking at their reviews they definitely seemed like a scam. Got their call back and told them I wasn’t going to donate, then the guy on the other line said I would be reported to the IRS for not donating after saying I would. That makes no sense, I’m not legally obligated to donate, seems like a full blown scam. Look forward to hearing from the IRS, lol.

  • The Twylark

Got a prerecorded interactive call from a "Malcom Watson," selling booster spots from $35-95 for the Coalition of Texas Police & Sheriffs. At one point I got the robot said that say that State law demands they site what organization is making the call. "Community Cares United 33 Wood Ave S. Iselin, NJ 08830" is what the robot said. Turns out this company has been an LLC since Sept 2009 in NJ, opened a Michigan branch in 2016 and 3 more branches in VA, NC & FL in 2018. Looks like they're a business that makes phone calls for nonprofits and "Business" must be good.

  • Victoria Austin

SPAM!!! DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY. I just recently started a business (feb 2021) and I received a call from someone with a heavy accent stating that he spoke to me previously (which was a lie.) about donating money to their cause. I was asked to make a donation, and I said no thank you as I had never heard of this organization and never spoken to anyone previously. The man on the other line ignored my response and asked “Can we count on you for $10?”, to which I abruptly hung up and blocked the number.

  • Michael Zavaleta

Got a call to my office multiple times in one day from a blocked number from a Wayne Bracket saying that he was a police officer and that he needed to speak with my office manager about an urgent report. MAKING IT SOUND LIKE WE HAD DONE SOMETHING WRONG! Then he hung up on me when I told him that he wasnt available. At one point he got mad and cursed when he hung up. If you are going to call to solicit people for money at least have some class about it!!!

  • tinyjester27

Scammers. They call daily from a 915 area code. Don't leave voice messages. I've been going through a harsh cancer fight since March of last year. They call daily. I've blocked their numbers repeatedly and the still keep calling from another number. Robo dialing or something. The times I answer unknowingly? I'm usually asleep resting from treatments. Thinking it's my doctors calling. I don't have my glasses on. It's always these people.....

  • S Dormer

They asked for my credit card over the phone. I asked why the Police (this day and age) would ask me for my credit card over the phone and they said they are a 3rd party that works with the Police Department. I asked them to send me information but only when I said I would commit $15. I got the letter and now I am doing research. I do not have a warm and fuzzy feeling after reading 'SCAM' a 100x.

  • Jonathan Ramirez

I’ve been paying $50 a month for the last 6 years, until today that i decided to google this “Non-corporation” up and was very displeased with all the reviews. I will no longer give these thiefs any money, they always call my busniess and i would send them a $50 check im so mad after reading that it’s a scam but god oversees everything.

  • Lizabeth McClure

Just got a call from Adam. Sounded like a robot but said he is a real person. He wanted me to commit to $15. I said yes after I check you out. He seemed to be good with that. Well after he confirmed my address and proper spelling, the conversation ended. Not even a thank you have a nice day. Will be call blocking.

  • Diana Arvizu

Our business was a sponsor for MANY years, unfortunately with low sales we were not able to this year. The rep, Jose Morales, was extremely rude and unprofessional when the answer was no for this year. Please be aware he is nice when you say yes to donate but very rude and mean and the answer is no.

  • Nifty Biscuit (Shocktroop199)

Dishonest people, they call twice a month at least asking for money . The first time I said no, and the guy got audibly mad and tried to bully me into donating. Now I just hang up. They ignore do not call lists. They call from changing numbers. Disgusting practices from people with no integrity.

  • Nicolas “Rooster” Guevara Jr

I got a call today now I'm all for helping our military and police force but these guys are just rude and very shady. When I would ask a question they would respond by asking me the same question or phrase they said before. Not too sure about giving money to this "charity"

  • Frank Valbuena

I donated by years and always has been rights in all what they said, recently I get call for some body and she said call from them an want my credit card information, I ask for letter by mail and they insisted to doing by phone... I not sure if are the same people..

  • Prabin Gautam

this funny guy named ray with a heavy Texas accent to convince his law enforcement persona, constantly said can we continue, despite me saying you sound like a fraud, so could not differentiate if it was a person or a robot. do not get fooled by these spammers

  • Cristy Stanford

I don't believe this is a legitimate organization. They are reading from a script but can't answer questions about the organization when asked. The man who called spoke with a strong Texas accent, but promptly hung up when I continued to ask questions.

  • John Darville

A very impressive recorded interactive machine but a scam non the less. The computer did not know how to handle me asking him to hold while I checked him out. Kind of humorous to play with actually - wish I would have realized it was a machine sooner.

  • Bacon__ SteezBurger

I see all these 1 star reviews about a scam and a automated machine. I just got a call from the same number Google shows as the Houston C.O.P.S., and it was an actual human i was talking too. Idk what to make of it now that i see all these reviews.

  • Chris Goodrum

Scammers. They call weekly and every week I ask them to remove me from their list. They said they would stop calling and remove me if I donated. They are always rude and often just hang up if you ask them any questions or say you’re not donating.

  • Matt G

As a career police officer who works nights, I don’t appreciate being cold-called by some dude in a call center asking for money which NEVER reaches any family of any officer that I’ve known who was hurt or killed in the line of duty. SCAM.

  • Steve

Lee and John (the same) robo callers call my house just about every day using several different numbers. I have reported this to Missouri no call two times and still can't shake these scamsters .This has been going on for over a year now.

  • Orlando Alaniz

I'll admit that when they first called me they sounded very sincere and nice. I support our law enforcement and told them that I can't do any monthly pledge donations, but that I could make a one time donation. They said that is fine and

  • Allison Howard

Tried calling us on a script and when my dad asked more questions she got very flustered and tried to go back to the script, looked this up and saw all the reviews and told him to cut it, don't spend your time or money on these people.

  • Ann


  • Amanda Leno

Pretty sure this is a scam. I was left a voicemail by a good-ole-boy, and when I called their # back I got another recording by the same good ole boy, and then was transferred to India to make a pledge. I'm not buying it.

  • Leslie White

Ray just called me too, and I promised $15 when they send an envelope. I gave my work address so they don't have anything else on me. I thought it might be a scam. Thanks for rating! I won't answer this call again.

  • Rudy Berkvens

most definately a SCAM. I cant find any info about non profit status on website. I asked the caller how much $ goes to police. He said at least 10%. Even if that is true that is way lower than I need to donate.

  • Kelli Neveu

Every time they call, which is yearly, as I apologize that I cannot donate, they abruptly hang up. They’ve done it every year. If I had money, I wouldn’t donate, because rude is not good in any way, guys.

  • Charlene McNabb

Horrible they will not stop, when I have asked. I am the daughter of someone who served and I have never heard of anyone getting anything from them. I have asked repeatedly for them to stop but they dont.

  • Phill Ob

Just looked up FTC cases. This org recieved an injunction to cease and desist all fundraising activities in 2009. I recieved a letter and some high pressure phone calls. DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY!!!!

  • Thomas Bledsoe

One of a group of people who will not stop calling no matter how many times you ask. If you donate they will just call you even more so don't. 10% of what you donate actually goes to help.

  • Steve Logsdon

The COPS out of Houston is legit HOWEVER they are AFL-CIO. Donations are NOT tax deductible. Why would I give to a labor union that gets their primary funding from members' union dues?

  • Melissa

Ray keeps robo calling me. I have asked many times to be removed from the list and they continue to call me. I have reported them and would love to file on them for harassment .

  • Gabrielle Sanders

Just got a call from Bryan asking for a $25 donation. When I started asking questions to get more information on the organization before, I donated he hung up. Weird.

  • Tracy Duke

i donated 100 dollars and when i got my bank statement they took out 200 dollars. Now i cant get ahold of anyone to recoup my money..beware of this so called charity

  • Daniel Nguyen

Fraud, a person named Ray will be contacting you and will transfer you. It is a playback so if you ask questions that are not on the tape they hang up on you.

  • Jason “Edge of Blade” Danforth

What kind of legitimate fundraiser spoofs your local number to ask for donations? This is why I kept my local number from halfway across the state...

  • Ashley Liano

Scammy sounding call asking if I would donate, the second I said not now I’m sorry they hung up immediately without saying so much as a word.

  • Myers Mushrooms

They called me asking me to pledge, claiming how xx sherifs on duty last year died. Now they keep calling me back pressuring me to pledge.

  • Lyle Griffin

Obnoxious robo-call from made-up representative Ray. Do not donate a wooden nickel to an organization that fund raises like this!

  • Dave J

This place is not legitimate. DO NOT SEND THEM MONEY!!! This organization is a complete scam. Again DO NOT SEND THEM MONEY!!!

  • Danny Nahas

Obvious scam charity. You hear the same one guy convincing you to "donate" and they try to uptick the amount. Beware!

  • Shana T

Keep getting junk mail from them with a different name! Never contacted them and want them to stop sending mail!

  • Angela Halligan

Is Barbara there? No. Maybe you can help me…. Goes into his spammy speech. At least once a week. Fraudulent!

  • Brett Nelson

The FTC is going to shut these idiots down. It's no longer "Ray" calling. Now it's "Ken" . What a joke!

  • jDL Ft.W

Fake phone number and I cannot find any third party review. So probably a fund raiser for the caller.

  • Teeg M

Scam. They pester senior citizens to donate to a political action fund. I wish they would all stop.

  • Brenda Davila

If you say you’re not able to donate at this time they promptly hang up on you. How professional.

  • Vinny Rodriguez

They are not frauds I investigated them and they are registered as a nonprofit organization

  • Kim Burton

No $$$ goes to charity! Don't get scammed. This organization is just a business.

  • Josh Harris

Fraud, these people scam you for money in the name of police and fire fighters

  • Christi Bacot

TOTAL SCAM. I beg them to remove me from their list every time they call.

  • Brandi Townsend

Total scam! They call sometimes 3 times A-day. And they are totally rude.

  • Mitchell Winiecki

Literally the worst people on the planet. Total scam. DO NOT DONATE!!

  • Mike Douglas

They do not even deserve 1 star Scam do not waste your money

  • Lee Martin

Great place to visit with our most esteemed men and women!

  • Rhonda Robertson

Glad I read all these reviews before I sent them money.

  • D N

Stop calling me everyday asking for donations, please.

  • Amanda A

SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! Do not give money to these people!

  • Big Lou

Organization representing Law Enforcement Officers.

  • Avelina Segovia

Do not send these people money!! This is a scam!

  • Jon Mormile

Terrible, stay away - phone scammers....

  • Hugo Perez Jr

Terrible. Dishonest. SCAM.

  • Tessa Reuven

Fraud Group do not donate!

  • Kamran Badalbayli

scam , do not donate!

  • Emily D

Scam robo-calls

  • Jessica Garcia


  • Talyon Lange


  • Nich Kealy


  • Rick Malone


  • Jonathan Banda


  • L C


  • Wear Montgomery (houston,tx)


  • J LL
  • Rare Hunter
  • ben holley
  • Steve G
  • J C (Nono)
  • Ethan Salinas
  • Marina Jstlvn
  • Dawn S
  • Eric
  • I8 Octo
  • Dan Man
  • Emmanuel Arellano
  • patrick kelley

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