Fox Autorent

93 reviews

Trienna Shopping, Fred-Zinnemann-Platz 4, 1030 Wien, Austria



Fox Autorent is a Car rental agency located at Trienna Shopping, Fred-Zinnemann-Platz 4, 1030 Wien, Austria. It has received 93 reviews with an average rating of 3.4 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Fox Autorent: Trienna Shopping, Fred-Zinnemann-Platz 4, 1030 Wien, Austria

  • Fox Autorent has 3.4 stars from 93 reviews

  • Car rental agency

  • "Reservé un auto en Foxautorent a través del sitio web de Rentalcars, solo porque el precio era muy conveniente"

    "Gaunerfirma, nie wieder! Auto hatte während der Mietzeit im Urlaub eine unverschuldete Panne (Motorkontrollleuchte)"

    "We were absolutely not satisfied with the car we did rent for one weekend"

    "I strongly do NOT recommend Fox Autorent"

    "Not to be recommended at all"


  • Daniel Martínez

Reservé un auto en Foxautorent a través del sitio web de Rentalcars, solo porque el precio era muy conveniente. Sin embargo, fue más que el precio. El trato en la oficina de Foxautorent fue muy claro, fácil y rápido. Pedimos devolver el coche en el aeropuerto en lugar de en la oficina de la ciudad, nos informaron sobre la cantidad extra a pagar, pero era razonable. Partimos de Viena y cruzamos la frontera a Eslovenia, Croacia, Italia, y el costo de eso fue informado en el sitio web, y recibimos de los funcionarios de Foxautorent la información necesaria. Reservamos inicialmente para un Opel Astra, pero recibimos un Suzuki Vitara casi nuevo (27000 km) que estaba en muy buenas condiciones de funcionamiento, de hecho disfrutamos de 10 días con ese auto. Dejamos el coche en la oficina que está cerca del aeropuerto, no en el propio aeropuerto, pero fue rápido, fácil y luego te trasladan al aeropuerto. Llegamos a devolver el coche a las 8:00 ya las 8:20 estábamos en el aeropuerto sin problemas. Finalmente, cuando llegué a casa en Argentina, descubrí que había olvidado mi GPS en un compartimiento del auto, llamé a Foxautorent e inmediatamente recuperaron mi GPS y lo guardaron en la oficina para que lo recogiera un amigo nuestro. Fueron muy amables y efectivos a pesar de que llamé dos días después de devolver el auto. Definitivamente, usaré Foxautorent nuevamente si el costo está dentro del rango adecuado. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I booked a car in Foxautorent through Rentalcars web site, just because the price was very convenient. However, it was more than the price. The deal at the Foxautorent office was very clear, easy and fast. We asked for returning the car at the airport instead of the city office, we were informed about the extra amount to pay, but it was reasonable. We departed from Vienna, and cross the border to Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, and the cost for that was the informed at the web site, and we receive from the officers of Foxautorent the necessary information. We booked initially for an Operl Astra, but we receive a Suzuki Vitara almost new (27000 km) that was in very good functioning conditions, we actually enjoyed 10 days with that car. We drop off the car at the office which is close to the airport, not in the airport itself, but it was fast, easy and they then transfer you to the airport. We arrived to return the car at 8:00 and at 8:20 we were at the airport without problems. Finally, when arrive at home in Argentina, I discovered that I forgot my GPS in a compartment of the car, I phoned to Foxautorent and they immediately recover my GPS and keep at the office to be picked up for a friend of us. They were very friendly and effective despite I phoned two days after returning the car. Definitely, I'll use Foxautorent again if the cost is into the adequate range.

  • lukas K

Gaunerfirma, nie wieder! Auto hatte während der Mietzeit im Urlaub eine unverschuldete Panne (Motorkontrollleuchte). Dadurch wurde die Motorleistung so sehr verringert, dass man nicht mehr fahren konnte. Somit war ich gestrandet, mitten in Italien. Habe daraufhin natürlich sofort die 24h-Notfallhotline der Autovermietung kontaktiert. Einen unfähigeren und Inkompetenteren Kundenservice habe ich in meinen Leben noch nie erlebt! Anstelle mir zu helfen, wurde ich erst mal verurteilt und beschuldigt etwas am Auto beschädigt zu haben, was ich sicher nicht gemacht habe. Dann wurde mir unterstellt ich müsste ja den falschen Treibstoff getankt haben, weil bei so einem neuen Auto ja nichts kaputt gehen könne. Im Endeffekt wurde mir nicht weitergeholfen. Ich stand also da, mitten in einem italienischen Dorf, ohne funktionierendem Auto. Habe dann den darauffolgenden Tag, den ganzen Tag lang mit der Autovermietung herumtelefoniert und versucht eine Lösung zu finden. FOX Autorent kam dann mit der Lösung mir ein Ersatzauto zur Verfügung zu stellen, jedoch nicht gratis, sondern zu einem unverschämten Abzockpreis von 2000€ + eine Kaution von 900€. Also würde mich das Ersatzauto fast unfassbare 3000€ kosten. Das hab ich natürlich sofort abgelehnt. Nach weiteren Stunden langen telefonieren hat mir Fox Autorent die Nummer eines Pannendienst weitergeleitet. Es hat sich jedoch herausgestellt dass diese Nummer falsch war. Sie haben mir nämlich die Nummer eines englischen Pannendienst gegeben. Nach weiteren 3 falschen Nummern, waren sie dann endlich in der Lage mir die richtige Nummer eines Pannendienstes weiterzuleiten. Diesen habe ich darauf hin kontaktiert. Das Auto wurde schließlich abgeschleppt, somit stand ich ohne Auto da. Mir blieb also nichts mehr anderes übrig als mit dem Zug nach Hause zu fahren. Dies war aber leichter gesagt als getan, denn ich befand mich mitten in einem italienischen Dorf ohne Anschluss an jeglichen Öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln .Wegen diese Panne habe ich drei Tage von sieben Tagen das Auto nicht nutzen können und habe auch einen großen Teil meines Urlaubs verpasst. Fox autorent weigerte sich jegliche Kosten der Rückreise und der Mietkosten zu übernehmen, da ich ja laut Fox an der Panne schuld wäre. Somit bleibe ich auf Kosten von ca 700€ sitzen. Zusammenfassend kann man sagen dass Fox Autorent einer der schlechtesten Autovermietungen ist die ich jemals erlebt habe und ich kann nur jedem Kunden abraten bei Fox Autorent ein Auto zu mieten. Es handelt sich hier um eine sehr unseriöse Gaunerfirma.

  • B.M.

We were absolutely not satisfied with the car we did rent for one weekend. It was cheap but brought us in life-threatening situations. Not only, that we did not reach our final destination, also we could not use the car for 2 days out of 3 as planned. Unfortunately, we checked the tyres only after we had already left from the renting place: what they rented out to us is not only forbidden in Austria, it also confronted us with life-threatening situations as the car slided to the edge of the street in the bend; or as we could not move on again when we needed to stop uphill (all the others cars having no issues at all). The profile of the tyres was on the very lowest limit on what is required in Austria, thats why the tyres just were turning on the spot when we tried to move. We could not go uphill on streets where all the other cars could. We are experienced car drivers & used to winter conditions. This experience was without exaggeration one of the worst we ever had with renting a car, as they brought us (and other people on the streets) in really dangerous situations by not equipping the car with whats needed. I really do not want to dramatize, but we felt highly uncomfortable and not safe at all with this car. Just to mention here: the company employe was very understanding and offering a discount on our next rental at Fox Autorent when we returned the car.

  • Roei Shaked

I strongly do NOT recommend Fox Autorent. The advantages of the rental that it was fast and relatively cheap compared to other companies we looked for. The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, on the day of the rental at 1 pm we tried to contact the office by phone without success and then we even called the company's emergency line due to a problem and even there for almost an hour we were unable to reach an answer and went to voicemail. They called us back only after an hour but we were already able to fix the problem ourselves. Availability and response after the rental was not good. In addition, during the trip, the car keys fell out of our pocket and the plastic broke (the keys worked as usual in the remote control, only the plastic broke), we expected that we would have to pay a fine for this but we did not expect that the cost to repair the plastic would be 390 euros!! In my opinion, it is better to pay a little more money for a better company than Fox Autorent than to pay a lot more money if your car keys fall once and break and you end up with a much higher fine than you thought. In conclusion, if you have an alternative for a different company I suggest you booked with her.

  • Rsh Sh

Not to be recommended at all. We rented two cars for 3 days and paid fully in advance for the 2 cars, we came to pick up the cars at 10:40 a.m. , the customer service told us we can not take the cars as they are already taken by other clients because we came LATE ( though we saw the 2 cars in the garage , ( 2 opel cars beside each others) we asked for any available other 2 cars as we paid in advance for the 3 days. The customer service advised there are no cars, and they are unable to assist us at all , even after taking the whole 3 days rent in advance , in addition the customer service advised that “ we have to say sorry because we were late” . We sent them copy from Bolt app stating the time of arrival. To proof we came before the 3 hours . But we were completely ignored, i asked to check their CCTV , to check the customer service advisor attitude and our arrival tome , again we were completely ignored . Off coarse because we were paid 3 days in advance for 2 car rentals, so why to give us the cars. Pls all take care , i do not recommend at all.

  • João Petinga

By far the best auto renting experience've I've had so far! When arriving to the airport we were taken with other customers to the nearby office, the pickup process was super quick and without much bureaucracy. The staff was very friendly and answered every question I had, they also advised me to take pictures of previous damage done to the vehicle that they had spotted which to me just shows how professional and customer centric they are! We had previously selected snow chains and upon arrival they gave us a 4x4 hybrid vehicle which was beyond our expectations but an amazing surprise as it actually came to be very handy. So In my mind I believe that they took the time to deliver a car to us based on what they thought we would need which is unseen and pretty cool! The drop-off process was very quick and easy, you can park the car in the Trienna shopping and just leave the keys on the drop-box or you can wait for a collaborator to check the car with you on the spot. Definitely will use them again in the future

  • Laura Götze

We had an excellent experience with Fox Autorent. We are always quite worried especially when it comes to renting a car but it was such an easy and actually delightful experience. One of the staff will pick you up and bring you to the office outside the airport where they give you the car and talk you through details. They were super friendly and when inspecting the car before handing over the keys, they noted every little dent or scratch themselves, its not on you to spot them all. If you do see something else they are very proactive to write it down. The car itself was beyond expectations. It was the full package of a new car and nearly convinced us to buy one of them. We handed it back slightly worried as we heard all sorts of things about rental car companys. Though drop off took about 10 min, they had a walk around the car, ticked it off and we had the full deposit back in less than an hour. We'll definitely use them again!

  • dor loya

If you are going on a trip to Europe, and you want to rent a car, check if “Fox” company rents cars there. If you are in Austria, Vienna, and you want to rent a car you must for your quiet to rent a car only through Fox. Fox accompanied me throughout the process of ordering the car with inspiring patience, answered me for any question I had, and helped me rent a car at the most affordable price, and get the best value I could get for my money. I made the rental request through Facebook and at the same day I received the email for approval for the quote, with all the extras that were important to me in renting the car. The process was pleasant and easy to perform. I would definitely recommend Fox Car Rental to anyone who travels to Austria and wants to rent a car. Keep it up, you guys are wonderful!

  • Ryan

I've rented from Fox several times over the past few years and have had nothing but positive experiences. Their prices are often better than any other offer near the Vienna city center, and the cars are always in great condition. Service has always been pleasant, efficient and gets me on my way quickly. Last week especially was a great experience - I had accidentally booked the wrong type of car and did not realize until I arrived at Fox. Although it initially appeared that no other cars were available, the on-site representative Richard was able to find a suitable replacement for me at the last minute. I'd like to especially praise Richard for his help, as I don't believe I would get this similar quality of assistance (resulting from my own error) from any other rental location in Vienna.

  • Flavian Albescu

Η χειρότερη εμπειρία στην ενοικίαση αυτοκινήτου. Αφού δυσκολευτήκαμε αρκετά στην εύρεση του γραφείου, δεν πήραμε ποτέ το αμάξι που είχαμε πληρώσει μέσω booking.con επειδή δεν είχαμε μαζί μας την πιστωτική κάρτα σε ΦΥΣΙΚΗ μορφή. Την είχαμε σε ψηφιακή μορφή, όπως πληρώνουμε ΠΑΝΤΟΥ, από περίπτερο μέχρι έπιπλα, αλλά στην FOX δεν ισχύει αυτό. Και το θέμα είναι το εξής: ΠΟΥΘΕΝΑ δεν αναφέρεται η παρουσία της ΦΥΣΙΚΗΣ κάρτας αλλά απλά «πιστωτικής κάρτας» …. και το πιο ωραίο !!!;;;;; ΧΡΕΩΘΗΚΑ ΚΑΝΟΝΙΚΑ !!!! Πλήρωσα αμάξι που δεν παρέλαβα ΠΟΤΕ επειδή «ήταν δικό μου το λάθος που δεν είχα ΦΥΣΙΚΗ πιστωτική κάρτα» Ο δε υπάλληλος, «απερίγραπτης» … αναισθησία στο μεγαλείο !!! Παιδιά, σίγουρα και αναγνωρισμένα πρακτορεία όπως Avis, Budget, Sixt κτλ … παρά αυτό που ζήσαμε με το εν λόγω γραφείο.

  • Lukas Drechsel-Burkhard

Bitte keine Fahrzeuge bei dieser Firma buchen! Die Autos haben keine Autobahnvignette für Österreich, aber das sagt dir keiner! Ich habe 120 Euro Strafe bezahlt, zuzüglich 40 Euro "Bearbeitungsgebühr". Beides wurde mir einfach so von der Kreditkarte abgebucht! Im Übrigen hatte ich mal ein komplett vedrecktes Auto, und meistens war die Windschutzscheibe innen schmierig. Als ich mal für eine Urlaubsfahrt extra ein stärkeres Auto buchte, wurde mir eine besonders lahme Krücke hingestellt. Insgesamt habe ich den Eindruck, dass hier nicht sehr professionell gearbeitet wird. Zum Beispiel ist der Tank bei der Abholung NIE voll. Bei der Rückgabe muss man immer raten, wieviel man nachtanken soll.

  • Joerg Steinmann

I made a reservation through EXPEDIA and paid 527$. - Once arrived at FOX I was told that the price at EXPEDIA was not correct and that I have to pay another 1054$. - Given the fact that I was travelling with a young kid and given the fact that FOX was quite far from the airport and other car rental companies, I had no other choice but to pay at the end 3 times the price which was displayed when doing the reservation. As a fact the old Mitsubishi which was showing all the time the engine maintenance warning light was heavily over priced. - That was in Orlando. - Don't book with EXPEDIA and go just for one of the standard car rental brands directly allocated in the airport.

  • Maria Piquer

Pongo una estrella porque no puedo poner menos . Hace una semana alquilamos un coche por la plataforma de ryanair en Viena para ir a Salzburgo , cuando lo devolvimos el chico lo reviso y nos dijo que estaba todo bien ,pero días después nos llegó un cargo de 512 euros con la excusa de que el coche había sufrido daños , cuando nosotras habíamos pagado por el seguro premium y el coche estaba intacto cuando lo entregamos . PD:son unos estafadores , este mensaje es para que las futuras personas que quieran alquilar un coche allí, se lo piensen mejor, ya que se aprovechan de que no hablas el idioma , además de no hacer ningún esfuerzo por entenderte .

  • Yves Dehnel

(This is a review of the Austrian / Hungarian Fox Autorent, not to be confused with the unrelated American Fox Rent a Car.) We've already rented 3 times from Fox Autorent in Vienna (Trienna location.) The staff were very friendly, no waiting in line, fast pick-up of the car, excellent Suzuki SUV with automatic transmission, in great shape, considerably lower price than other rental companies, no hidden costs, and easy return (just drop the keys in a box.) Definitely my best car rental experience in Vienna. --- I'd like to add another "plus" as a repeat customer, they keep your information on file, making subsequent pickups even faster.

  • Jens Fischer

Für kleine Kratzer werden Unsummen verrechnet und eine Bearbeitungsgebühr drauf geschlagen. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass der Kratzer (An der Unterseite des Frontschwellers!) durch uns verursacht wurde, ich würde allerdings bei der Übernahme des Fahrzeuges empfehlen, auch von unten zu schauen ob dort Kratzer vorhanden sind. Die Kommunikation zur Schadenshöhe und dem Schadensnachweis war eine Katastrophe. Finger weg von der Firma, vertraut lieber auf die "etablierten" Vermieter, dort wisst ihr von Anfang an, was ihr zahlen müsst und steigt am Ende nicht teurer aus.

  • Marwa El Abassiry

We rented a car and paid in advance for 3 days. We got delayed on the day reaching there for 2.5 hours ( definitely less than the 3 hours permissible time). When we reached there, we were told our cars were released, they don’t have another cars and they spoke to us in an extremely unprofessional way verging to be almost rude. The CS agent told us that we didn’t even say sorry !!!!.. They didn’t offer to give us a car the next day.. The least I can say that they lack all customer support ways, extremely unprofessional and bad choice.. DO NOT USE THEM..

  • Colin Broek

Niets mis mee! We werden netjes opgehaald op het vliegveld, 10 min rijden en je bent bij hun kantoor/garage. We kregen een bijna nieuwe volgetankte i20 mee die alle opties heeft. (AC, camera, lane assist, cruise controle etc.) Voor het meenemen de premium verzekering afgesloten bij hun, om alle gezeur te voorkomen zoals in andere reviews. Bij terug brengen ook geen uitdagingen gehad, en weer netjes op vliegveld terug gebracht. Zeer net en vriendelijk personeel, goeie nette auto, met zeer goede prijs kwaliteit verhouding!

  • Olga Pecherskikh

Scammers! They don't return your deposit of nearly 1000 Eur based on a fake damage report where they show scratches (that you literally can see only under microscope) that existed on the car before I rented it. Additionally they charge for cleaning and "admin fee" - altogether strangely coinciding with the total amount of you deposit. It took 2 weeks to get part of my deposit back and I still don't understand why they still kept 325 Eur from it.

  • Frank Aghili

Travellers be aware. Fox AutoRent is a criminal organization that defrauds its customers through exuberant charges for any small scratch (less than 3 CM) on the car. Even though I had full insurance, they made up some stories and charged me an extra 502 Euros for small scratch below the headlight that wasn't my fault at all.You save money if you rent from a big name car rental company than these criminals.

  • Edita Ohanian

Dear friends . on my stay in Austria I rent a car from this company for 6 days but because of Covid-19 I had to left Austria urgently .So I use the car only 2 days and I return them the car with full fuel and they promise to refund me the deposit only as they are not refund what you pay even if you use it for 2 days . so what happens,they did not refund us deposit €300.00 and they did not explain why ?

  • Pēteris E.

Great service, friendly and professional staff. Funds were refunded instantly after return. Best car rent experience using economy rental company. All negative reviews seems to be added by people who damaged or got damages and didn't have insurance. I experienced no shady moments. Employee helped with car check before and after rent. Next time in Austria- FOX will be my choice. Recommend.

  • Virág Szabó

I had the best experience with Fox Autorent at Trienna Shopping Center. Although I didn't have a reservation, they were flexible and extremely helpful. The price is affordable, the team is professional and friendly and the car was clean and in a great shape. I would highly recommend it to anybody and there's no doubt I'm gonna use their service again in the future.

  • pj ray

Vermietung war top!! Sehr freundliches und vor allem extrem flexibles Personal, Vielen Dank für die total unkomplizierte Abwicklung! + bester Preis in Wien! Sehr zu empfehlen! keep it up ;) great place to rent a car! super nice personnel & best deal in town! definitely recommend it! ..would not hesitate to book again any time!!. thanks a lot for the service!

  • Jordan P

Worst service ever. The worst customer service, Never saw something like that. Scheduled a pick up from the Airport for 8.45. They made us wait under the rain in the cold for 1hour. We were supposed to get our car ready for 9.00 am, we got our car just by 10.30am. This is the worst service, and they have the audacity to ask for the full payment!!!!

  • Omran Hassan

I booked after 12 am through vienna airport, when i arrived i called them on WhatsApp, they came to pick me up frim the airport within 10 minutes, the office is like 7 minutes far Form the airport, gave me a good red opel car. They will charged 900 euro as a depoist and i regained the amount fully within 5 days frm returning the car, recommended

  • Robert Harrison

This is a 3.5 rating for Fox autorent. The car and staff were good. The collection and drop off at the Vienna airport were also good. However the baby seats they had were of pretty terrible condition and they lacked the right size for my 10month year old son. If I didnt have a baby the rating would have been higher.

  • Clemens Grebner

Ich kann jeden vor diesen ungarischen Billigvermietern nur warnen. Hände weg! Sie locken mit Billigpreisen und verrechnen dir nachher jede kleinste Kleinigkeit zu unfairen Wucherpreisen. Der Hund hat ein paar Haare auf der Rückbank hinterlassen (er saß auf einer Decke). 140 Euro fürs Saugen! Nie mehr wieder!

  • Hakob Umrikyan

Это компания Мошенников которые все планируют заранее, они сначала случайно отправляют неправильные договор, потом когда замечаешь, меняют но отправляют в электронном виде, и потом удаляют договор и в руки договор не дают. Вместо этого показывают новый договор и счёт сильно отличается. Мошенничество

  • Gregor Scholz

Auto war ab 15:00 Uhr reserviert, Vermieter war 15:30 Uhr nicht mehr anwesend(Öffnungszeiten waren bis 18:00 ihr angegeben). Der Vermieter spricht kein deutsch und schlecht englisch und weigerte sich wiederzukommen, nachdem ich ihn angerufen habe und legte dann einfach auf.

  • Levent

Hab vor 7 Tagen Auto zurück gegeben noch immer haben die mein Kaution zurück bezahlt. Es war ein Kratzer beim Felgen 150 Euro vom Konto ohne mich zum fragen weggenommen und jetzt sagen die mir es wird von Kaution abgezogen richtiger Betrüger

  • Israel Rabin

This is a company of thieves, experts in stinging tourists. We rented the car for ten days of rental, from Vienna airport and return to the same place. Of course we kept it and returned it even with more fuel. When we took the … Mehr

  • Eduardo b

Avoid this company! They are liars! Be sure to take some pictures of the car you are renting because when finally you'll drop it off, they will try to charge you extra money for the damages that you didn' do It. Be aware of Fox!!!

  • njloetz

Professional, honest and affordable. We have been using their services regularly for the past few years, and every interaction has been positive. I have recommended them to friends of mine, and they have had a similar experience.

  • Georg Stadlmann

Holen Sich bei Rückgabe mit "Schäden" und willkürlichen gebühren den Rabatt zurück, den sie vorab gewährt haben. Achtung! fahrzeuge in Wien Mitte sind zwar neuwertig, haben aber "altertümliche" Ausstattung.

  • Paula Martins

Everything went perfect, friendly staff was always on time, almost brand new car with many small scratches but working perfectly. Got a Susuki Vitara at a very good price. Deposit was released immediately.

  • Ezekia Ezekiev

Absolute Betrüger!!! Man steigt hier aufgrund von verdeckten Kosten wesentlich teurer aus, als erwartet. Die Fahrzeuge werden auch nicht gründlich auf Ihre Funktionen geprüft. Äußerst fahrlässig!!!

  • Ghorm Malhan

Professional thief When renting from this office You should know , the deposit will not return to you as it was taken You will inevitably be robbed . Stay away from them.

  • Dmitry Telegin

Scammers. You have to take a microscope to reveal all damages. They charged me 498 EUR for nothing. Just sent me few pictures of clean car door and said that there was new “3 cm bigger bent”

  • Philip Miglinci (pmig)

Super ungarische Autovermietung mit Sitz in Wien. Gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und sehr nette Mitarbeiter. Autos sind in Ungarn zugelassen und haben daher ein ungarisches Kennzeichen.

  • Felix Rodriguez Insua

Muy mal trato, les cuesta devolver el depósito, tuvimos que ir a la oficina dos días a reclamar su devolución y recibimos muy malas formas de sus empleados. No la recomiendo

  • M M

Don’t go for this company. They are liars and scammers. Take pictures of every little scratch as the one you didn’t take they will claim you made them. Worse company ever.

  • Phil Moran

I found these people super helpful and the price was excellent. Richard was very careful to explain everything I needed to know. I thoroughly recommend this place.

  • בן ציון רווח

We recevied a good car for a day.Richard eas very helpfull and kind.the main office reply to me very fast..the car saved us petrol.i would recomend to anyone.

  • Nishant Hooda

Great service at a good price! Staff was very friendly and gave tips on driving in austria. Would recommend!

  • Ana Ferreira

Really amazing experience. The car was better than expected. Really nice service.

  • Mattias K

Service was good, car was nice and clean. Deposit got refunded the next morning.

  • Klaus Reinschmidt

Absolut unzuverlässig.. ich habe reserviert und kein Auto bekommen. NIE WIEDER

  • Artur Jorge Carvalho de Pina

Very prompt and professional service! To be used again in the future ;)

  • GoAheadGoahead

Top Autovermietung. Sehr gut und preiswert. Alles gut!

  • Shahed Sabiha

I recommend you not to hire cars from this company!!!

  • Paul

Gute Preise, Mitarbeiter sehr freundlich und bemüht!

  • Celika Araujo

They are kind and polite. The service is very good!

  • Andrey Oleynik

Got almost new Suzuki Swift for the best price.

  • Konstantinos Soulis

Everything was ok. No problems and good price.

  • Emse Bigeagle

Friendly and rather helpful company

  • Michael Werminghaus

Autovermietung hat super geklappt

  • Emile K

Best car rental ive ever used.

  • aladin wazwaz

They have very good service

  • Shagra Alsuwaidi

very unprofessional.

  • Babett Rinkert


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