Friendly Dental of Group of Charlotte-Whitehall

292 reviews

8170 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28273



Friendly Dental of Group of Charlotte-Whitehall is a Dentist located at 8170 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28273. It has received 292 reviews with an average rating of 4.1 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Friendly Dental of Group of Charlotte-Whitehall: 8170 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28273

  • Friendly Dental of Group of Charlotte-Whitehall has 4.1 stars from 292 reviews

  • Dentist

  • "—————— 2019 Update —————— This location has provided continuously that they cannot handle the simplest of tasks or handle anything with care"

    "I don’t normally write reviews and I especially don’t write negative reviews because I believe in giving people and the establishments they manage the grace and understanding that we all have an “off day”"

    "I had an appointment scheduled for a simple yearly cleaning"

    "Let me start by saying: I have NEVER had an appointment with a dentist where I didn't see the actual dentist! I went to Friendly Dental of Whitehall for a standard cleaning - and left out without one"

    "I had an appointment on last week Wednesday at 11:30 am where I went in for a cleaning however upon them doing an X-Ray, they discovered I needed more work"


  • John Jones

—————— 2019 Update —————— This location has provided continuously that they cannot handle the simplest of tasks or handle anything with care. I asked this office to provide me with a quote after updating my insurance as my company switched providers. Well, on Monday they said they would call back on Tuesday. It is now Wednesday at 4pm and there was no call back. I called and was placed on hold. I do not have time for this! Enough is enough! This takes all of 5 minutes to do. —————— 2018 Update —————— I was informed by my insurance company that this office billed them for more services than what was provided. After calling, they advised it was an accident and to come in and receive the services I never received. Again, this ties with my overall complaint that it seems likes money is the only thing that matters not honest diagnosis or care of patients. I did get a second opinion and most of the recommended work was not necessary. —————— Original —————— I called this location and asked if the exam and cleaning could all be done in the same day, they said yes it could. My appointment was at 12pm. Well, when I got there, got signed in, the assistant told me everyone goes to lunch at 1pm and that I would likely need to come back after lunch. I informed her, I was not interested that I had other things planned for the remainder of the day. I did proceed with the exam and after being seen by the dentist. He informs me, I have 6 cavities, 1 filling that has a cavity (again), need 1 crown (or potentially root canal if no action is taken soon) and all of my wisdom teeth need to be removed since they have not grown in. Mind you, I went in for a cleaning and no pain/irritation/sensitivity. They did write a prescription for Prevident 5000 as well (with 3 refills) which basically prevents cavities and further decay. They said there were no problems with my Wisdom Teeth but since I'm 24, I should get them all pulled to avoid dealing with dental issues when I'm 40. They couldn't decide if it was something they were comfortable doing or if they wanted to refer me to a specialist. They said they don't have all the necessary equipment but they would be willing to do it there for a lower cost. Then once the dentist left, someone gave me a consultation and skipped right over the crown they mentioned and went straight for root canal. So essentially, they wanted me to have about 9 procedures at nearly $6,000 and insurance would pay about half. No thank you! They totally forgot about the dental cleaning that I actually came for! No thank you! It seems like an huge up-sell to me. A) You should not take wisdom teeth out, if they are not causing any issues especially when it's not cost effective to do so. B) First they were talking crown, then it became root canal with crown. C) They were not honest about being able to do exam and cleaning in the same appointment. D) The fact that they prescribed a toothpaste to prevent cavities and decay, leads me to believe that any dental issues I may have are still in there preventative stages. They also wrote the prescription before going over recommended procedures. I wasn't sold on the X-Rays and asked to see, they showed me but they failed to visually convince me of a problem which is a sign that the concerns may have been inflated to sell services. This is an alarming amount of dental work, especially seeing that none of it is urgent. They pressured me into agreeing, scheduling future appointments and even suggested I change my insurance plan to a higher maximum (which only increases how much insurance will pay per calendar year, not how much it will pay per visit/procedure). You have to be extremely careful when you get that much work done as you may end up worse off after it's all done. I will admit, I do believe I made the mistake of telling them I haven't been to the dentist in awhile but my teeth have never bothered me and I have been complimented many times on my teeth. It may have been similar to visiting a car dealership and telling them, you don't know anything about cars.

  • Leigh

I don’t normally write reviews and I especially don’t write negative reviews because I believe in giving people and the establishments they manage the grace and understanding that we all have an “off day”. But, I think that my experience here is something others need to know about so that they can make an informed decision before deciding to have a procedure done here. This is my only experience with Friendly Dental of Whitehall so I can not say for certain that this is how they normally operate but can say that I will NEVER be back. I came in on Wednesday of last week to address a toothache I was having. They let me know that I had a cavity that needed a filling and also needed to have one of my wisdom teeth removed because it cracked as it grew in. They gave me antibiotics to help deal with the infection and Motrin to deal with the pain until Thursday (yesterday) of the following week so that could remove it. I was in so much pain that on Friday of week before my procedures I called and asked them to draw up a doctors note excusing me from class and work. When Thursday came around I had two different dentists, one for the cavity & one for the extraction. Unfortunately I don’t remember their names and didn’t think to get that information because I was in excruciating pain by the time I left. The dentist who did my cavity did not numb me properly. I understand that happens but when I raised my left arm like she told me to if I felt pain, she dismissed me as having felt the vibrations of the tool and that, that was normal. It WAS NOT normal. By the time the second dentist got to me I was visibly shaking. I was already in pain when I got there and now I was in more pain. The dentist removing my wisdom tooth was much more attentive and even asked me several times if I was ok because it was clear I was not. I didn’t make a fuss though because again I was in pain and just wanted it to be over so I did my best to sit there while she removed my cracked wisdom tooth. After all was done I went into the lobby were my sister was. She immediately seen I wasn’t ok and asked me what was wrong because again it was clear I was NOT OK. I started typing to her on my phone because I had gauze in my mouth and couldn’t speak. She asked to speak to the dentist for clarity and better take home instructions because I was clearly not ok to go home. Neither dentist was willing to come out and speak to me or my sister. Instead they sent out an office lady who didn’t have the eduction or knowledge to help. I am so disappointed in the willful negligence from the first dentist who filled my cavity and did not listen when I told her I could feel what was happening. And I am so disturbed at the way both dentists refused to come talk to us afterwards. Instead I was told by the lady that my pain would fade. My pain didn’t fade. I spent last night shaking and with a fever. Now I have another dentist appointment with another dentist to make sure everything is ok because my pain should have gone away. I know that I would feel some pain because I had a wisdom tooth removed but I don’t think my pain is normal. I was looking forward to finally being out of pain after a week with a toothache and instead I am in more pain.

  • Nicole Coxton

I had an appointment scheduled for a simple yearly cleaning. I had no pain, no sensitivity and no issues. I left with pain and a poor outlook on this practice. The dentist I saw informs me, I have 4 cavities, one is very large but they expect it will be just a filling. All my wisdom teeth need to be removed. I was told oh wow you should have sensitivity with a cavity this big and close to the nerve. Even blowing air on it and I felt absolutely nothing. I was showed xrays as well and personally could not make out the other cavities they were talking about. They said there wasnt space for my wisdom teeth when I've been recommended by another dentist to leave them alone since they were coming in fine and especially if they weren't bothering me. Once the dentist left, someone gave me a consultation and skipping right over the filling they mentioned and went straight to root canal and a porcelain crown. Even saying they wont know which itll be until they're drilling in my mouth and cant fill it again if they do so I'll be forced into a root canal and $990 crown. Mentioning that I could have fillings taken care of that day and the man who comes to do extractions will be there the next day. So essentially, they wanted me to have about 5 things done all within the same week. Even I know you shouldnt take wisdom teeth out if they are not causing any issues. That's a crazy amount of dental work let alone needing ample time to recover. They even didnt follow up with giving me a proper referral (like I was told I should have gotten) and urged me to schedule to have my wisdom teeth removed the next day or the day after without even talking to a specialist about what I should have done. You have to be extremely careful when you get that much work done as you may end up worse off with more complications let alone in such a short amount of time. My cleaning however was fine and the woman who did it was very friendly. The one obligatory star is for her and her assistance. I dont however think I'll be returning. I personally felt like a walking money sign. As of now I'll be looking into a second opinion especially after reading reviews of people who have had the same issues I did.

  • Jenay Smith

Let me start by saying: I have NEVER had an appointment with a dentist where I didn't see the actual dentist! I went to Friendly Dental of Whitehall for a standard cleaning - and left out without one. Upon going into the office I was quickly taken back to get xrays - only to wait in the chair for 45 minutes before actually being seen by the hygienist. Upon meeting the FIRST hygienist she tells me that I may need a deep cleaning. Which I was fine with - until another 30 minutes go by and another hygienist comes in to measure my gums and tell me that my gum are fine and they look great etc. Which leads me to believe that I never needed a deep clean to begin with and that Friendly Dental - Whitehall is trying to take me for a fool. Another 15-20 minutes later the receptionist comes over to tell me about a treatment plan - it was then that I find out I need a filling when the FIRST hygienist told me that I did not have any cavities or need any additional work except the "deep cleaning." - I was too angry to argue and I had already been there for 2+ hours. The receptionist also informs me that I cannot have a cleaning until I get the filling and then proceeded to tell me that they have to "assess" what kind of cleaning I needed. I am betting they will make a mess out of the insurance claims and I fully intend to call them once that billing statement arrives. This place is a joke and I am betting half of the reviews left are false. This place is dirty as well and looking at some of the equipment - I am glad I did not get a cleaning here and will be taking my business elsewhere. Please don't try to apologize and say sorry for the way I feel or my exprience etc. because it is clear that Friendly Dental - Whitehall is taking many customers for a ride and upping the bill for profit in any way they know how and that is wrong!

  • Sophia Bracey

I had an appointment on last week Wednesday at 11:30 am where I went in for a cleaning however upon them doing an X-Ray, they discovered I needed more work. The lady who completed my X-Ray did not speak during this process which was weird. The doctor who came in to see me spoke & was friendly and provided more information. After this I still wanted my cleaning however, they could not do so due to the hygienist being out on lunch. They told me I could return later that day for my cleaning but I don't understand how that made any sense. After that they gave me a referral for some oral surgery I needed. I went to the the referred doctor and forgot my slip due to me trying to make it on time however I let the lady at the front desk know and she said I could call the doctor & they would be able to send the referral over. I did this 15 mins prior to my appointment. The assistant a Friendly Dental Group told lies for 30 mins about how she was looking for it but couldn't find it because it was not in my file. I'm confused as to how & why a referral sheet isn't in my file. She also stated the person who re-writes the file is out to lunch so in turn I could not see the referred doctor without it & it was way past my scheduled time and would need to pay to schedule another consultation appointment. Granted I left the slip on accident but the doctors are supposed to have everything in order pertaining to the patient when needed. My thing is what if I had a life changing event that caused me not to have the slip i.e. a fire, car accident, etc. then what would be the situation then? I will not be returning here or to the referred doctor office for any services again.

  • Byron Myers

So far I've had 3 visits. First for the exam and x-rays, it seemed very disorganized. The woman even stated it was her first time in that office. Visit 2 was for a cleaning and it wasn't too bad but I'm not sure if what they sold me was what I needed. Numbing was required and honestly the numbing hurt more afterward. Visit 3 was today for fillings. I'm not sure if they're short staffed or what the issue is. I sat down thinking I was getting some stuff done only on my upper teeth only to find them doing other things. Still baffled about what just happened in my mouth. I still don't know my doctor's name as they just pop in here and there. This experience is way different than what I am used to. Visit 4 is coming up. Update: the treatment plan I agreed to was what was done. Visit 4 was about the same. I came in and the hygienist did her thing. Called for the doctor to suggest the level of treatment I need. Jacob was nice enough to explain what was going on. I didn't see the doctor again because I don't know who they are. Jacob came back to tell me I need to come back every 3 months for a cleaning. I told him I don't think my insurance covers that many cleanings in a year. At this point I told him I will not be coming back. I explained how my experience has been with the front desk and I left.


DON'T DO IT. DONT COME TO THIS DENTIST THEY ONLY TRY TO RUN YOUR INSURANCE AND DONT GET THE JOB DONE. CUSTOMER SERVICE IS VERY RUDE AND THE MANAGERS DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR PATIENTS. DOCTORS MUST HAVE HAD THEIR CERTIFICATIONS HANDED TO THEM. I walked in needed a diagnosis on a tooth I was having PAIN in. They said I needed a filling on the other side of my mouth ( which had nothing to do with the tooth I came in for) I let them sincw she emphasized that it's nothing big and it'll get done quickly. Well I haven't been able to eat sincetfrom that side of my mouth. . They couldn't figure out what they did wrong . This had nothing to do with what i came in for. They referred me to another location that is charging 300 just to see me. They don't ever take responsibility for their mistakes. They have left me waiting outside canceled my appointment multiple times without letting me know.. They have poor customer service . I called to speak to the manager to see what they can offer since they ruined my mouth. I was given attitude and was heavily judged by the doctors. WORST DENTISTRY EVER! Don't waste your time.

  • Andrew Drozinski

Dental procedures were fine, staff seemed to know what they were doing, but veeeerrry slow. I had a 9 am appt.(they open at 9) and did not start my appt. until 9:25. Even then, the dentist and assistant were joking around and talking with other employees who were strolling around and making their way into work. I finally completed my appt about 10:30 (appt. consisted of x rays and a cleaning) - at my other dentist this would take no more than 30 min. Happy with the actual service - not with the professionalism of the staff, especially when I have to take time off of work to come for an appt. and they waste my time. I will return as my old dentist is not open on days that work for me and this location is closer as well. Updated: 2nd visit went much better, in and out with 2 cavities filled in less time then it took for my cleaning. Was taken back at 9am (my appt. time) but then had to wait about 15 min while they got set up - it seems like everyone working there shows up at 9am so you have to wait for them to open the office and prepare. Otherwise a great appt.

  • Josh

❗️Hope this review helps someone decide on going to a better practice. I wish I had seen more honest reviews before I went in today. First I waited for 20 minuets to go back and begin my appointment (which is pretty normal so I wasn’t that bothered.) Then after X-rays I waited in the chair for 30+ minuets before I saw the dentist. After she arrived she let me know they would schedule my cleaning in about 2 months and this was just a checkup?!? I was very confused and questioned why I am not getting a cleaning. She said new patients get an exam and have to come back for a cleaning today. I had been there just over an hour just to get an exam…? It would have ethical to know this before I spent an hour there to be told my teeth were healthy and I was going to have to come back again. No dentist I have every gone to across the country does it this way, and if they did they need to inform the patients first. Do your family and yourself a favor and stay away from this practice.

  • GODmadeQueen Poet

They did not allow me to select a 0 star so 1 it is! They are so RUDE and unprofessional! The lady asked me for my birth date, my name and other info atleast 5 times. They sent a text for me to schedule an appointment, I called but they didn't have available appointments for months out. Then when I finally have an appointment, when I get there they said they couldn't see me because they didn't accept my insurance (Delta Dental HMO). I asked why didn't they call me before my appointment, the female says "I called you like 10 minutes ago and left a voicemail." First, why didn't you check my insurance like regular professionals before I got there?! Then waste my time filling out a chart to say you don't accept! I gave them multiple chances because I lived close by, but this last incident was it‍♀️ I recommend Harlow Dental at Steele Creek. Extremely Friendly and Professional with an office filled with diversity and knowledgeable staff.

  • Jonathan Erdmann

Not a fan. I had work done in February for my cavities. Sat in the chair waiting for the dentist so long that they had to numb me again. The side they worked on hurt after the procedure but didn’t think too much of it because that’s expected. Four months later and the side they worked on continues to hurt intermittently. My teeth where they drilled now have noticeable gaps and food gets stuck all the time so I have to floss often. Stay away Update: A year later and I am still dealing with the fallout from having work done here. I went to another dental practice after my horrible experience and they advised I did not have the cavities that this office told me I had. I keep having to have my filling replaced on one of the the teeth that Friendly Dental worked on. It’s rare for me to review businesses and certainly not to come back to update but do not have work done here.

  • tiana williams

Recently moved to Charlotte and needed to find a new dentist. Saw them in passing and decided to give them a try. This particular office has a large hispanic population which is awesome for Spanish speaking clients but made me feel uncomfortable because I am not fluent in Spanish and everyone chose to speak in Spanish around me. (For example looking at my x-rays and having a conversation behind me). My sister has been my dentist for years and my entire life I’ve only had one cavity. I went a year without going for a cleaning and all of a sudden this office allegedly found six. I couldn’t stop there so I went back to my sister in Atlanta for a second opinion. I requested my x-rays to be sent over and they didn’t send them. She only found ONE cavity. So please be careful when going here. If you know your dental history and something doesn’t seem probably isn’t.

  • Rajesh Uppala

Visited for general check up (I don’t have any dental issues at all). After examination dentist suggested for fillings on both sides. In the first phase Started the fillings on right side. My plan is to do fillings for left side after a week once everything looks good on the right side teeth fillings.unfortunately the fillings didn’t go well. From last 6 months I am unable to chew from right side. Visited the dentist 3 times to correct the filling what they have done. over all no use. And finally got a wonderful advice to visit the endodontist. My wife visited the same hospital where the dentist suggested for root canal. Visited a different experienced dentist where the doctor suggested no need for root canal at all.not even the fillings are needed.(my wife is doing fine without any issues) I was perfectly all right earlier. Ended up unable to eat from one side.

  • Rosaria Panaro

I somehow missed the part where these people are friendly. From the moment i stepped inside the office, I was treated like a number. As soon as I walked in, I was directed to the panoramic X-ray room. There was no “how are you today” or anything. Was there really a need for panoramic X-rays? She did not even ask me when I had my last one done (???) Then I was seated in another office where the doctor and his assistant joined a few minutes later. Again, there was no effort to connect in a friendly way. After a 10min assessment of my X-rays he presented me with a “to do” list. After the doctor left, the secretary joined me and presented me with the list of services needed and the associated costs. The insurance maxes out at 1000 and their list was summing up to $2500. She wanted me to sign the form but I just left and never turned back. No, thank you ma’am!!!

  • Karthikeyan Subramanian

I didn't like the waiting time here. I had to wait for more than an hour and a half for a simple check up. But I did like the services and the way i was treated by my dentist. I would rate it a 4 star had they not made me wait for such a long time. Update2: My second visit here was much faster than the previous one. I did my filling this time and it was all smooth. Update3: This place is a scam! Please stay away from it. I went here after having done my filling, I have a swollen gum right at the tooth where the filling was done. Now the dentist is saying that i need to do a root canal this time because that gum is infected. Now they are planning to charge me 950$ because all my insurance amount is capped. So that was the plan. Do all the unnecessary treatment first and then do the right treatment. What a way to loot people!

  • Just Roni P.

The first couple of visits with this place were ok. But today My Son and I experience the worst experience. My son had an appointment today at 10:30a.m we weren't seenuntil 12p.m. When I went to the desk to ask about our appointment. The elderly receptionist never acknowledged me. Once in back we waited for an additional hour to be told we couldnt be seen. They said there was not enough time. They told me that I would have to reschedule when i had already had an appt. to give my son a crown. she told me not to feed him 2hrs before arriving well i did that. They didn't even know why he was there and didn't even see him in the system. When at checkout she asked if I wanted to make an appt in about two weeks. THIS LOCATION IS HIGHLY UNORGANIZED. I believe they are abusing the system just to bill. DON'T GO HERE!!!

  • The Spice Patch

I’ve been to this place 2 times, but I’ve had 6 appointments scheduled since then. The initial consultation, and one tooth extraction. I scheduled appointments 4 different times, and they either cancelled that day of the appointment or the day before. It took me 4 months to finally get my tooth extracted. When I finally get seen, they didn’t extract the entire tooth. I have half of my tooth still rooted in my mouth, and this can potentially cause infection if I wasn’t as aware. When I was in the chair it seems as though they didn’t read my chart. I have acid reflux and nausea, so they basically kept making me gag to the point where I vomited… with a numb mouth. Horrible experience I’ve ever EVER had in my life. It just seems like they don’t care, and it’s another 9-5 office job.

  • Mar Essence

This place has got to be a joke? I’ve worked at a dentist office as a dental assistant and have went to the dentist religiously since as early as i can remember every 6 months. I scheduled my grandma and brother an appointment here. I’ve never went to a dentist where just an exam and x ray are done on the 1st appointment let alone take over an hour just to do X-rays and exam. The staff was so unorganized and all over the place. My grandma and brothers appointment was at 11 now it’s after 1230 and we was there early. They told me an hour so i schedule my next appointment 2 hours out. We won’t be returning. They are not timely and unorganized different people kept coming ask the same questions. Disappointed is understatement. I’d say you can find better in the area.

  • swapnil srivastava

Not recommended. I visited them with my wife. I have a small baby so booked back to back appointment. I asked them if I can get 15 min of break so that someone can be at home to take care of baby. But they can hold it only for 10 min. So we both had to go. I took care of my baby in their lobby while my wife was getting checked up. It was a general check up not even cleaning. She spent more than an hour there and after she was released I had to wait for more than 30 min. They asked me to wait for more time or reschedule later. They said since you have a baby so it is taking more time. Really bad excuse for their delay and I couldn’t take it so cancelled my appointment right away. I wish I had read last few reviews before booking an appointment with them.

  • Jenny lopez

For starters when I needed bands for my invisalign, the buttons used to hold them popped off had to go back and popped off again. Very nice people at the desk, but it was frustrating when I had to pay the remaining full amount of my treatment the day I finished my treatment plan due to lack of communication. After I called every month to verify if my payments were taken, it was good at first but throughout my treatment things went downhill. Update: To be more specific they said they claimed to have a direct deposit plan for payments on my invisalign but that was a lie, even when I called every month to make sure they were charging me and said yes, but came the day to end my invisalign, I had to pay nearly half of my plan after months.

  • Dan Gutierrez

Profesional & Friendly From the moment you enter to the time you leave. You are treated not as a client but as a patient. They listen thoroughly to your question, comments, and concerns and answer them to their maximum knowledge. The dentists also make sure you understand what they’re saying when they start talking medically. The front desk is very patient when talking to their patients either through the phone as well as in person. The only problem I faced were their constant messages to remind you of the appointment, which to me was not great but I am understanding that there are people that don’t seem to remember. All in all I enjoy the people that work there as well as the environment they created!

  • Jaime Giron

I went in when for a regular check up and cleaning. First of all the receptionist was rude and seemed careless about her job. When I went into the room I literally sat in the chair for about an hour. I only saw that there was one other patient before me. The dental assistants were super unprofessional. Seems like they judge and talk in front of other patients about who pays out of pocket and who has medicaid which is confidential information and is illegal to be sharing. The only thing I liked about this place was the dentist that attended me. He was very friendly and helpful and referred me to a oral surgeon for wisdom teeth extraction. Thats the only reason I give this place two stars.

  • Raija Resto

My experience was just like the rest of the reviews, it sucked. I had a 10 am appointment and I got there 15 minutes early. You know when I finally got called back? At 11 am! As a new patient I expected an exam and a cleaning. Nope, I got an exam pointing out 2 of my cavities that would cost hundreds of dollars to fix, although I have insurance. I did not agree to that, but still expected a cleaning. I was told I then had to make an appointment for my cleaning because the dentist AND the hygienist were busy. The dentist wasn't too busy for my fill ins though! A total waste of my time. Avoid this place, its not worth it! I give it 1 star only because I have to.

  • Emmanuel De Jesus

This is the worst dental practice I have been to. I don't recommend it. First, they told me I needed a crowd ($1000+). I got it done, and a few months later, the crowd fell off. I returned to the practice, and they told me I needed a root canal on the same tooth. The dentist tried to do the root canal, but she couldn't because she didn't have the right tools. So they sent me to an Endodontist who would charge me $2400 to finish the root canal. At the time, I couldn't afford that amount, but I did have a choice but to wait until I could raise funds. Now the tooth started to hurt, and more than likely, I am going to lose the tooth.

  • agim rusinovci

I see a lot of good reviews here and I'm trying to figure out what im missing. I was at this location about 3 years ago for myself and it was just ok.. nothing special. But this time it was for my child and all I can say is that their schedule management is a mess ... First time the wait was over 2 hours. We gave them a chance to go one more time 2nd time waited 30 minutes and asked how much longer is the wait and was told at least 30 more minutes.... At that point I decided to walk out and won't be going there anymore. Maybe this location should change their name to "NOT SO FRIENDLY DENTAL"

  • Elizabeth Royster

I'm Elizabeth Royster Garvin. My daughter and I go here and it's an awesome visit EVERY TIME. I live 45mins away and it's worth the drive. I would recommend Friendly Dental to everyone! From the Orthodontist team to the Receptionist, Maria DEFINITELY, is very friendly and helpful! Maria is always patient with me. She took her time and explained EVERYTHING. She didn't move forward until she knew I understood. The restroom and waiting area was very clean also. The wait is never long for me. It’s a wonderful experience every time I arrive!!

  • Nicole Mullis

Very happy with my visit today. This was the most pleasant Dentist experience I’ve ever had. I was a new patient and everyone was so friendly and welcoming from the moment I walked in. I made an appointment yesterday and only waited a couple minutes in the waiting room. The office is very nice, with a TV in each exam room (which was a very nice bonus). Dr. Patel was outstanding, someone I connected to and trusted immediately. I would absolutely recommend Friendly Dental to anyone and will be back.

  • Antonieta Auad

One of the best dental clinics I have been so far. Starting with the staff in the front they are all so friendly and made me feel very welcome. I met Ruben and he was very nice and explain everything in details and was so welcoming as well and when I got to meet Dr. La penna she was super nice and and made me feel very comfortable she was very gentle and because of my experience I will recommend them 100% they are all very professional and they are also bilingual which is a plus for me.

  • Kayla English-howell

Any and every time I visit a friendly dental office I leave more refresh and confident than when I arrived. Customer service and my overall experience is always above standards. There’s always a teamwork environment in which everyone goes above and beyond to ensure I receive the best possible service every time. They always explain my treatment and elaborate if necessary. Great job family dental associates continue to be great and aid in overall population health.

  • Deborah Neal

My granddaughter and I arrived at the office a little early but only had to wait for about 5 minutes. The staff was courteous, considerate and knowledgeable. The Assistant performed her duties and the Dentist came in right after her cleaning was complete. The Dentist cleaned the tartar from her teeth and gave us tips and things that she needed to improve upon. The entire staff was great, there was no wait time and I was very pleased with their performance

  • kim pharr

I love coming to this dentist office been coming here for years myself and daughter it’s a professional environment the staff is awesome exactly my beautiful ladies upfront office so genuinely caring. Always call before your appointment as a reminder just a great place to get proper care from the professional dentists I will never leave they are amazing. Please if anyone need dental work done go to the best Dr Gregory Abrams & Assoc

  • Kayla Farris

Always come here ! But don’t like the way with the kids , even if they kids have an appointment the parents can’t go back no matter the age and when the child comes with the child can’t come with . Smh , my child is 4 and they want her to sit in the waiting room alone . Talking about rooms are small ???! But any other place I go to dentist even hers they don’t mind , for the child to walk out the door and something happens . Smh

  • Dominique Carriero

Dr. LaPenna, her dental hygienist (I’m sorry I didn’t get your name!), and Paul all really helped me when I called for an emergency appointment. I hadn’t been sleeping due to the immense pain I was in and I came in today where I was treated so nicely from everyone. I’m eternally grateful for being cared for by this office and would recommend. Thank you to everyone at the Whitehall office for helping me leave pain-free.

  • Christine Rakhar

I made an appointment for my son and was never told about their grace period for being late. I tried to call to notify that I would be a few minutes late and got a voice-mail. I walked in the door 9 minutes late and was told I would need to be rescheduled because her clock said 12:11. She was very rude and couldn't even look at me. I will never go back nor recommend this practice to anyone. 0 STARS! THUMBS DOWN

  • erica rapp

I had my wisdom tooth extracted today. I have been in awful pain the IB profen given did little for the pain I’ve been in the massive pain and in the emergency room bc they refuse to fill anything stronger. Fact I have no drug dependency or any reason for this office to leave me in pain. Good thing for the emergency room, where they felt it was ridiculous to have to end up during Covid-19 for a simple script

  • Anushree Garg

Made me wait for 2 hours inspite of having an appointment. The dentist was a lady and she was dam rude. Not letting me speak my issues. Literally told me “speak only if you’re asked to” .no medicines prescribed for my treatment. All about making money. This is so inhuman. Why is US health care all about money. The charge is already so high and on top of that the doctor is suggesting uneccesary treatments

  • Stayce Matos

The lady who worked on my kids was great but another woman, Lisa, had the worst attitude and literally yelled at me to get out because “parents weren’t allowed”. Meanwhile I was told I could sit inside because it was my 2 year old son’s first time at the dentist. She was disgusting and lacked any type of professionalism. Definitely will not be recommending this place to anybody or going back.

  • Juan Aedo

I know Friendly Dental is well known for their good costumer service. Their professionals are ver reliable and provides a feeling of trust to their clients. Carlos Renato Bolaños is a dental assistant who is always very kind, nice and very skillful to perform his duties. I really feel comfortable having these type of professionals taking care of my dental health.

  • Monica Hammonds

I paid this Dental office over $1200 for a crown to be told it would never come a loose did speak with Beth with human resources she was very helpful but still nothing done about the crown the Dentist that did it went to see her at the Harrisburg office she was very short and rude, funny how she telling me all the things I needed to do so the crown wouldn't come

  • Judith Roman

I’ve been going to Friendly dental since 2007 and I’m 21. They have always treated me well in my cleanings and during my braces treatment! They are very nice and understanding, constantly making paying out of pocket for such expenses easier! They also speak Spanish which is a plus because my parents come here too and it makes it comfortable for them!

  • Modest Guru

By far the worst dentist off for children. They advised they will see my son at 3:30pm. Had my mother waiting for over an hour because they replaced his appointment with someone else’s then right at 4:10pm, they told my mother they stopped appointments for a day. Very unprofessional and would not recommend wasting your time booking an appointment. I

  • Ricky Taylor

My wife got a few fillings done and she has pain in her teeth. She’s never felt pain or so much sensitivity AFTER getting them done. They had her waiting over an hour AFTER they numb her mouth. The entire staff was rude! She will be filing a complaint if they do not recheck her fillings and asses her properly! I don’t recommended them!!

  • Dina Davis

My name is Dina D. I have been coming to Friendly Whitehall for a year. The staff is always friendly and accommodating and never wavering. The dental staff and the assistants can’t be beat. Atmosphere makes you very relaxed. Miriam-Maria-Lupe are perfect representation when you come through the door. I tell everyone to come

  • Ofer H

Great dental office ! we had an emergency issue and they were able to take us right in, the dentist was very caring and the staff was great. Gloria and Susan ( I think that's their names) at the front desk were super fast in getting me in. if you have an emergency or just need some great dental care this is the place!

  • Mary Villela

I get my braces done here as well as my regular check ups. And they have been super helpful, the manager Maria goes above and beyond to help you as a patient and everyone is very professional. Make you feel very comfortable. Love how convenient it is to be seen at one place for both braces and cleanings. I love it!

  • Karina Nieves

My experience in this dental clinic is 5 stars, they attend you quickly. Maria Salinas the manager is very patient, she knows how to help you, she also knows Spanish if one of us doesn't know English, she explains very well if you don't understand something. I recommend this dental clinic from my own experience.

  • Refuge Ranch

Love this place! ---CARLOS is the BEST! We only go if Carlos is there as he is always caring, compassionate and very profesional. He treats everyone with respect and always goes above and beyond. It is people like him that makes us want to come back! We are so thankful for Carlos and Friendly Dental.

  • Charleen Jackson

I just moved here a year ago and was looking for a dentist I can trust again. They explained to me everything I needed to know and was very caring and polite and professional. They even had a trick for me to stop gagging when I take xrays. The areas were clean and organized. I will be back.

  • Dina Davis

I am beyond happy with the A-1 patient service treatment I experienced with today’s visit. The entire staff and the Dentist Choy was professional kind and courteous. Very flexible with scheduling and I am excited to tell my entire family to switch to Friendly Dental Whitehall.

  • Chyna Spool

They are the best. Liza Carlos Pam Perez Castillo from Friendly whitehall have been Anne are the best to me. I have a lot of dental issues and they have been patient and understanding and a blessing to make me feel better about myself. Thank you Staff at friendly.

  • faith alexandria

Carlos is the best worker hands down!! He shows great hospitality and he's so passionate about what he does and cares for everyone. Carlos always knows how to make someone feel comfortable and at home. I'm grateful for Friendly Dental and the amazing Carlos.

  • Woodrow Brown

This has to be the WORST dental place in charlotte. They're unorganized, not attentive & only enforce policy when it suites them best. I've paid out of pocket to been seen and treated here for ortho- purposes, & this by far has been the worst experience.

  • Anastasiia Anisimova

A big thanks to Lisa.She was attentive to my mom , provided highly quality to assist, and was patient.We satisfied her professional work!! and the front desk was so helpful, so nice , they always care to provide best work and answers for any question

  • Hannah

I had a dental emergency with my 10 month old and Friendly Dental was amazing. Josselyn was so sweet and Dr. Dunlap made sure I was comfortable during the whole process. They made a very scary situation a lot better for us ❤️ Thank you!!

  • Daniella Cisneros

Loved coming to this dental office! The staff is always so welcoming. Front desk receptionist Lupe was so polite and professional. She answered any questions I had before even going into my appointment. I will definitely be coming back.

  • falonda proby

I had the best experience.The staff was personable and efficient and answered all of my concerns. I was really comfortable with whole experience. I have a treatment plan that I am extremely happy about. I would recommend this to anyone.

  • Breanna Carbajal

had a good visit from the second i came in to when i left i felt that i was in good hands, Lupe at the front desk had helped me out and answer all the questions i had SUPER friendly and amazing… You will be in good hands here !!!

  • Siin Sae

My dentist and assistant did a good damn job they listened to me when I told them I could still feel the sharpness and numbed me again the procedure was fat got in at 8 left at 9:20 and had wisdom teeth removed very good job

  • Timeko Pendergrass

The staff were awesome, they had to do an emergency extraction on me and were very friendly, knowledgeable, and gentle. My overall experience was far more than I expected. Way to go, you guys truly live up to your name.

  • Mz China

From start to finish this was a great experience for my kids. They made my children comfortable listened to all my concerns and handled my kids with tender loving care. Dr.Pilar is awesome!!! I def recommend to anyone

  • Alma Borrachando

I had a great time during my dentist visit, Eva Citilan is the best dental assistant I have ever met. She explained my dental situation and made sure I understood everything. She is so friendly and always smiling.

  • G Harris

Staff is so nice and professional. Staff will work with your schedule and get you in and out in timely fashion. The hygienist that does the cleaning is an absolute doll. Thank you all so much. I highly recommend.

  • Jaime Owen

Hygienist was rude to me and her staff, she did not do the work on my treatment plan that was requested and I’ve had several bad experiences here. The front desk staff was great but the dentist was not good.

  • Rashanna Smokes

My first time going to this dentist office and I had a great experience. Staff is very friendly made you feel welcomed. Great doctors great staff. Very clean office would definitely be going back

  • Thaliya P

They were very friendly and patient with my 7yr old. She enjoys her visits every time she comes. Great experience every time, all of our family has started to come for their treatments as well.

  • kamilla cervantez

Miriam went above and beyond to make sure that I was comfortable. She was so kind and concerned about my comfort that it took away all the stress I had about seeing a dentist. …

  • dee Johnson

Dr.Lapenna is Amazing As Well as Her entire Staff....They make you feel comfortable as soon as you walk thru the door.....From Start to Finish....♥️♥️♥️ …

  • Karen Flores

I got my wisdom tooth extracted with Dr. LaPenna. She made me feel very comfortable and didn’t feel any pain after. I healed in less than a week! Very happy with the service.

  • Karla Sanchez

My visit at Friendly Dental was great. The office was clean and staff was welcoming, especially Lupe. She was super friendly and very accommodating. Thanks Lupe! :)

  • Jorge Rodriguez

Had a great experience at friendly dental. The staff is very helpful, the receptionists were very professional and answered all my concerns. 10/10 would recommend

  • Daniella Alvarado

Amazing team! They went out of their way to take care of me & my needs. The staff was very friendly and accommodating. I will definitely be back. Thank you

  • NaKayla London

Always friendly and quick service! I appreciate them explaining the work that needs to be done and they are always really great with the scheduling

  • Jeanae E.

I don’t really like going to the dentist but the friendly and comforting staff made the experience a lot better for me. Glad to be a patient here.

  • Natalia Porras

Lve this place. Highly recommended, the staff is very polite and does an amazing job. From the front desk to the back , they all are AMAZING!

  • Lizeth Medina

The staff was great the professionalism and friendliness of the whole team is outstanding. The best dental care I have ever experienced!

  • Tyler Carter

Unfortunately all of my teeth fell out after the ‘routine cleaning’. They said it was perfectly normal but won’t return my calls :(

  • Jacob Alexander

Had my cleaning done recently, and let’s just say Pam the hygienist is awesomee! Definitely coming back

  • Phoenix “Fuehnix”

Terrible communication on fillings, terrible skill with fillings. Recommend avoiding Dr. LaPenna

  • Naibeth Diaz

Every time I have come in, I feel very comfortable and invited in. The hygienist is amazing.

  • kenisha williams

Very unprofessional work here. If you want to waste your time, come here

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