LAST MINUTE Rent a car - Zagreb downtown

134 reviews

Ul. Vjekoslava Heinzela 56, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia



LAST MINUTE Rent a car - Zagreb downtown is a Car rental agency located at Ul. Vjekoslava Heinzela 56, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia. It has received 134 reviews with an average rating of 4.4 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of LAST MINUTE Rent a car - Zagreb downtown: Ul. Vjekoslava Heinzela 56, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia

  • LAST MINUTE Rent a car - Zagreb downtown has 4.4 stars from 134 reviews

  • Car rental agency

  • "After delivering the vehicle they charged me a wrong amount without any initial justification, after having argued with the service person they told me that they charged me one day In addition, all this after having made the payment on my credit card, I told them that they had to correct it and simply told me "we charge the money, we are not any type of customer service" after this answer nothing professional I decided to call the manager, he told me that they could not do anything, after several attempts at justification, laughing he told me "that this was a systems problem", I am IT and that is one of the most pathetic justifications that they have told me, after I insisting that he detail the problem for me, he told me that I went beyond the stipulated time (by minutes) and it is true, but that It has a complete justification: the vehicle was delivered to me extremely dirty at the Split offices, therefore before delivering the car to the Zagred office I took it to be washed and I even breathed it in, delaying me a few minutes, the car was delivered much cleaner than I received it, I even left additional gasoline"

    "Overall vrlo zadovoljan, osoblje ljubazno, preuzeto vozilo čisto i ispravno"

    "Schneller freundlicher Service! Vom Einchecken bis Übernahme vom Auto keine 10 min"

    "Скориставшись послугами даної компанії, хочу поділитися (на жаль), негативним враженням"

    "There was some doubts from my side before using this company, since I had never heard of it"


  • Antonio Rocha

After delivering the vehicle they charged me a wrong amount without any initial justification, after having argued with the service person they told me that they charged me one day In addition, all this after having made the payment on my credit card, I told them that they had to correct it and simply told me "we charge the money, we are not any type of customer service" after this answer nothing professional I decided to call the manager, he told me that they could not do anything, after several attempts at justification, laughing he told me "that this was a systems problem", I am IT and that is one of the most pathetic justifications that they have told me, after I insisting that he detail the problem for me, he told me that I went beyond the stipulated time (by minutes) and it is true, but that It has a complete justification: the vehicle was delivered to me extremely dirty at the Split offices, therefore before delivering the car to the Zagred office I took it to be washed and I even breathed it in, delaying me a few minutes, the car was delivered much cleaner than I received it, I even left additional gasoline. Additionally I have to indicate that the delivery point is hidden, I had to go around the place several times to find it. It is important to point out that I make immense trips every year and I never had a similar problem, all rental car companies have an additional delivery time totally free. After claiming the central office, they returned my money.

  • marko prpić

Overall vrlo zadovoljan, osoblje ljubazno, preuzeto vozilo čisto i ispravno. Pohvalno: u trenutku najma (prva polovina travnja), ukupna cijena kod Last minute rent a car-a bila je jeftinija u odnosu na konkurentske rent a car tvrtke od 250-injak do 400-injak kn :) Big fail: kod preuzimanja vozila napomenuto mi je da rezervoar nije pun, tj. da imam 1/4 tanka uz komentar da je ''bio Uskrs pa nisu stigli natankati''. Komentirao sam djelatniku da to nije u redu. Prilikom vraćanja vozila napomenuo sam djelatniku da bih volio kada bi mi ubuduće predali vozilo s punim tankom, a dobio sam protupitanje djelatnika ''da li ja znam koliko oni vozila imaju?'' lol. Aute redovno iznajmljujem već 20+ godina, nisam baš super senzibilan cvjetić, ali postoji razlog/razlozi za ustaljenu praksu da se vozilo predaje klijentu/vraća natankano ''do čepa''. Kritike su napisane u dobroj vjeri i siguran sam da se vidimo ponovno. P.S. Hvala djelatniku kod preuzimanja vozila na strpljenju oko kreditne kartice.

  • Bertl Seipel

Schneller freundlicher Service! Vom Einchecken bis Übernahme vom Auto keine 10 min. Diesen Anbieter kann ich nur Empfehlen! Vom Bahnhof mit dem Taxi 4 min Kosten 10 Euro.Also liegt Last Minute Rent a Car zentral.Schnell vom Bahnhof und Busbahnhof. Danke . Werde nach der Autorückgabe noch weiter ergänzen. . Rückgabe Schell und problemlos mit. Alles Super ! Mit heute sind es 6. Mal .Bin sehr zufrieden. mit dem gesamten Personal und Service. Hervorragend.! Selbst das Team hinter allem,Driver die Service Reinigungskräfte oder das Team in der Verwaltung ! Habe noch bei keinem Anbieter, schneller meine Kaution zurück bekommen wie bei Last Minute Rent a Car in Zagreb. Werden immer wieder diesen Anbieter wählen!!

  • Іван Зищук

Скориставшись послугами даної компанії, хочу поділитися (на жаль), негативним враженням. Прочитавши багато відгуків про" Last minute", ми звернулися саме до них, але пізніше про це пошкодували. Під час відпочинку в нас зламалося авто, (стерлися тормозні колодки), і ми були вимушені самостійно шукати автосервіс і робити це за свій рахунок! Повернувшись до офісу, нам відмовили в поверненні коштів!!! Всім хто хоче лагодити машину за свій рахунок, ласкаво просимо в" Last minute, rent a car".

  • Олег Калинин

There was some doubts from my side before using this company, since I had never heard of it. However, at the end I can say that it was absolutely right decision to choose “last minute rent a car”. Best price, friendly communication, no hidden conditions. I would highly recommend this company for renting a car They even gave us A-class despite the fact that we booked Opel Corsa. Thank you so much!!

  • Julián Soba

La mujer que tienen en las oficinas para administrar el renting junto con la chica que tienen para solucionar problemas al teléfono son insuperables, magníficas, maravillosas, eficientes, eficaces y son unas personas para agradecerles todos los días el trabajar junto a ellas. Les sugiero que les suban el salario semanalmente durante los próximos 10años. Muy agradecido con el tratamiento recibido.

  • Gracie Parra

Nos entregan un coche con muchísimos detalles, ralladuras golpes y demás. Tantos que no registramos todos...y cuando lo entregamos en Zagreb...lo tomamos en Dubronik nos cobraron 300 Euros por un raspón que no hicimos, debido a que solo lo usamos de traslado entre ciudades y luego lo dejábamos en no tener seguro lo tuvimos que pagar en el momento...normas ISO??? NO LO RECOMIENDO!!!!

  • Mirjana Čakara

Sve lijepe recenzije potpisujem. U stvarnoj "last minute" situaciji, na neradni dan, ljubazni i organizirani ST i ZG tim riješili su mi (najbrže moguće) sve probleme i pronašli najbolje rješenje za mene. Dostupni u svakom trenutku, strpljivi za sve upite. Hvala g. Bruni i gospođi u Splitu i momcima u ZG i tehničkoj podršci! Divni ste, BRAVO.

  • Léonard Mommeja

Tres bonne expérience. Nous avons reservé sur internet et avons eu une voiture toute neuve pour notre road trip jusqu'à Dubrovnik. Pas poussif sur les assurances et tarifs légerement moins chers que les agences internationales. Les contrats sont traduits en anglais. Le personnel parlait bien anglais. Je recommande vraiment.

  • Marko Moric

Excellent service.Been using Last Minute for 5 years with long term rental and company staff is very professional.From the online booking to car delivery service is great.Special thanks goes to Mr.Ivan Sikic and ms.Anita Haramabasic who are true professionals.Highly recommend Last minute and their services!

  • Dolores Dujak

Uzeli auto, lokacija Split-Zadar; prezadovoljni brzinom i uslugom. Jedina zamjerka; novac koji se uzima za garanciju je vracen nakon puna 4 tjedna. Nigdje to nismo dozivjeli; ili novac bude vracen taj tjedan ili se uzmu podaci kreditne garancije. 5 zvjezdica za uslugu, i jedna zamjerka kao feedback. Pozdrav

  • Mikhail Guliaev

Car was in a good condition. They gave us a free upgrade, since there wasn’t a car of our class. I gave 3/5, because they charged additional 15 euro as “young driver fee” (I was told that it’s been charged if you’re less than 24 y.o) when I … Više

  • Izidora Žganjer

Iznimno ljubazno osoblje (posebno ističem djelatnika Antonija koji nam je izašao u susret i imao vremena i volje za objašnjavanje), realne cijene, širok vozni park, uredni i čisti automobili. Preporuka od sveg ! …

  • Slobodan Sucevic

Great service and very fast processing of car pickup. Got the car i initially selected online so I was happy with that. Person on site was detailed about checking the car before handover. Would come back.

  • Suzana Vujic

Savršena usluga i super ljubazno osoblje. Posebna pohvala za gospođu Anu iz ureda u Splitu koja je strpljivo i precizno odgovarala na pitanja jednog organisation freaka kao što sam ja. Iskrena preporuka.

  • Sonja Pavković

Stvarno su last minute! Nakon što smo izvisili kod njihovih konkurenata te nigdje više nismo mogli naći auto koji nam je trebao odmah, došli smo do Last minute-a. Papire smo riješili … Više

  • Manuela Milovanovic

Odlučan rentacar, super usluži i jednostavni za svaki dogovor i izlaze uvijek u susret klijentu. Djelatnici čista petica i više, pogotovo Dubrovnik downtown i Zagreb downtown.

  • Zlatko Jevak

Prevaranti. Ponuda cijene jedno a onda dodaju hrpu taxi,osiguranja i dr. Kao da nisu vozila kasko osigurana. Naplatili su mi posebno prelazak granice i to u EU.

  • Aleksandar Antovic

Incompetent staff,not friendly and helpful at all,at the end we didn't take car although we wanted. This is a rental agency to avoid

  • Vedran Bartak

Užasno loš protok informacija. Mailom se dogovori jedno, u poslovnici kažu nešto drugo, a u realnosti je nešto treće.

  • Olena Zdanovska

Fast service, new cars, friendly staff, close to our hotel ( Hilton Garden Inn), uaed their agency multiple times.

  • Luka Bilanović

Osoblje za svaku pohvalu ! Auto je bio u iznenađujuće lošem stanju s obzirom na prijeđene kilometre i starost...

  • Ivana Susu

Jako neljubazno osoblje preko telefona ,sulude cijene i sve u svemu telefon se javljaju sa EJ

  • Vedran Abadzic

Profesionalni i uslužni čak i u hitnim slučajevima! Hvala vam i imate veliku preporuku od mene!

  • Josip Bedeniković

Susretljivo osoblje, dobar izbor vozila, smještaj poslovnice je neugledan i lako se "promaši".

  • Ferhat Taban

Car had a big scratch on the right side and was not clean, we had to clean it ourselves.

  • Roberta Delija

Jako zadovoljna uslugom, svo prošlo odlično. Preporučujem . Vrlo susretljivi

  • Vedran V

Usluga za 10+, djelatnici super uvijek nasmijani, uvijek spremni pomoci

  • milepan76 gmail

take me extra charge, without correctly explanation when I rent a car.

  • Cina Qraz

Isporučio sam auto bez problema, nije dao polog, varaju ljude

  • M. D.

Susterljivo osoblje velik izbor vozila za najam i kupnju...

  • Zoran Cvitković

Profesionalni, uslužni djelatnici Odlično vozilo i lokacija

  • Mladen Jurina

Nejasni uvjeti treba Split zvat za rentanje auta bezveze

  • Novo Ime

Odlična usluga i veliki raspon novih automobila.

  • Kristijan Krišto

Ok je samo sto vozilo treba da bude 100% cisto

  • Aleksandra Be

Very professional and excellent service!

  • Goran Igrica

Vrlo profesionalno. Preporuke.

  • Goran Novacic

Odlicna usluga.sve pohvale!

  • Neno T. (Turky)

Ko i svaki drugi rent a car

  • Zvonko Kanazir

Adequate selection of cars

  • Tomi Hus

Dobra i kvalitetna usluga

  • Kristijan Hajdinjak

Brzo riješenje problema

  • Mario Mahnet

Dostupna i brza usluga.

  • Dino Perić

Worst rent a car ever

  • Goran Borovcak

Odlični su …

  • Bojan 8888

Vrhunska usluga

  • Dragutin Bidin - Penziner

Super agencija

  • Neno Okun

Odlična usluga

  • Ante Bilokapić

Naj bolji u HR

  • Mateo Matijevic

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