Unicare Medical Center s.r.o.

156 reviews

Na Dlouhém lánu 563/11, 160 00 Praha 6-Vokovice, Czechia




Unicare Medical Center s.r.o. is a Doctor located at Na Dlouhém lánu 563/11, 160 00 Praha 6-Vokovice, Czechia. It has received 156 reviews with an average rating of 4.0 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Unicare Medical Center s.r.o.: Na Dlouhém lánu 563/11, 160 00 Praha 6-Vokovice, Czechia

  • Unicare Medical Center s.r.o. has 4.0 stars from 156 reviews

  • Doctor

  • "Звернулась у клініку unicare у вівторок , потрапила до генерального доктора , пояснила йому , що мені потрібний повторний скан легенів , так як я мала кілька раз Ковід і маю астму, а також маю дуже сильний кашель без перерви вже рік , зараз ситуація вже критична"

    "I took my daughter for a school medical at Unicare Medical Centre in Prague recently"

    "I had an appointment for a visit, with confirmation I had to pay 2000-3000 Czk"

    "I am deeply disappointed by the service at Unicare"

    "Scam-like opaqueness combined with unreal overpricing & unprofessional: 1"


  • Khrystyna Ryvko

Звернулась у клініку unicare у вівторок , потрапила до генерального доктора , пояснила йому , що мені потрібний повторний скан легенів , так як я мала кілька раз Ковід і маю астму, а також маю дуже сильний кашель без перерви вже рік , зараз ситуація вже критична. Сказав що я зможу зробити тест крові і флюорографію ( не скан який я просила ) в наступний вівторок . Переконав , що вигідно було б взяти страхувальний пакет за 17900 крон , і тоді я зможу зробити все безкоштовно. Пізніше виявилось, що пульмонолога у кліціні немає , та ще й в Празі з цим важко . Так як я не захотіла чекати тиждень на те щоб прийти здати кров а потім ще тиждень на результат- попросила записати мене до іншого доктора , який намагався переконати мене що всі мої симптоми- це психосоматика, а скан мені непотрібен, і я не єдиний пацієнт в Празі , щоб так терміново вимагати собі допомогу , нагадаю , що я тиждень задихаюсь вночі , жодні інгалятор мені не допомагають . Отже я прийняла факт ,що допомагати мені тут не будуть , кажу тоді пропишіть кодеїн. Без жодних вагань та питань про ініші медикаменти чи стан мого здоров’я мені прописують кодеїн , беруть аналіз крові , увага , без рукавичок , просять здати мочу в одноразовий стаканчик, на моє питання чому це не стерильно - відповідають : ну це не такий аналіз на стерильність а на білок . В клініці проходили медогляд учасники якогось шоу , тому медсестра двічі переривала розмову з лікарем , аргументуючи що учасники шоу чекають. Коли я сказала чому ви так себе ведете і виганяєте мене вона і дівчина з рецепції почали повішати голос і казати шо я їм хвилю . Дівчата на рецепції - окрема тема . Вперше сиділа дівчина яка на моє питання : чому міц лікар запізнюється на 20 хв відповіла : вот коли я вас зареєструю тоді і буде ваш лікар, а я не встигаю . А вдруге, була дівчина яка просто мовчала і казала «садитесь» без жодного пояснення що буде далі відбуватись , що на мою думку все таки її робота :зустріти пацієнта , сказати присядьте , пояснити через Ск часу і шо З ним будуть робити

  • Jules Rumsey

I took my daughter for a school medical at Unicare Medical Centre in Prague recently. They do not accept VZP insurance so I ended up having to pay for the visit in full, but I was happy to do that for the sake of getting my daughter's school medical completed. However, despite seemingly being a professional outfit, I was shocked to the core by the experience. The attending pediatrician, who shall remain nameless, really upset both me and my daughter during the course of the appointment. She asked a multitude of probing questions about a wide array of topics, with many of them being very personal and completely unrelated to the matter at hand, and provided unsolicited and at times highly inappropriate advice. At one point she asked me to leave the room so that she could speak to my daughter about sensitive matters in confidence. When I was invited back in my daughter was clearly very upset, wanted to leave, and made it clear that she never wanted to go to Unicare again. I struggle to understand how the doctor in question is allowed to work with kids. Parents, DO NOT take your kids to Unicare. Edited in response to comments from Unicare: The 'comprehensive' examination did not include checking my daughter's ears, eyesight, blood pressure, reflexes etc so I don't understand how it would provide a baseline for general health. I appreciate that during a first appointment there may be many questions to ask but the approach to this was far from sensitive and the comments and unsolicited advice were over the top and inappropriate. It took me asking multiple times for the doctor to cease after I re-entered the room and found my daughter in a state of distress before she finally heeded my request. If you really wish the "overall experience would be more positive" I'd suggest you heed my feedback and act on it. And consider providing an information sheet to new clients / parents so they know what will be covered in a first consult.

  • Cristiano Bagnoli

I had an appointment for a visit, with confirmation I had to pay 2000-3000 Czk. At the end, they asked for 4000 Czk instead, saying they did not include the histologic examination and that they would have results in one to week. They did not contact me for two months and did not reply to any of my emails. Once I called, they said they would call me back but did not. So I went there directly (losing 2 hours) and the receptionist, Jana, was nice and finally the next Monday they called me back. They offered me only a compensation of 1000 Czk and they said the laboratory lost my sample and did not propose even any new sample. I am not very worry since the issue I had was probably not too bad, but still there is always a possibility of a bad result and sever health issues, that is why always a histologic exam is performed. Only after I said I can address a lawyer for that they offered me to talk with the doctor to see if another analysis is possible. They also said is not their fault if the laboratory lost my sample. Everything was totally unprofessional, they could have at least replied at my emails, but they ignore me and basically played with my diseases and possible worries, besides of the money. Now I am waiting to check what they will do. Edit: I have been contacted again by the same person, Sylva, who was kind and informed they found finally the report, sent to a wrong place. The experience is still very bad (no news for months, no answer to phone calls and emails, initial offer, me having to threaten an intervention from a lawyer). At least I have now a result.

  • savio jose

I am deeply disappointed by the service at Unicare. This is not a premium service. Why? 1) They got me an appointment with a Rheumatologist that is in June despite my fingers swelling up. I made two phone calls on my own and acquired an appointment 2 months earlier. I am not in a critical condition but imagine I was? this would mean I would have to wait 4 months to have an opportunity to be looked at. It’s absolutely bizarre how they could expect patients to wait this long. On their website it says “rhuematology” and they don’t have a Rhuematologist? 2) Not what is expected for the money you spend for their service. The GP couldn’t understand the diagnosis for my problem so I had to approach a doctor in ANOTHER COUNTRY to find my diagnosis. It’s very very saddening and highly disappointing. Their premises are great and professional staff, but totally not worth the one-month rent equivalent fees you spend here. I don’t mind spending money as long as I get value. Unfortunately the latter was not fulfilled. No hate towards this establishment. Just something to consider before coming here.

  • Daniel Tracy

Scam-like opaqueness combined with unreal overpricing & unprofessional: 1. Filling out forms upon arrival included an insurance info page. Submitted all forms, the staff not mentioning unacceptable insurance policy (VZP not accepted here fyi) after showing my card was unprofessional especially due to the price(pay details below) 2. After including detailed medical descriptions for requesting appointment…. Never providing/offering patients the option to view pricing prior to appointment visit or while in office prior to seeing Dr after i filled out insurance info and showed my unacceptable insurance card. 3. Lets compare outrageous differences in prices of exact same examinations from an emergency room visit to this medical office: A. I went to the *emergency room* at Motol for urology examination including an ultrasound, Cost: 120.00 czk B. At Unicare, checking my health after previous antibiotics(emergency room unnecessary). Same examination with ultrasound. Results of urine test 2weeks later…Dont forget the punchline, Cost: 8900.00 czk

  • Татьяна Синчук

Вы заплатите 2500 крон, чтобы от при герпесной ангине, стоматите и лимфодените в одном флаконе, вам выписали ибупрофен и витамины. Спасибо капитан очевидность! и никакой реальной помощи, когда от боли не можешь есть и пить. Вы будете почти каждый раз ждать по 15-20 минут, даже если пришли вовремя, а очередь отсутствует. Если у вас плохие анализы, вам не перезвонят, хотя на это есть прямое указание врача. На email вы так же не получите свои анализы, тк администратор ошибется в адресе и поленится сверить его с картой, хотя точно знает, что письмо не дошло. Вам придется идти к врачу и на забор анализов, неся в руках пальто, потому что там нет вешалки для клиентов. Мой ребенок 2 раза заболел, после того, как поиграл там с игрушками, не думаю, что их дезинфицируют чаще раза в месяц. При заборе крови из вены, мне долго не могли попасть в вену, порвали ее, долго не могли попасть во вторую вену и оставили на память 2 синяка. Даже при анализе из пальца оставили синяк. Квалицикация среднего медперсонала оставляет желать лучшего.

  • A

Engl: As a local guide with experience, I can absolutely recommend this medical center! (По-русски написано ниже) Charming administrators Angelina and Anastasiia made me an appointment at the day I phoned. Unbelievable thing in Europe!!! Moreover, friendly staff and doctors are very professional and competitive. Finally I know what health problems I have (other clinics didn’t help). Center is modern, clean and cozy. If you are looking for a medical assistance, I can totally suggest this place. Rus: как местный с опытом, могу с уверенностью рекомендовать это место! Очаровательные администраторы Ангелина и Анастасия сделали мне запись в тот же день, который я позвонила. Что просто немыслимо в Европе! Кроме того, дружественный персонал и доктора очень профессиональны и компетентны. Наконец я узнала, какие проблемы со здоровьем у меня были (другие клиники не помогли). Центр современный, чистый и уютный. Если вам нужна медицинская помощь, я могу точно советовать это место.

  • Regards Shon

No. Don't recommend dental for kids. My son age 10 went for root canal. Not kid friendly - no care, attention or even skill. No gas and air or wand anesthesia dentistry used to help make the procedures easier, kinder and safer for kids. My son went straight into shock and pain, with no prior warning, only that he should close his eyes. The pain for him continued for near an hour and all the dentist kept saying, as he continued, was that my son wasn't in pain, (apparently my son was crying and shaking for no reason). My son left with a huge swollen lip which was still visible the following day, however the trauma still remains. I emailed and told them I would be using another clinic for further dentistry to finish my son's tooth. As with many "professional" establishments we believe and hope all that is being done will be done for the safety and care of children. Sadly this is not the case here and looking back I realise how little was done to protect my son's safety.

  • Vojtěch Černý

I've been with Unicare for more than a year and can fully recommend services they provide. English speaking staff (and many more languages, especially Japanese or Spanish) is a great painkiller for any foreigner in Prague seeking a doctor. Not that common around here! Also, you really get a service here. It's on booking so you don't lose tine. People are nice to you, ask how you are and try to get to the bottom of what you need. They are willing to go the extra mile for you which sets the clinic apart from other practices. Prices are a bit higher but according to the service, it's worth the buck. You can also go with membership offering which is particularly interesting if you are staying on Prague for a while or just want to have a good care. Oh yeah, and they have candies. It's a genuine care.

  • Heather Conyers

DO NOT go here for psychiatry help. The doctor set my treatment back. I understand that my medications here are hard to transfer, but I was met with no compassion or help. When discussing my eating disorder the doctor replied "you dont look like you dont eat". STAY AWAY Edit for the response from Unicare: it was not about the limitations it was about how I was treated by your staff. I have consulted numerous other czech doctors and they agree that the care I recieved reflects poorly on the Czech health care system as a whole. And the fact that your response alone triggers panic attacks I have spent years trying to reduce proves you failed as mental health care providers and that doctor should not be practicing

  • JP C

If I could give the doctor I saw zero stars then I would. Very patronizing and arrogant, was not listening carefully to my issues and often smirked at me as if he's some superior being. Talked to me about certain theories, which I have heard of many times from the numerous trips to all the doctors I have seen, rather than giving me the chance to tell my full story. Walked out after less than 5 minutes as I knew he simply was not going to help me. Patients need doctors who at least pretend to care about their issues. From some of the other reviews I have read, I would say avoid Unicare, because they simply don't care.

  • Lamar Alfardan

DONT GO HERE!! if i could give this place zero stars i would. i went to the psychotherapist for the first time hoping to open up about my past and trauma, she brought in the psychiatric doctor and two moments later i was in an ambulance forced to be put in motol hospital against my will. i’m 17 and study in prague alone, even my mother did not give her permission through phone call and i was in no danger whatsoever. the psychotherapist was sarcastic about everything and was laughing at me. i never asked for any of this, and the ambulance ride forced me to pay 5000 krouns. i don’t recommend this place.

  • Ganbaatar Otgonbayar

People at Unicare helped me with anything I needed in past several years. House calls, individual care, prevention, great customer service - name it and they have it. What I especially like is that they really take care of you. When my wife got sick we just called them and the doctor came to our house. Nurse is inviting us for preventive check-ups. When I need an appointment the only think I need to do is to call them and usually we get everything really fast, without waiting. I appreciated this when my wisdom tooth started to ache and the doctor was able to help me the same day!

  • Violeta Milarova

Dr. Maria Munclinger is simply amazing! She's hands down the best dentist I've ever been to. With over 30 years of experience, she zipped through extracting two wisdom teeth in just five minutes! Not only is she a total pro, but she's also super friendly and made the whole process a breeze (even cracked a joke halfway through :D). Terezka, her assistant, was awesome too, so helpful and welcoming. The clinic was clean, and the whole team was friendly and efficient. I highly recommend Dr. Munclinger and her crew for their top-notch service and genuine care. Thank you again!!! <3

  • Edgaras Sadeckas

I just wanted to share my experience! For the person who is terrified of any dental procedure as I am (as I had an extremely bad experience in my teenage years) Dr. Šimon Vincze and his assistant was an absolute legends! He was super understanding, patient, and professional! Gave me time to prepare mentally and was super attentive, once I felt a fraction of pain, he listened to my request and gave me extra anesthesia which made my tooth extraction absolutely PAINLESS! I'm super happy to recommend for anyone if you want to have a stress-free procedure! Thank you!

  • Carolina Davis

It is a really nice clinic, and they have very nice and friendly doctors who helped my mom, who was here visiting and had not one but two medical emergencies. Everyone was really nice with the fact that I had to go with her to do everything as she doesn’t speak any English. Also, they were really efficient at talking to my mom’s insurance to see that everything was working fine. I am not a patient here, but if you need medical assistance in English, you can find English-speaking doctors here. We went to the dentist and GP, and both were excellent. Thanks a lot!

  • Vitaminka Lana

Пойдя туда вы останетесь просто без денег! Запись к врачу стоит 2500 крон , я 2 раза звонила и уточняла- что включают в себя эти 2500 крон( мне говорили что обследование доктора, если понадобится анализ крови и мочи, экг и тд) , в итоге на кассе с меня попросили 3700!!!! И как оказалась ни анализ крови и мочи ,ничего просто НЕ ВКЛЮЧЕНО в эти деньги , за все нужно ещё платить ! Врач быстро меня посмотрел ,на мои слова что у меня кашель уже 6 месяцев и температура 2 недели держится,не отреагировал. Вообще не стоит тех денег которые они берут !

  • mikulasiq

Absolute disappointment. Doctor was 45minutes late. No word of apology. Done some test on me without telling me that it is for extra fee. Receptionist has got some attitude problem over email and personally even worse. They forgot to send test results to me as agreed. Again no apology. When they finally send it? Wrong language and again not even sorry.... Would not recommend at all! This place is definitely first business and clinic second. Watch out for prices! If the doctor moves, you need to ask how much is it going to cost you!

  • P B

Decent but pricey healthcare location. The location is typical of a clinic, very sterile appearance. The staff here speaks English, although, in my experience there were many things lost in translation that made the overall experience quite frustrating. This location also has dental services along with their general practice offerings. Most of my needs were met, however, with some delay. In a pinch, this is not a bad location to visit for medical needs, but be prepared to pay a lot compared to some other places.

  • Даниил Кувшинов

I am a patient of this clinic for two years already. I would like to share my positive experience with Unicare. I would like to note the professionalism of the doctors and the first staff. Doctors have always been very attentive, you can feel the care for the patient. The reception staff were also very helpful. We met halfway in some matters, helped to communicate with the insurance company and helped me with the documents, even when I was abroad! Definitely recommend this clinic to foreigners

  • Sofia Kutuzova

This is truly the best clinic I have ever been to!! Everyone is very professional and sweet, customer service is on another level, but most importantly, everyone cares. The doctors and nurses do their job with a great attention to every little detail, thoroughly and carefully. All the equipment is modern and everything is very clean. Both doctors, nurses and receptionists speak great English. I’m so glad I found it, thank you very much!! P.S. they accept pvzp exclusive which is awesome

  • Tatev Badova

Very bad clinic!! Na internetu píši že mají smlouvy s českými pojišťovny, ale když jim voláte pro konkrétní objednávku tak nemají ani smlouvy ani své lékaře. A ani nespolupraciji s pojišťovny, gynekolog vůbec ne, vše platí klient, na ortopedii Vas nevezmou ani s doporučením od praktického lékaře musíte jejich praktickému lékaři platit 2500 Kč aby vypsal novou žadanku a poslal vás někam pryč k ortopedovi sve ortopedy nemají. Na webu je sama klamava informace. Very bad clinic!

  • Prague Persona

The female orthopedic specialist at Unicare advised me to just rest a serious heel fracture. Doctors who have seen me since have all said that it was obvious I desperately needed an operation within 5 days. Because of her, I now need a retrospective operation that is more complicated than it should've been. I don't know when I will be able to walk again because of this woman. GO HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK. If this was the USA, I would be taking legal action.

  • Roman Buťa

Navštívili jsme kliniku, abychom za cash prostředky získali komplexnejší, rychlejší a profesionálnější přístup. Sestra ani netušila, jak odebrat stěry z krku, o odběru kapilární krve na CRP ani nemluvě. Pokud byste byli stejně tak naivní, jako my, necháte na recepci 5.500 CZK s nulovou přidanou hodnotou (snad jen přijetí na čas, který se ovšem celkem vzhledem k neznalostem protáhl na 75min). Pro tyto účely zásadně nedoporučujeme.

  • Adam Jones

Extremely helpful. i had tonsillitis and was in a lot of pain, couldn't eat drink or swallow and was on antibiotics supplied by a doctor in budapest that weren't providing any relief. i booked an appointment here, english speaking doctor and receptionist who were extremely easy to communicate with, they got me on new medication and antibiotics and within 5 days i was able to enjoy my travels again. thank you

  • Olya Karaliok

На сайте написано что принимают международные страховки по приходу говорят что бы страховая компания прислала им сразу гарантию оплаты , что я вообще в первый раз слышу ( то есть клиника сама не выстовляет счёт страховой компании) оплатила сама своё обследование. Цены и сервис не оправданы. Сервисом осталась не довольна, хотя цены высокие. Подумайте дважды прежде чем туда идти. Я заплатила 7 000. За УЗИ,

  • Nick Baumann

I woke up sick and made an appointment with this clinic for 10:30 this morning. When I arrived they told me I didn't have an appointment. I confirmed with them I called the correct location, which I had. I'm not sure if this was an organisational issue, however this was extremely frustrating. I would recommend you make sure they have you booked before coming to this clinic.

  • Peter Demetriou

Friendly and helpful staff that speak English, very close to train station, also covered by insurance. As there are limited staff, make sure you book in advance, as I tried a walk in and they were completely booked for the day. Additionally, the only dermatologist wasn't available, however under all the circumstances I was still happy as a gp was arranged who could help.

  • Dominika Piroskova

After I married an American, we decided to live in Prague. It was a new place for both me and my husband. I myself did not know who to turn to in case of health problems. Then an acquaintance recommended this clinic to me and I have no words. Everything in one place. I have probably never encountered such a professional attitude!

  • Jarex Jarexu

Po telefonické domluvě, kdy mi bylo slíbeno, že mi opraví pouze zub, který mě trápil, bylo tak učiněno. Profesionalita a lidský přístup, kdy bylo nasloucháno mým přáním nemohla být větší. Moc děkuji za službu, která byla z pohledu jedince (myšleno, jsme každý jiný a každý má svůj pohled na danou situaci jiný), na 100% naplněna.

  • Kateřina Otrusinová

Naprostá spokojenost! Personál velmi milý a vstřícný, potřebovala jsem okamžitou pomoc a ta mi byla ihned poskytnuta, na což jsem v minulosti v podobných zdravotnických zařízeních nebyla zvyklá. Profesionalita, vysoký standard a k tomu všemu krásné zázemí. Doporučuji toto centrum všem ve svém okolí a už bych nešla jinam! :)

  • Devashree Joshi

I had a really good experience here today. They spoke very good english, even on phone they were very supportive. The tried to help me in everyway. The doctor and receptionists were very friendly and assisting. I came even without appointment and still got my work done in no time. Thank you :))

  • Daniela Nováková

When my boyfriend moved to Czech Republic from Portugal, he did not have a general practitioner yet, so he used the services of Unicare Medical Center and was very satisfied. Very pleasant family atmosphere with professional care and always willing to give professional advice. I recommend! :)

  • Anna Příhoda

This clinic made me a little nervous. The doctor seemed quite young and inexperienced. We had a few communication difficulties in English and he kept needing to leave the room to "check" information. He was very nice, but I don't feel super confident about the treatment I received.

  • Yuliia Sk (yuliask)

“terrible service, they add the price without explanation which is different from the price that is on the site and then hang up” I want to change my review, after few days executive contacted me from the clinic and returned part of the amount that was taken without explanation.

  • Vitaliy Zubarev

Стоимость осмотра для детского лагеря €100. Вы серьезно? Напишите какие анализы вы брали, какие обследования делали на эти деньги? Или это просто за подпись и "здрасте"? UPD. Полное обследование это, измерение роста, веса, давления. Дополнительно никаких анализов не брали

  • Janis Petersons

Last month I went to Prague and got sick during my vacation. I called the Unicare center and the doctor was at my hotel within an hour or so. He was positive and professional, plus spoke fluent English. I can easily recommend the facility to others.

  • Mersad Buharalija

Ve skutečnosti si vždycky udělá spoustu času a nepředepisuje léky jen proto, aby na tom vydělal! Zde se opravdu zajímá o zdraví lidí a pomáhá! Pokud nemůže pomoci, pak si za tím stojí a obrací se na kolegy, místo aby něco odložil! Děkuji mnohokrát.

  • Chris X

I visited Prague for a week with a painful throat and ear drainages/ache... The staff and doctor were very helpful, professional and spoke English. The doctor (general practitioner) was much more competent and knew his job better than his …

  • Chris Alford

Had an excellent experience with this clinic. Suffered a medical problem whilst travelling through Prague - got an appointment here 3 hours after emailing and was then seen by an English speaking doctor, got an ultrasound, blood and urine …

  • Joyce Jeffrey

Been here few times for vaccination and medical check up. Response are swift even on our short notice request. Receptionist and doctor are exceptionally professional and most importantly good in English and friendly. Highly recommended.

  • Eliza Papescu

As a tourist visiting Prague, I strongly recommend this clinic. Professional and friendly staff, nurses and Doctors. Clinic is clean and modern, and I was admitted quickly and the whole process flows smoothly. Dr Moravcová listened …

  • Karin Poludová

Skvělý tým a milý pozorný lékař. Příjemně krátké čekací doby díky dobře organizované a světlé ordinaci. Velmi kompetentní lékař, který věnuje potřebný čas. Prostě doporučuji po všech stránkách, pokud chcete být v dobrých rukou.

  • Václav Loucký

Výborný lékař, měl jsem těžké časy při návštěvě této kliniky a mohu říci, že jsou to skvělí profesionálové, kteří se vám snaží pomoci co nejvíce. Děkuji, mé problémy díky vám zmizely, všem doporučuji Unicare Medical Center.

  • Rebecca Louise

Pěkná a přátelská praxe!! Skvělá péče a následná péče, snadný a jasný proces registrace a milý a ochotný personál a lékaři. Oceňuji individuální a vstřícné služby, kterých se mi dostalo v Unicare Medical Center.

  • Gaukhara Berdikhojayeva

It a very nice clinic for a foreigner, easy to communicate and you can feel relaxed. Special thanks to receptionists, girls were so helpful and professionally behaved, that I didn’t have to worry at all.

  • Mishka

I am living abroad and urgently needed a prescription refilled as I've not been able to return home for many months. I was given compassionate and quick care from a team that really cares. Thank you!

  • Kateřina Černicka

Na zubní pohotovosti mi bohužel nepomohli. Pokud máte možnost, běžte rovnou na zubní pohotovost do Spálené, kde byli velmi profesionální a pomohli mi od bolesti. Kdybych to bývala věděla dřív ...

  • Adi O.

I was extremely fortunate to have Andreas and a very nice dental nurse take care of a tooth extraction for me. I couldn't have asked for better service, including the receptionist. Thank you.

  • Jarmila Faitová Kučerová

Jsem pacientkou doktora Masnera. Je to můj praktický lékař a také psychosomatik. Je velmi dobrý odborník s empatickým přístupem a léčí s ohledem na celkové zdraví. Mám v něj plnou důvěru.

  • Bianca Wielogorka

Excellent doctor, very professional, respectful and knowledgeable and makes sure you understand everything. I highly recommend him. He also speaks fluent English like a native speaker

  • Karolína Sikorjaková

Nejlepší lékař všech dob a jeho tým také Příjemný empatický a kompetentní Už bych nikdy nešla nikam jinam Ráda se smířím i s trochu delší cestou tam. Všechno je tam perfektní

  • Igor Tratnik

Please give all the best to the Dentist who did a great job on my tooth. Extremely friendly guy and his work was impeccable. 5 stars. Price was ok, not expensive for europe.

  • Галина Харченко

Hezká klinika, dostala jsem kvalitní služby a příjemná recepční Angie pečlivě odpověděla na všechny dotazy! Děkuji za pochopení osobní přístup ke klientům :) jen tak dal

  • Rana Umair

Very dedicated doctor who is happy to take time for a consultation/treatment and always has a good saying. My whole family goes there regularly, and rightly so.

  • Martina Nová

Skvělý lékař, mám mnoho problémů a tento lékař se mi snažil pomoci a zmírnit mé bolesti a nakonec se mu to podařilo. Moc děkuji, nikdy na to nezapomenu.

  • Daniel

Super nice practice team, very competent doctor. He also makes appointments with other specialists to get the best examination results quickly. Great.

  • Hana Dvořáčková

Skvělý lékař. S manželem se u něj léčíme již několik let, ale i kolegové jsou vždy velmi milí a zdvořilí. Ne vždy je to v dnešní době samozřejmostí.

  • Karen Laing

It was easy to make an appointment and the doctor was very thorough. The cost included the prescription. I would come back without hesitation.

  • Lenka Černá

Paní Šimečková je opravdu skvělá, moc milá, ochotná a s dětmi to vážně umí. Pokud máte nějaký problém i s miminkem, rozhodně doporučujeme.

  • Jana Kalinová

Vynikající služby. Všichni byli velmi milí a profesionální, celý proces byl hračka. Určitě se vrátím, kdykoli budu potřebovat další test.

  • Ludmil Mikecuk

Mimořádně kompetentní a empatická lékařka, která si na své pacienty udělá čas. Ordinace je dobře organizovaná, personál velmi přátelský.

  • Stanislav Mikes

Velmi doporučovaný lékař, který se o vše zajímá, naslouchá a provádí všechna důležitá vyšetření. Žádná dlouhá čekací doba.

  • Daniel Dressler

Sehr netter Arzt, mit Termin kaum Wartezeit. Geht auf alle Fragen ein, beantwortet diese ausführlich und nimmt sich Zeit.

  • Jochem Tellegen

Very competent doctor, very emphatic. Great practice, I felt very well looked after. I can definitely recommend it.

  • Lakshay Kapoor

Very rude staff doctors are helpful but the reception staff they don't have manners to talk to the patient.

  • 피리부는 보리

여행 2일째 되는 날 아파서 방문했었는데 매우 친절하게 진료봐쥬셨습니다 한국어 영어 통역가능하신 분이 계셔서 ㅠㅠ 안심하고 진료 받았구요 정말 감사드려요! 덕분에 완쾌하여 즐겁게 여행다녔어요!

  • Kamil

Děkujeme za rychlou pomoc. Moc jste mi pomohli a teď už je všechno v pořádku, už nemám žádný stres. Děkuji.

  • Lukas Vertesich

Příjem nových pacientů skvělý, kontrola celého těla, abychom se navzájem poznali. Žádné dlouhé čekací doby

  • Ahmed Bahous

Be careful the basic examination here is 2790 CZK which is 110 EUR!!! That's too much pricy and expensive.

  • Lubos Slany

Pan doktor je špičkový profesionál, okamžitě ví, jak léčit své pacienty, hodně pomáhá a je velmi milý.

  • Daniel Benisti

Great customer service. They will go to the full length to make sure that the customers are satisfied.

  • Eldin Hodzic

Děkuji vám, pane doktore, že jste mi tolik pomohl. Ráda bych všem doporučila Unicare Medical Center.

  • Simona Šnajdrová

Strašně milý, profesionální a přátelský lékař! Velmi flexibilní ordinace, vždy mi vyšli vstříc.

  • Oleh Popov

Velmi příjemné a pohotové. Zkoušel jsem několik lékařů, tohle byla moje nejlepší zkušenost.

  • Jan Tomicek

Velmi příjemný lékař a velmi pozorný! Chodím k ní velmi ráda. Personál je také velmi dobrý!

  • Kateřina Hrazdírová

Šťastný, jak se starali o můj případ. Jmenování jsem tam byl včas a oni také :) děkuji.

  • William Williamb

Velmi kvalifikovaní a spolehliví lékaři, mají mou plnou důvěru, pokud jde o mé zdraví.

  • Hf Dilmohammod

Just boosted, super friendly staff! Thanks for the friendly and relaxed atmosphere-

  • Лидия Кмить

Очень приятный колектив, детский доктор - рускоговорясчий. Спасибо огромное …

  • Azmir Am

Extremely competent, incredibly friendly - takes his time and looks closely.

  • Mark Sigray

No ENT specialists available at site, therefore would not recommend.

  • hajji Waheed

Velmi dobrý, kompetentní lékař se skvělým a velmi přátelským týmem.


Reception의 도움없이 의사진료만으로는 인내심과 서비스만족도에 한계를 느낍니다. 의사 사이 커뮤니케이션 0.

  • Nedžmin Buljina (bulj1na5)

Profesionální lékař, úžasný přístup k pacientům.

  • Patrik Lipovský

Konečně mi někdo pomohl, rychle a kvalitně. Díky

  • Michaela Nosková

Nejlepší praxe. Vždy dostupný a rychlé schůzky.

  • Tomáš Knejp

Skvělý přístup. Mohu jen doporučit :)

  • Michael Bím

Spokojenost, doporučuji

  • Vydrželová Pavlína

Skvělá klinika

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