China, Sichuan, Chengdu, Dujiangyan City, 公园路
都江堰景区 is a National park located at China, Sichuan, Chengdu, Dujiangyan City, 公园路. It has received 117 reviews with an average rating of 4.6 stars.
The address of 都江堰景区: China, Sichuan, Chengdu, Dujiangyan City, 公园路
都江堰景区 has 4.6 stars from 117 reviews
National park
"被聯合國列為世界遺產的都江堰,是2300多年前李冰父子為了搞定岷江所建的防洪灌溉水利系統,主要結構由魚嘴、飛沙堰和寶瓶口組成,很神奇的至今即使經過汶川大地震 仍發揮著作用,當天斷斷續續漂了一整天的雨,從南門進入經離堆觀賞了寶瓶口氣勢萬千的水勢後,再往飛沙堰直至魚嘴就算完成第一階段也是一般觀光 客的終點。 而我們從安瀾橋過河,就先仰攻到欣賞都江堰整體最佳視野的秦堰樓,之後經二王廟慢慢走到要上玉壘山制高點玉壘閣的最長電扶梯-步雲 廊,寶瓶口和離堆就是玉壘山腳被李冰父子分離引水處,還好有這分兩段的超長電扶梯,不然真會爬死,這個玉壘閣是開放可以攻頂的,且 晚上雖沒開放卻也會點燈,可從南橋位於都江堰景區南門旁發現兩者的夜間點燈相互輝映,相當美麗,而從西關走出景區可到達很有特色的都江堰市所剩唯一古街- 西街,沿著西街走可到寶瓶口另一側及逛到南橋對岸。"
"If you are interested in the history of ancient Chinese civil engineering, this is living model of how humans could turn water to run a good course"
"中国四川都江堰景区,岷江,公元前277年,战国时代李冰父子领导的伟大的人工水利工程,灌溉了成都地区,使之旱涝保收,富裕了秦始皇时代,帮助他收复了古代六国。至今已经延用了2000多年,壮观景象,大赞。在那里你可以看见古人的智慧和劳动致富的成果,佩服他们的能力与技术,值得学习。 In China, Sichuan, Dujiangyan, Min River"
"this is a must-see place when you visit Chengdu"
"The scenic area is a beautifully planted and tended park that straddles the river"
被聯合國列為世界遺產的都江堰,是2300多年前李冰父子為了搞定岷江所建的防洪灌溉水利系統,主要結構由魚嘴、飛沙堰和寶瓶口組成,很神奇的至今即使經過汶川大地震 仍發揮著作用,當天斷斷續續漂了一整天的雨,從南門進入經離堆觀賞了寶瓶口氣勢萬千的水勢後,再往飛沙堰直至魚嘴就算完成第一階段也是一般觀光 客的終點。 而我們從安瀾橋過河,就先仰攻到欣賞都江堰整體最佳視野的秦堰樓,之後經二王廟慢慢走到要上玉壘山制高點玉壘閣的最長電扶梯-步雲 廊,寶瓶口和離堆就是玉壘山腳被李冰父子分離引水處,還好有這分兩段的超長電扶梯,不然真會爬死,這個玉壘閣是開放可以攻頂的,且 晚上雖沒開放卻也會點燈,可從南橋位於都江堰景區南門旁發現兩者的夜間點燈相互輝映,相當美麗,而從西關走出景區可到達很有特色的都江堰市所剩唯一古街- 西街,沿著西街走可到寶瓶口另一側及逛到南橋對岸。
If you are interested in the history of ancient Chinese civil engineering, this is living model of how humans could turn water to run a good course. I was however very impressed by the modern female Sichuan Police on their mobile patrol. The spicy food in the restaurants nearby could shock the taste buds of many!
中国四川都江堰景区,岷江,公元前277年,战国时代李冰父子领导的伟大的人工水利工程,灌溉了成都地区,使之旱涝保收,富裕了秦始皇时代,帮助他收复了古代六国。至今已经延用了2000多年,壮观景象,大赞。在那里你可以看见古人的智慧和劳动致富的成果,佩服他们的能力与技术,值得学习。 In China, Sichuan, Dujiangyan, Min River. A very interesting place to visit, you can see 2000 years ago Chinese people were very smart and work hard.
this is a must-see place when you visit Chengdu. remember to enter from the north gate not the south one! also you really need to hire a guide during the tour. recommend the local rice cracker which you can buy before exit from the south gate of the Li Dui park.
The scenic area is a beautifully planted and tended park that straddles the river. We entered by the South East gate, wandered the gardens and ended by climbing the steps of a temple that gives a good view of the rushing river. The park is…...
Though it took 14 years to complete, just think about it, more than 2,000 years ago, people were smart enough to use nature to solve flood and water usage problems! This was an amazing construction and still in use today! Definitely…...
Walk at night! The lights in the water and along the bridges are very pretty. Many reconstructed old gates and bridges along the canals. It looks better every time we visit. Plenty of street vendors and entertainers. Fun place to walk.
En este increíble sitio Patrimonio de la Humanidad se unen la preciosidad del paisaje natural, los edificios religiosos del conjunto templario y la observación de las asombrosas obras hidráulicas que se han realizado en Dujiangyan.
Important historic and engineering site of China. Built thousands years ago and full of cultural atmosphere. Stand on the top of temples and watch the river running away like thousands years ago as the Chinese history.
Truely a heaven to get away the stifling weather in the summer of south China. The beauty of nature rules, as the history and culture over there seem to be not so significant for nonlocal tourists.
離堆公園。南門出入口内是離堆公園 。離堆,分離的山堆。李冰建都江堰,鑿穿玉壘山,開寶瓶口,讓岷江東流,廣澤成都平原。被鑿割分離的山堆就是離堆。離堆公園内北面高處有伏龍觀,奉祀李冰。觀内有文物。觀後有亭,亦可下江邊,皆是觀看寶瓶口岷江水波瀾澎湃的地方。 離江公園近出入口處有張松銀杏,相傳為東漢張松所植,1957年移植到這裏。
千年前做的都江堰現在仍嘉惠當地的老百姓,從成都地鐵的犀浦站換坐高鐵過來,直接到景區前的离堆公園,不過二十來分鐘,很快很方便。 如果時間不多可以從公交站前的入口進來,坐觀光車直接到魚嘴,看完再坐觀光車原路回來,可以省去很多時間和力氣,如果想慢遊,就走二王廟的路線,一路上山一邊看山下都江堰的風景。
So much to see and do here, other than the water management system designed more than 200 BC. The town has lots of interesting places to explore.
A stunning park with trees, rivers, mountains, fish and a lot of hiking! Absolutely stunning. Packed, busy and full of people, but stunning
A water engineering system built two thousands years ago but still perfectly in use! This is amazing!
刷山刮壁沙石侵 怒江沖谷躍峽頸 澇旱無常水無情 禍起岷山計無營 李冰父子智高明 魚嘴內外水分行 飛沙堰過沙籮清 離堆砥柱聚寶瓶 蒲陽柏條長江併 走馬府河成都併 沃野千里潤農林 天府之國宇宙名
A fascinating area to visit. To think that this irrigation technology has existed for so long.
More interesting than it sounds and a nice half day excursion from Chengdu.
Absolutely stunning. We loved it
Çok güzel bir yer.
天然資源豐富多元 人民群眾服務熱忱
Amazing place
92 reviews
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