1st Family Dental of Chicago

160 reviews

206 W Division St, Chicago, IL 60610




1st Family Dental of Chicago is a Dentist located at 206 W Division St, Chicago, IL 60610. It has received 160 reviews with an average rating of 4.4 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of 1st Family Dental of Chicago: 206 W Division St, Chicago, IL 60610

  • 1st Family Dental of Chicago has 4.4 stars from 160 reviews

  • Dentist

  • "Short Version: This dental practice does not honor warranties, is unethical, unprofessional, and potentially guilty of malpractice"

    "Honestly, I hate to even write this review"

    "I went there for an emergency vist because I had broken a tooth"

    "My experience here was honestly so difficult"

    "I wanted to love them because of the clean space and convenient location but customer service is horrible"


  • Tyler Knox

Short Version: This dental practice does not honor warranties, is unethical, unprofessional, and potentially guilty of malpractice. Long Version: For anything other than a basic cleaning, avoid this dentist at all costs. Two years ago I had a root canal at 1st Family Dental (in all fairness due to my own lack of tooth maintenance) and received a crown which was supposedly covered by a 5 year warranty as long as I came in for biannual cleanings. After maintaining the appropriate cleaning schedule, earlier this year I noticed that the same tooth was painful and clearly infected. Upon returning to 1st Family Dental to have this examined, I was told that an infection had slipped underneath the crown and had rotted the tooth down to the roots such that the recommendation was to have the tooth extracted, an implant put in, and the crown replaced. Upon asking if there was anything more I could have done to prevent this aside from typical daily brushing/flossing and 6 month cleanings, the response was "No, unfortunately sometimes these things happen." Upon asking for information about what my out of pocket expense could be, I was told that would take some time to work out with insurance but not to worry because since it was a medical emergency "insurance always covers these" and I had a warranty besides. In the meantime I was told to schedule the extraction procedure immediately and not wait to hear back from insurance due to the fact that it was a medical emergency and left unchecked the inspection would soon spread to other teeth and if left alone for a long period of time lead to much more dire consequences. After the tooth was extracted and 1st Family Dental had me on the hook for a very invasive and costly upcoming six months I was told that insurance in fact would not be covering any portion of the procedures because the tooth received a crown in the last 5 years and should be covered under warranty. As stated above, 1st Family Dental had indeed provided a 5 year warranty, yet would not honor said warranty in any form aside from refunding my portion of the value of the crown previously provided, which amounted to a joke of a percentage compared to the cost of the various different procedures involved. No matter how many times I tried to explain that a warranty doesn't simply mean you refund what was paid if the product fails, but that for the stated period of time you have guaranteed the performance of that product and should it fail you are accountable for all associated costs, 1st Family Dental would refuse to operate further without payment. The only times I could ever have a discussion with them were when I was sitting in the chair ahead of each appointment, not of a clear mind nor able to negotiate in good faith due to being on prescription Valium to try and relax for the unpleasant procedures ahead; every other attempt to contact them resulted in the person I would speak to either not having the authority to discuss the issue with me, being passed on to leave voicemails which would never be returned, or the statement that they needed to go back and look at my file and call me back which would never happen. In total my out of pocket cost for the last six months has been roughly $5,000 for operations which should have been covered under warranty. The only concession 1st Family Dental made aside from refunding the patient value of the original crown was to offer a 20% discount on a partial component of the final procedure. Their unwillingness to hold themselves accountable and see any form of reason has brought my fiancee and I to the point that we are now preparing to bring legal action against this practice.

  • Kimi Holloway

Honestly, I hate to even write this review. For the past 2 years I’ve been coming to this office and have always been thoroughly satisfied. However, I had my braces taken off Monday and came back Thursday for minor dental work. I arrived 15 minutes early where I was told my insurance was not valid. I promptly contacted the HR team at my job and gave the receptionist the updated information. Not only was she rude and unhelpful, she kept calling Delta Dental of Illinois to verify after I repeatedly told her it was Delta Dental of Indiana. In addition, I had logged into my account and showed the updated card. When I explained that I was on a break from work and asked for an eta of when I would be seen, she showed me a paper and said, “ well I don’t know, I have to fill this whole thing out,” with an attitude. More than 40 minutes passed before I was even brought back into the room. Thank you to the nice second receptionist that came out and promptly got me into a room. By this time, what I was told would be simple work required the assistant to take X-rays, and still no one had communicated when the dentist would be in. After 15 more minutes, I got a call for work and ultimately had to leave. Not to mention, I live in the south suburbs so I wasted 45 minutes to drive in, over an hour in the office not to be seen and 45 minutes to drive back. On my way out they had the nerve to ask if I wanted to come back tomorrow... absolutely not!! The receptionist who was the root cause of this issue never apologized or anything. During my wait time, I asked why insurance wasn’t verified before the patient arrived and she said “well I’m not sure who made your appointment”. The funny thing is, it was HER!!!!

  • Ron Williams

I went there for an emergency vist because I had broken a tooth. They didn't take my insurance but they charge $75 for emergencies. The dentist, Dr. Rene was very nice and explained I had two choices, a $3500 procedure or $300 for an extraction. I explained since this was just an emergency can he do a temporary fix so I could find a dentist that took my insurance. (My previous dentist stopped accepting my Cigna HMO). He said he could place a temporary filling that hopefully would last a month or longer, at least until I found a dentist that took my insurance. He did the procedure, I thanked him, paid the emergency care fee and left. Six hours later the filling fell out. Six hours, not a month or even close. But, no worries, I would just call them to tmorrow and they can fix it. Nope. The lady on the phone basically told me "Tough stuff" It is what it is. Your choices are do the $3500 procedure or get it pulled, no longer our problem. Temporary fixes are just that, temporary. I would like to say Dr. Rene was nice but the help leaves a lot to be desired. And now my tooth hurts more than it did when I first went in there. It was a 2 on a scale to 10, now it's a 7 or 8. I knew the procedure was temporary but I thought it would last longer than 6 hours. She didn't even bother to check with the Dentist to see what he said, nope, she just told me it was not their problem, it was mine. I had considered changing my insurance since I've been having problems with dentists accepting it. I even told Dr. Rene I would try & find someone they take so he could get the work. Well, that's not gonna happen. I won't be revisiting them, 6 hours later I was right back where I started minus the emergency fee.

  • KC Black

My experience here was honestly so difficult. The main dentist is great. And the hygienists are kind as well. However, I was constantly getting demeaning comments about my teeth from everyone except the main dentist. I had a hygienist try and pressure me to remove my wisdom teeth simply because they were hard to clean, not because they had any sort of cavities or impact issues. Additionally, the main dentist would always promise discounts that the rest of the office would not hold to. And it is very hard to get an appointment with him so I would usually only be able to see the secondary dentist. In a 1 year period they went through 3 secondary dentists, each one telling me I had to have a different procedure done, all of the advise conflicting with the previous. Additionally, I need a special set of x rays to watch a problem crown, and the office continually neglected to get these x rays for me. So when I went to get a second opinion, they conveniently didn’t have the x ray for my problem tooth anymore. I stayed through all this. My breaking point was when I came in for a filling and they tried to tell me I needed to start the implant process that day instead of getting a filling. None of the process or what to expect had been described to me beforehand. When I said no, because I had some questions first, they were all very annoyed with me. I used to love the dentist. After this, I’m scarred.

  • kimberly price

I wanted to love them because of the clean space and convenient location but customer service is horrible. Would not recommend for anything beyond a cleaning. Every time I stepped foot in there, I had to tell their team what I was there for. Extremely frustrating. There were times I was told my appointment was finished and I'd say to them "I came for xyz, have you done that?" and they would be lost. The WORST however was trying to get a night guard for teeth grinding due to stress. I was told I'd get it in a few weeks after my initial scans. However, I never got it or and update. This went on for MONTHS! Unanswered phone calls and voicemails (still waiting on those to be returned). Finally, I went into the office itself and I was told that they scans were never sent out to the maker. WHAT?! So I asked for my refund. (That in itself is a whole other story) After that, they continued to ignore my calls and my insurance companies calls as well. Since they had billed my insurance for the appliance I never received, and were unresponsive to the insurance company, I was unable to get a night guard elsewhere. From Feb-Aug, I've been in pain and dealing with the stress of this place. My employer had to step in was able to get a hold of them and remove the claim from my insurance. I promise you I tried to act with grace towards this place but I wouldn't waste your time on energy here.

  • Aine Filler

Whatever you do, DO NOT GO HERE!!! If I could give it 0 stars, I would, but Google won't let me. I recently had 3 fillings done by this office. Two of them caused me so much pain and discomfort that the dentist had to redo both of them. The pain continued and worsened, so I didn't feel comfortable returning to this office because clearly something was wrong, even after redoing the fillings. I switched dentists, and they told me that on those two teeth that had the redone fillings, root canals were required because the fillings were so deep they hit the nerves. My new dentist even confirmed the original cavities were not deep enough to require this deep of a filling. Not only was I in the worst pain of my life, but was also left with very expensive medical bills all because this dentist did my fillings far too deep. I've been going back and forth with this office for over a month, trying to explain the situation to them, and request that they reimburse me/help pay for the collateral damage their dentist caused. They have been avoiding me, claiming they are waiting for a manager to respond, but have gotten no response for over a MONTH! They even claimed they passed my information off to their corporate office and I could expect a response from them - still have yet to hear from corporate. Please save yourself and do not go to this office.

  • Shelley Homan

I’ve been coming here for years. I have a lot of dental anxiety and they were very kind to me for a while. This last experience was a different story… I had the audacity to question why I needed a new crown when I was under the impression it was okay to keep. I’m not claiming to be a professional but it’s my mouth. The dentist got very frustrated with me, wouldn’t explain anything so I could understand and then simply just stopped speaking to me. I felt like I was a car getting serviced, not a human. He didn’t check if the numbing was enough, he didn’t ask how I was the entire time. He left when he finished without speaking to me again. I turned to the assistant to ask if we were done because I had no idea if he finished or not. I’ve had quite a bit of work done and I’m aware of the typical experience and this was not it. He didn’t seem to care if I felt any pain or if the filling was hitting my teeth funny when I closed or anything. I will not be back and I will be finding a dentist who treats you like a human, especially when you have disclosed your anxiety multiple times to ensure you’re not traumatized. I’d recommend finding a more consistent dentist where you can feel comfortable and respected.

  • Jancy Liu

Went here because the reviews seemed good and very close to work but have had issues for two years with a crown they put in. After doing 4-5 follow ups, they couldn’t figure out why I had pain at the crown location (when I eat) so I’ve been just dealing with it for two years. A few days ago, the crown fell out and I saw a crack/hole. I’m all the follow ups, they filed it down so much it got so thin the crown didn’t last past 2 years. Average crowns last 8-15 plus years. When I called to see about having it fixed under warranty, I was told I couldn’t because I’ve been getting my cleanings elsewhere. I told them I moved so it was too hard to go there but I’ve been getting regular cleanings elsewhere. After days of waiting, I was told I’d have to pay for a new crown. If you’re doing more substantial work than a cleaning, I’d definitely go elsewhere. If this was any other service, the warranty would follow the work itself. HORRIBLE BUSINESS PRACTICE!

  • Raesetja Maria Masemola

Great place to I have been with them for 4 1/2 years great service I am sad that I am leaving the country I am going to miss the hospitality One can feel the hospitality starting from the front desk the ladies Deea, Michelle, Yvette this are the few that I always get during my appointments and there are gentle men too . They will Make you feel at home offer you something to drink and with a smile too. They know their patients you don't have to tell them your name every time you visit. They even know your voice over the phone . The doctors too are awesome make you feel comfortable they make a visit to the dentist pleasurable. This place practice the principle of what in my country call "Batho Pele " meaning people first. Keep Up the good work

  • Sam Khawaja

From my every visit at the office of First Family Dental, Division location I was made to feel welcome and comfortable both by the friendly competence of the staff David, Evelyn, Michelle and Ella and the pleasant environment of the office itself. Dr. Akhikar inspires the utmost confidence by his smile and jokes and by his wealth of knowledge, skills, and professionalism. Thank you Dr. Akhikar for the great experience and quality work you have done on extracting my teeth. I am usually apprehensive about needles and it was no sweat at all. In fact, I am ready for the next needle, thanks to your gentle touch. Kudos and the highest recommendation to Dr. Akhikar and everyone at First Family Dental, Division location!

  • Libby Hodur

Do NOT schedule your appointment here. I just sat in their waiting room for a full hour after my appointment was supposed to start. The front desk was incompetent and failed to authorize my (very good) insurance until Right before my appointment even though I booked over a month in advance and said they would call if there were any issues which they did not. They then said I had to reschedule because THEY took over an hour to verify my insurance. I don’t write reviews like this often, but I’ve never experienced such gross incompetence and lack of patient service in my life and would hate for someone else to have to take off work and waste their time at this office.

  • Lisa Peterson

Hello I've been going to 1st Family Dental in Chicago for almost two yrs. No one looks forward to seeing the dentist. I've gone through many. Until now. I am so pleased w/ Dr. Joseph and assistant Beatriz. They honestly outline procedures needed for my teeth issues. They are professional and sincere. Plus they work w/ my finances having no ins. The staff is genuine and treat me w/ respect and concern emailing post op instructions after each procedure. As for Beatriz she is so very good I thought she was a dentist. I'm glad I found what will be my last dental company I'll ever need. Thanks so much


I needed to find a new dentist about 1-1/2 years ago. I read the reviews of several dental offices near my home and 1st Family Dental on Division stood out as having many satisfied patients. Happily, I am now one of those very grateful patients. Maryana is my primary provider and having had experience with many hygienists over the years, she is by far the best. Maryana is meticulous in my dental care, never rushes through my appointment and makes sure I'm comfortable with the procedures at all times. If you are looking for a new dentist, I think 1st Family Dental would be a great choice.

  • Y Chen

Did a bunch of fillings and had significant pain issue after the filling. Then, fillings started to fall off within 2-5 months of filling. Plus, one of the filling was not properly closed, meaning a lot of food always gets stuck. This is unacceptable. I redid filling that fell off at another dentist, and boy the difference! The pain went away and almost no food is stuck now. I saw other bad reviews for filling at this shop and I regret not taking them seriously. My best advice is DO NOT try filling at their shop. Bad outcome of care. I had to learn it the hard way through comparison.

  • Marc Morelli

I needed to drop a line and say what a great experience I had at the Old Town location. I went in for a cleaning and some fillings on 7/23/20. Sused was my Dental Hygienist. She is FANTASTIC!! With everything going on as it relates to COVID-19, Sused Made the experience comfortable and enjoyable. She did a great job cleaning my teeth, was very thorough! Dr. Nowacki handled the fillings! He was also great! Efficient, and really handles his work with precision and care! Didn’t feel a thing! Great job and hats off to the team over at Old Town!

  • Roshan Poojary

Came here for a wisdom teeth extraction, originally only 2 but the dentist convinced me to get all 4. This is usually performed under general anesthesia if it's all 4, but the dentist seemed to be in a hurry and the whole procedure turned out to be extremely painful. I told em about the pain but they kicked me out and asked me to get Tylenol. Extremely unprofessional and now I'll have to look for another dentist for a follow up. Seems like a shoddy job as the swelling hasn't subsided in weeks now.

  • Ashley Jones

Dr. Plesh and staff were really great to work with! I had started having a major toothache and they were able to get me in very quickly. I didn’t have to wait long at all. They explained to me what was going on and the oral surgery process I would have to go through. I appreciate how detailed and thorough they were with me. They were able to book my surgery very quickly so I could play in a golf tournament the following week! Thank you to this staff for all of their help! I’ll be coming back!

  • Danuel Williamson

On behalf of Theodora W: Don't look any further for a dentist!!! First Family Denta of Old Town , is the place. Awesome, friendly , knowledgeable staff....Maryann, Best painless hygienist one could have, very patient, kind and knowledgeable...spotless CDC guide line office/ equipment...punctual appointments...parking lot/bus stop at door....under the FANTASTIC leadership of the "BEST" dentist in the world..Dr. Joseph Akhikar....who treats you as if you are a family member.

  • mjed shackour

Many thanks to Dr Fatma Ahmed for the wonderful filling procedure Many thanks to Dr Fatma for her wonderful customer service and explaining the best approach and treatment and be honest and be very nice Thanks technician Jessica for your hard working and thanks the front desk receptionist for the wonderful customer service and easy to book oputement for follow up It is a team work approach who makes the place excellent

  • Shamasha 78

I highly recommend to visit 1stFD of old town all the stuff are amazing. The manager and the receptionist set an appointment easily to me I didn’t even wait they call me inside once I got there. The Hygienist did a great job by cleaning my teeth plus my favorite dentist Dr. Akhikar came and take a look to make sure everything is ok. Thanks again 1FD the of old town looking forward to see you again. God bless you all.

  • Brian

GET ORTHO TREATMENT SOMEWHERE ELSE. Prepare to overpay for subpar treatment and poor service. Incompetent and sketchy billing practices. Collecting money from you is more important to them than thorough treatment and satisfying patients. I voiced this directly to them and chose to ignore my call. That is why I was forced to post this. Once they have your money, they don’t care about you. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE.

  • Prem parikh

Dr Joe and his staff were phenomenal. Very professional and organized. Was able to get a cleaning and 2 fillings done in one appointment.They also worked with my insurance company for proper billing. Drove from Naperville to see Dr Joe. Couldn’t ask for a better dental experience . No pain at all and very friendly and honest and not to mention very knowledgeable and experienced. Highly recommend to anyone.

  • Latoya Woodland

Hi from the looks of it the staff are very great I been going back and forward with the help of Melissa and she have had nothing but patience with me she have really been working with me to try and get the work done That i need I know some time it can be over whelming but I really do appreciate Melissa being patient in working with my dental insurance company thanks you see you all soon

  • Theodora Williamson

If you want a state of the art office/ equipment with white leather furniture, awesome staff, top notch hygienist, payment plans, parking lot, prompt service and the "BEST" knowledgable , caring dentist in the world, you must come to 1st Family Dental, Old Town location and make an appointment with Dr. Joseph Akhikar, you will Never regret your decision♥️♥️♥️ Love my dentist and staff!!

  • Rich Reason

This is an unethical and money monger business. These people will want you to do teeth extraction, re-filling of teeth and deep cleaning to make a buck. I got my teeth 'cleaned' here and they tore of the enamel of the teeth. Rubbed of the edges of the teeth so that food would get stuck and would require constant cleaning by a dentist. THE WORST! STAY AWAY FROM THIS BUSINESS!

  • Lolik

After my moving to the West part of Chicago, I made my visits to 1st Family Dental of Old Town. Sincerely, I don't like all these visits to the dentist. But here I am happy, there is no caries, no pain. All my questions were answered with patience and understanding. I recommend this office to everyone, both adults and children. Yes, to a beautiful and healthy smile.

  • Jessie Moskowitz

The hygienists and dentists are all great. My only negative feedback is the smell - from the second you walk in you are overwhelmed by artificial air freshener that resonates through the entire office. It's almost enough to cause me to change dentists, honestly. I've mentioned this to the front desk staff before but they don't seem to think it's that bad.

  • Andrew Sy

Very accommodating. I was looking for a dentist that 1) takes insurance 2) flexible given my unpredictable work schedule. The front office made a concerted effort to make sure insurance was taken and made the paperwork process very seamless. My hygienist and dentist answered all my questions about XRays, cleaning strategies. Great job all around.

  • Lizbeth V

This was my first visit. The space is very clean. The receptionist Michelle was very friendly and good customer service. It was the most painless cleaning I have ever had in my life done by a hygienist. Dr. Akhikar has magical hands no complains about getting my 1st fillings with him. A great experience! I will definitely be returning here!

  • David Henwood

After many dentists in Chicago I will never go anywhere but 1st Family Dental on Division Street. Dr. Akhikar and the entire staff are incredible. Prices in line. Service top notch. I had front implants (not an easy procedure) and I could not be happier with the results. This is a first class facility with first class staff.

  • Gina Merlo

The team at First Family Dental is fantastic! Every time I go in I look forward to my appointment! Everyone is efficient, highly competent, wonderful, funny and kind! I recommend FFD to people often and can’t say enough great things! Thanks FFD for making the dentist experience a positive and enjoyable one …

  • Charlotte Moureaud

wait time is okay but dentist is rude. walks in, looks at your teeth, tells the hygienist which teeth to “look out for” then walks out lol. good luck, you’re probably getting a cavity filled the next time you go. the ladies at the front desk are nice but the equipment / chairs look like they’re from the 60s

  • Lazar Barjaktarevic

Been going here for some years and I'm very happy with everything. The front staff are very hospitable, and when I was running at my last appointment. Clean office, well organized. They do a great with the dental work as well. Reasonable pricing and I'm happy with the work they do. Recommended!

  • Jordan Gary

I can't give 5-stars for having to go to the dentist, but this practice does make it as painless as possible. My appointment was on-time and I was in and out in pretty good time. The dentist and the hygienist were both extremely friendly. And I knew the price I would pay before coming in!

  • Vicki Magee

This practice is professional, friendly, and competent. I highly recommend. They won’t disappoint. Drs. Ali and Raul (so) are wonderful especially Dr. R. I’m 74 and he’s been helping me with a lot of dental work. I just love him. Everyone should have such a competent and kind surgeon.

  • Emilia Lopez

I just walked out with the best teeth cleaning I’ve ever had. I waited about 2 minutes before I was called in and my dental hygienist was very kind and patient. Then my Dentist came in and was amazing and very thorough. Im glad I kept my dental appointment this time.

  • dan bach (Dan Bach's SnapChats)

Very reasonably priced dentist that I found through a discount dental program. They have a new dentist there. I don’t remember the gentleman’s name but he does great work and so does the rest of the staff. Very friendly And they have free parking. Can’t beat that.

  • Jose Hector

Very good place and nice all the staff that attends you as well as the Doctor who will take care of your dental work, very professional and have the latest technology, they are bilingual and offer you different payment options, this is definitely worth it place.

  • Sol Farias

This is the best dental group! The staff is amazing with my family... so accommodating, so much patience with kids, and great dental work! I have been coming to this office for years and would not go anywhere else! Bonus, this location has free parking!

  • Leslie Newman

I have been serviced and took my daughter here for over 5 years and this place is amazing! Friendly staff, great service, and they have repayment options that we could work with! Thanks for many great years of service in a convenient location downtown!

  • Kyle H

Even my insurance company straight up rejected their pretreatment claims because they were all unnecessary. Got terrified by the doctor who said how bad my gums were but went another dental office telling me just need some thorough regular cleanings.

  • Riley Steffey

I had several fillings done here about three years ago and all of them have progressively fallen out over the years. The dentist that I go to now who is fixing all of the work has suggested I look into filing for malpractice. Please be careful!

  • John DiCicco

My wife is very nervous of the dentist and she loves this place because of the care they have. I would highly recommend this place for people who are nervous, they take wonderful care of you and are very understanding of people who are scared.

  • Lauren Speakman

My initial appointment at 1st Family Dental was great! It was very efficient! Maybe the shortest amount that I've ever waited for a dental appointment after arriving. Staff was very friendly/professional and the chair was a massage chair!

  • Brian Foster

Best dental service I’ve received Downtown and I’ve lived here for over 15 years. The staff was professional and courteous and Dr. Akhikar repaired my crown free of charge. I was highly impressed and will be back for sure. Thanks

  • Lars Armainsson

Dr. Akhikar is an excellent dentist. He is very skilled and capable of doing difficult procedures and specially implants. He is very kind and knowledgeable. His staff are very helpful and accommodating. I strongly recommend him.

  • Mark Cornelius

I thought the staff was friendly but otherwise I would not do business with this establishment. Prices were extremely high and I felt like the dentist was very arrogant and only interested in charging the highest price.

  • SmileZ ThaGOD

I have had the worst experiences at every dentist i have ever been to until i found this one, has to be the best dentist office in the city. They actually care and Dr. Ahmed is so gentle and nice. Wont go anywhere else.

  • connor waskom

Had a great orthodontist appointment when determining if I was a fit for smile direct. Very kind, and explained to me my options while teaching me more about how my teeth would move. Also easy going and friendly staff.

  • Melissa Humbert

Great experience! Everyone is always friendly. Dr. Basko explains what she's doing clearly and makes sure my pain is well managed. They also make sure I know how much any procedure is going to cost. Highly recommended.

  • Shannon Mason

I love 1st Family Dental. The staff is always friendly and I trust them to take care of my teeth. It can be difficult finding a good dentist in the city and I’ve been scammed before but they are one of the good ones.

  • Wayne Kubasak

This was my first appointment. The staff was friendly and efficient. The dentist was friendly and presented a treatment plan that was straightforward and offered options. He also took time to answer questions

  • Nisarg Gandhi

Terrible experience booking a visit; they canceled last minute. Reading other reviews, it looks like other folks have had similar experiences with poor/new management. I wouldn't recommend working with them!

  • Sharbel Zakharia

1st family dental of old Town deserve more than 500 stars not only 5 stars. Great and fabulous dentist and amazing and friendly staff. I will recommend this place to anyone in and outside old Town. …

  • Danielle Harris

I just went in for a deep cleaning and I had an awesome experience. She made me feel so at ease and it was virtually painless. The staff is very helpful and friendly and I look forward to my next visit.

  • William Ladda

It is always a pleasure. They keep track of everything and I feel confident they know what I am doing good at and what I can improve upon. I forward to the next 6 month cleaning and staying healthy.

  • Erica P

I’m always nervous when I go to the dentist but this office is the best they make you feel so comfortable... they definitely care for you and your teeth I definitely recommend 1st family dental

  • Mhmd Ali M Hakmi

This hospital, all doctors and assistances are so great and helpful. especially Dr. Joseph ,Rasha and Dived. I advise anyone who has tooth ache to go to this hospital. This is my experience.

  • Jean Cheng

Wish the Dr spent a bit of more time with me. Technician took a x-ray for the same tooth twice or even three times. The office has not sent me a copy of file they agreed to send a week ago.

  • mosetta smith

hello, very professional young women. Patient they gave me. Very gentle with me. I had a good time with these young women. The doctor thank God for him. Very good to me. God bless you all.

  • Antoine Patrick

Very friendly staff and professional. I’ve never had a bad experience. It means a lot to spend your hard earned money someplace where they appreciate you and provide excellent service.

  • Tony Faham

It was absolutely delightful, friendly staff and great knowledgeable doctors, going back in two weeks to complete the process and i have to say I'm very comfortable with these folks.

  • Quiana Moody

Since the first day I walked in they made me feel comfortable my dentist Dr. Ahmed is wonderful her and her assistant.. I will keep continuing going here for all my dental needs..

  • J O

Always have a good experience here. The office manager is always so pleasant. Great customer service! If you need anything accommodated I recommend asking for Adriana.

  • Andreea Mihu

Dr. Akhikar and the whole staff at 1st Family Dental are amazing; always helpful and acting in a highly professional manner. I only wish I had discovered them sooner

  • Peter Z

Dr. Plesh is Amazing. Brought my son in for a little emergency procedure and she made it smooth, painless, and left feeling great! Highly recommend Dr. Plesh!

  • Chelsey Jo

I went in with my teeth feeling fine. Now, over 6 months later my teeth still hurt daily and I'm constantly having issues with the filling they gave me.

  • Ginger Oliver

The dentists and staff are great but I prepaid for work Nd then found I could not complete due to health reasons. They STILL haven't refunded my money.

  • matt erhard

Great dental office. Clean, new, professional. Nice staff, always easy to make appts and always leave feeling good about my teeth. Great with kids.

  • Joyce Doty

This is my all time favorite dentist! The facility is very clean with a nice ambiance and the staff is amazing! I strongly recommend this dentist.

  • Mike Frasure

Dr. Plesh and her assistant Beatrice are consummate professionals, perfectionists, and very pleasant to deal with. I highly recommend them both.

  • Robbie Evans

The experience was very pleasant. The hygienist did a wonderful job I was very pleased with the services all around. Everyone is very pleasant.

  • Ana Benitez

Great dental experience. I went to the Division office and they were all friendly and helpful. The doctors were excellent. Totally recommend.

  • Alex M

Told me I had 7 cavities and said “it wasn’t bad”. Sounded ridiculous so I went to another dentist, got full xrays done again… zero cavities

  • Vika G

Very friendly staff. Adriana was particularly helpful, very knowledgeable, patient, and polite with me, ensuring my needs were met.

  • Elena Smolenskaia

It was my first consultation. I like how the doctor explained me everything and gave me different options of treatment. Thank you.

  • Lou Ann Miller

This place is an absolute scam. Did x-rays but would not clean my son's teethe wanted to do deep cleaning and charge another $500.

  • Liv Grace

I am so impressed with 1st family dental. They are incredible with their work plus easy to connect with during my treatment

  • ozzy garnica

Very clean place, reception is friendly and helpful and the dentist are knowledgeable. I recommend this location to anyone

  • Kendal Carrow

The staff is very nice, though my experience was that they cared more about money than actually helping the patients.

  • Nuria Doyle

Hi staff is super nice, Doctors are very professionals and gave me the best options on my budget, love it …

  • George Aday

I was very pleased with my visit, the staff were very friendly and informed. I will be back to this office again.

  • Angel Tamberino

Maryana, who is amazing has been my hygienist for the past 3 yrs. She is gentle and thorough cleaning my teeth.

  • Veronica Radin

Went for just a cleaning and new x-rays. Had a super friendly staff and great experience! Very covid-safe, too.

  • Hinda Razzouq

I worked with the office for my payment. The director was very understanding of the situation and made it work.

  • Lakin Roland

Nice staff, explained procedures and talked them through so that I felt comfortable. Would definitely go back.

  • Taylor Crandell

Great, kind, and efficient office. Taking precautions with pandemic seriously and it’s a beautiful office.

  • Allison Fox

The staff was great and very thorough! Wonderful experience with both my cleaning and with scheduling

  • Allen Leyva

Near the lake and parking available. @ this location since, I was a young man & my teeth look great!

  • Richard Sciabbarrasi

Excellent staff, excellent care. I always feel like my welfare is their number one priority.

  • Wesley Kirk

Pretty quick once paperwork was done. Everyone who helped me was friendly and considerate

  • Steve Berger

Always a great experience. Very safe practices during covid. Friendly staff and service.

  • Angelina

Such a nice experience, highly recommend this place. Adrianna was particularly helpful!

  • Yolanda Adams

Dental assistant had to retake my xrays several times. Overall nice facility and staff

  • Adam Hernandez

First time back in a dentist chair in 20 years and I couldn't be happier. Thank you.

  • Jake Noodwang

Very welcoming. Very professional. Very explanatory of procedure(s)/treatment(s).

  • Eman Hammad

Great Staff and very collaborative doctors. Clean and nice clinic as well!

  • Andrea Sturm

I am waiting nearly one hour. My appointment is at 11 am. It is now 11:56.

  • Bill Forcade

Excellent services for over a decade. Superb and very friendly dentists.

  • Samuel Garloff

3rd visit. Friendly, courteous and honest. What else could you ask for?

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