CarMotion Autonoleggio Palermo Centro

214 reviews

Via Francesco Crispi, 250, 90139 Palermo PA, Italy



CarMotion Autonoleggio Palermo Centro is a Car rental agency located at Via Francesco Crispi, 250, 90139 Palermo PA, Italy. It has received 214 reviews with an average rating of 4.4 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of CarMotion Autonoleggio Palermo Centro: Via Francesco Crispi, 250, 90139 Palermo PA, Italy

  • CarMotion Autonoleggio Palermo Centro has 4.4 stars from 214 reviews

  • Car rental agency

  • "Esperienza pessima e molto sgradevole"

    "Un furto legalizzato"

    "Situazione molto spiacevole venutasi a creare quando il 6 giugno mattina alle ore 7 avrei dovuto ritirare un'auto prenotata il giorno prima tramite un broker"

    "Its really difficult to find an honest car rental but this place is brilliant! I was able to easily book my vehicle prior to coming to Palermo with the help of Alberto and when we got there, Lorena helped us on the day with our vehicle"

    "Recensisco la sede Via Paolo Borsellino vicino all'aereoporto di Palermo"


  • Gianluca Stefanucci

Esperienza pessima e molto sgradevole. Noleggiata Fiat panda con opzione mini kasco ovvero franchigia pari a 500€. Alla riconsegna, è stata riscontrata una ammaccatura sul parafango posteriore di cui non ci eravamo nemmeno accorti. La persona che ha gestito la riconsegna ha stabilito la gravità del danno senza consultare nessuno e ha applicato direttamente il prezzo forfettario trovato su una tabella danni mai mostrataci, nemmeno su esplicita richiesta. Tuttora questa tabella non è accessibile dal sito ufficiale di car motion. Dato che il prezzo non era assolutamente commensurabile con il danno abbiamo chiesto una perizia tecnica. A questa richiesta nessuna risposta, silenzio totale. La persona in questione si é qualificata come il “responsabile” ma non è stato in grado di rispondere ad alcuna domanda concernente la riparazione. Abbiamo allora chiesto di conferire con il titolare o con il responsabile delle riparazioni, ma a suo dire erano entrambi irreperibili. Siamo di fatto stati costretti ad accettare tutte le condizioni imposteci dato che era il "responsabile" stesso a doverci riportare in aeroporto dove avremmo dovuto essere di li a poco per una coincidenza. Scortesia, poca professionalità e poca trasparenza. Assolutamente sconsigliato. ============== Appena letto la risposta dell’azienda (qui sotto) e devo purtroppo rilevare la presenza di gravi inesattezze: 1. Non contesto la tabella danni redatta da periti tecnici. Contesto piuttosto che l’addetto alla riconsegna ci ha di fatto imposto il tipo di danno, e quindi il suo ammontare, senza averci MAI mostrato questa tabella. Alla nostra richiesta di vederla ci e’ stato scortesemente detto che si trovava sulla pagina web del sito (quando lui aveva la tabella in mano). Aggiungo poi che ancor oggi (dopo quasi un mese dall’accaduto) questa tabella non e' reperibile. 2. L’ammaccatura non riguarda porta e parafango ma solo il parafango. Invito l’azienda ad andare a rivedere le foto (che sono anche in mio possesso) 3. Il fermo tecnico dubito si applichi a danni come quello da noi subito. Infatti, la macchina che abbiamo noleggiato aveva gia’ un’altra ammaccatura sul parafango vicino allo sportellino del tappo carburante (anche in questo caso vi sono foto a dimostrarlo). Inoltre, come abbiamo fatto notare prima di prenderla, sul cruscotto rimaneva accesa la spia gialla di “avaria generica” (triangolo giallo con punto esclamativo). Noi ci siamo fidati sulla parola che non fosse nulla di serio, ma certamente quella spia non sarebbe rimasta accesa se la macchina fosse stata portata in visione; quindi nemmeno in questo caso ci puo’ essere stato un fermo tecnico. In conclusione, come clienti vorremmo essere ascoltati invece di essere presi in giro. E un’azienda seria dopo aver appurato la veridicita’ e la buona fede dei suoi clienti dovrebbe quantomeno proporre un rimborso.

  • franz gjoni

Un furto legalizzato. Ho preso una macchina in affitto a Palermo per due giorni dove ho previsto subito per il pagamento online affitto + assicurazione. Una volta arrivati alla consegna dell’auto tutto ciò non serviva più perché bisognava per forza avere la carta di credito e non bancomat oppure prepagate per la consegna. Bisognava dare 500 € in contanti per poter avere l’auto altrimenti i soldi dati tramite il bonifico andavano persi. Non viene prevista nessuna assicurazione in caso di danni, anche nn causati da te. Detto ciò i ragazzi sono cordiali e disponibili. Pensateci bene prima di affittare una macchina per le vacanze perché si può facilmente trasformare in un stato di ansia pura. Risposta: 1)Non si capisce per quale santa ragione dopo aver pagato noleggio + assicurazione in anticipo serva per forza la carta di credito. Perché si paga l’assicurazione? Perché l’importo del tutto, vista la decadenza del contratto non può essere rimborsata? 2) In questo caso cosa cambia tra una carta di credito e un bancomat? Per le multe? {che cmq dal punto di vista giuridico devono essere per forza notificate al responsabile.} 3)È possibile che per un semplice danno, anche non causato da te venga cmq applicata una franchigia da 500 euro? 4)Vi sembra normale chiedere 500€ in contanti dove tutte le banche di Palermo hanno un limite a 250 al giorno? Tra altro di domenica dove le banche sono chiuse. 5)Il furto legalizzato era riferito al fatto che magari per un lieve danno non causato da te (non è il mio caso) non ti viene data la possibilità di avere un assicurazione vista la situazione di traffico/guida qui a Palermo e quindi i 500 euro vanno in fumo. Credo che con un po’ di buon senso si vada meglio tutti quanti. Cordiali Saluti

  • Giovanni Billeci

Situazione molto spiacevole venutasi a creare quando il 6 giugno mattina alle ore 7 avrei dovuto ritirare un'auto prenotata il giorno prima tramite un broker. Chiamo per comunicare il mio arrivo e mi viene risposto che l'orario di apertura era le 8, nonostante avevo bloccato la prenotazione per le 7. Alle 8 vengo richiamato per sentirmi dire che la prenotazione era stata cancellata il giorno prima stesso per errore di prezzo. Chiamo il broker, spiego il tutto ma anche loro sembrano cadere dalle nuvole, tantoche mi viene detto che non possono più rimborsarmi il costo del servizio perché l'orario di ritiro dell'auto era passato, quindi da questo deduco che la prenotazione non era stata cancellata. Cerco di spiegare meglio al broker che non è che io avessi rinunciato al servizio ma che il noleggio si è rifiutato di consegnarmi l'auto. Dopo mezz'ora mi arriva una mail del broker che mi dice che avrebbero rimborsato il costo del servizio, mmi sembra il minimo, senza preoccuparsi del fatto che io fossi arrivato in aeroporto e non ho mai trovato un'auto prenotata e già pagata e sopratutto senza preoccuparsi del del disagio che questo abbia potuto provocare a me e alla mia famiglia, poiché non ho potuto sbrigare determinate cose in quella mattinata dovendo peraltro ritardare il rientro a casa di un giorno. SCONSIGLIATO.

  • T K

Its really difficult to find an honest car rental but this place is brilliant! I was able to easily book my vehicle prior to coming to Palermo with the help of Alberto and when we got there, Lorena helped us on the day with our vehicle. Both were very helpful! Lorena greeted us with a beautiful smile and talked us through the vehicle and its features. The specific vehicle we chose had Android Auto which meant that I was able to connect my phone via USB and Google maps came up on the on board screen in the vehicle which was extremely handy! I will say though, driving around Palermo is absolutely crazy so we took out the "Super Kasko Plus" insurance which reduced our excess to 0 and this gave us a peace of mind. In Palermo, I am pretty sure there are no rules on the road and its a free for all! Fortunately, most of our driving was done on the motorway(highway if you prefer!) and this was much more normal. I highly recommend CarMotion. The staff are extremely friendly and they are honest people who understand how to provide excellent customer service. Thank you CarMotion for an excellent experience!

  • Alice Picozzi

Recensisco la sede Via Paolo Borsellino vicino all'aereoporto di Palermo. Nonostante le iniziali difficoltà date da un mio errore di prenotazione Salvatore è stato gentile e paziente e siamo riusciti a recuperare la macchina con un giorno d'anticipo e risolvendo la questione della franchigia. Fate attenzione ad avere una VISA o MASTERCARD o con altre carte vi addebiteranno 250 Euro senza restituzione per la franchigia, se non prenotate direttamente con CarMotion ma con altri siti, di cui è facile confondersi. La macchina era in buone condizioni, il check in piuttosto rapido, dall'aereoporto al centro noleggio ci vogliono dieci minuti abbondanti in macchina in mezzo alla campagna. Dovete inoltre chiamare l'ufficio quando arrivate in aereoporto per avvisarli di venirvi a prendere. Nonostante le peripezie che non dipendevano da CarMotion consiglio questa azienda. Il suo personale è stato gentile ed efficiente, anche quando durante un tragitto la spia dell'olio e'rimasta accesa e ci hanno dato una buona assitenza.

  • Vivian Lee

We rented a car from this company for couple days when travelling in Palermo and when we returned it before heading to airport ,they tried to accuse us by finding scratches under the bumper at the hidden place and you have to laying on the ground to see it) We were in a hurry to catch the flight and we have to take their shuttle car to the airport because their car rental place is located at nowhere. They told us if we do not pay $208.12 Euro, they can spend all day to discuss this issue with us. We ended up being forced to pay for it and we missed our flight by 5 minutes. There are no more direct flights the same day and now we had to pay an extra 343 Euros for another flight with a 12 hour overnight stopover. They are doing business without morals and tried to telling us we can report to insurance and get the money back. I want to warn everyone who has chance to read my review, never deal with this car rental company.

  • Izzy Merriman

We rented from car motion through a broker, at first Giovanni was great went round the car there was a broken rear light and a few scratches on what must have been at leat a 5 year old Megane, which was not a problem. I was emailed some pics but not of the underside of the Cill which on return had a dent THIS COULD NOT BE SEEN ON FIRST INSPECTION on return the owner started feeling on the underside of this and found a dent, this could have been done way before our hire. This felt like a scam as I am 100% sure this was not through our doing so we had to part with 244 Euros on my credit card. I doubt that this will be repaired and I believe they will do the next hirer with this damage. I am an experienced businessman and have a hunch for a scammer and this was that! CHECK YOUR CAR THOROUGHLY UNDERSIDE AND EVERYTHING AS THEY WILL HAVE YOU

  • Mei Scott

What a fantastic company, we will use Carmotion again on future trips to Sicily and recommend it to friends. These guys really put in so much effort and put Avis and Budget to shame. Excellent service from start to finish, a relief to find a car rental company that treats their customers with such a high levels of service. The car was in new condition, freshly washed and spotlessly clean inside. Contract was clear and explained in plain English. We collected the car at Palermo Porto and returned it to their Palermo Airport branch which has a petrol station next door to refill and they dropped us to the terminal door which is a few minutes away. Both branches were so friendly, polite and efficient. This is a family run, local business. Highly recommended.

  • Pierpaolo

Appena contattati via mail sono apparsi subito disponibili e professionali, dopo aver letto le ottime recensioni ho deciso di noleggiare l'auto da loro, anche perchè consentono di noleggiare vetture anche senza carta di credito e sinceramente è stata la migliore scelta in assoluto. Arrivati in aeroporto ci sono venuti a prendere dopo nemmeno 5 minuti. Il luogo dove ci hanno consegnato la vettura è vicinissimo all'aeroporto, altri 5 minuti di macchina al massimo. Oltretutto ci hanno anche dato una vettura di valore superiore a quella che avevamo prenotato, Giovanni e il suo collega sono stati gentilissimi, è stato un vero piacere conoscerli, se dovessi tornare a Palermo sicuramente mi affiderò nuovamente a loro.

  • Aleksandra Fraczkiewicz

Do not rent a car by this agency! Our car has got many scraches. We took car in full Sun, on the crowded street with childs, so we havent got conditions to check carosery precisely. In check out the employee found a very little scrach, which wasnt visible on photos, they didnt want to show You oryginal pictures and persuade that is your fault. My brother in low show this scratch during the inspection, but the employee didnt mark this damage in protocol. The case is on the police because they charged 120 Euro frightering, if we didnt pay, we should pay penalyty fee in case of returns car late. They are thiefts and broke our holidays. The case is in police.

  • Francesco Rossi

Autonoleggio consigliatissimo, prenotato on line, tutto come richiesto. Molto efficienti e con tariffe assolutamente vantaggiose rispetto ai blasonati rent a car. Erano gli unici aperti la domenica di Pasqua e tutto il giorno di pasquetta. Gli altri tutti chiusi, e risultava impossibile noleggiare un'auto a Pasqua. Servizio e auto impeccabile. Tra l'altro nel riportare l'auto abbiamo fatto il pieno nel distributore automatico di fronte che ci ha trattenuto 10 euro lasciandoci ricevuta. Si sono offerti di restituire loro i 10 euro visto che poi noi saremmo partiti senza avere modo di recuperarli. Veramente gentili.

  • Cindy Y

I rented a automatic car from the company when I was over at Sicily for a short trip. The staffs were extremely friendly and the service was great. We were only going to rent the car for a day originally but ended up renting it for both days when we were there. The car was in a great shape. I especially loved the drop-off service since our flight was very early the next morning. We were able to drop off the car the night before with no additional charges or penalties. I rarely write reviews but this time, I would highly recommend this car rental company for people traveling in Sicily. :)

  • P

I recommend this company. We used their services through the hotel we stayed in. Service at a high level, Alessandro appeared with the car within 50 minutes of placing the order. He explained everything, suggested where we could go to visit the island and give directions. Car- Lancia Ypsilon was clean with no damges. Together we checked the car, photos were taken. I received the full report immediately on e-mail. Passing the car without a problem, everything checked. Standard price. During the next stay we will certainly use them.

  • Roberto Corno

La peggiore esperienza mai avuta con il noleggio auto. Arrivato al desk, il contratto era a nome di un amico presente e non hanno accettato la mia carta di credito adducendo al fatto che è scritto nel contratto. Fesseria, sarebbe bastato cambiare il nome sul contratto. Vero. Per farlo, l'auto sarebbe costa anziché 300euro, 600! Vergogna! I peggiori car rental mai visti. Vergogna! Alla fine ho chiamato il broker inglese e mi hanno cancellato e rimborsato quanto avevo pagato. Per cui il giochino non gli è funzionato. Vergogna!!!

  • Francis Boero

Renting a car from central Palermo can be difficult because most of the 'major' companies are based at the airport. We found Carmotion to offer excellent selection and service with very honest pricing. Carmotion's best benefit to visitors is a comprehensive insurance package for approximately 15 Euro/day. It is a small price to pay for peace-of-mind (and the very real risk of parking dents in any Sicilian city that bear a very high cost with the major rental groups...) Professional service and great customer care!

  • Ciro Miguel

Forget all these horror stories you read on the internet about renting a car in Sicily! Carmotion is trustworthy, friendly and above all, highly professional. They came to our hotel with the car, explained the contract (full insurance, no tricks), gave us important tips on driving rules in Italy and offered a contact number in case we had problems. When we returned the car to their office next to the airport, a shuttle bus took us to the terminal. Super cool. In short, stop worrying and just hire these guys!

  • Riki-Brigita Mitt

The service was very good and the car was exceptionally clean and generally in good condition. All the previous damages were marked out together and recorded on the app in which you could see exactly where the scratches or dents of the car were. They're also offering 24 hour assistance, but luckily we didn't need any on-road help. One more thing, they also accept depit cards. The other car rentals we went to only accepted credit cards but nor I or my friend had one so this kinda saved us.

  • marta porcelli

Gestori gentili, cordiali e onesti, consigliato a tutti e in particolare a quelli che vogliono noleggiare un auto ma non dispongono di carta di credito. Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. Avevamo la prenotazione per noleggiare una Fiat Panda a benzina e ci hanno dato una Ford Fiesta diesel senza nessuna maggiorazione di prezzo! Per Palermo consigliamo vivamente di fare la Full Kasko per evitare spiacevoli inconvenienti. Super consigliato e grazie ancora di tutto!!!! FABIO E MARTA DA TORINO.

  • nicolas diennet

Everything went really well thanks to the amazing crew of this place, smooth reservation, the people here are very honest and customer orientated and got out of there way to make arrangements. Also we had a minor issue with the car on our way back and the team handled it to make sure it had as little an impact as possible for us. I am really happy altogether, would definitely recommend this place and will return in the future without a doubt. Special thanks for Lorena for her support!

  • Jiří Ambroz (AmbiiiK)

Absolute satisfaction. My girlfriend and I were in Sicily for the first time and we were afraid of renting a car, but this company and its approach got rid of that fear for good. Excellent support, communication and professionalism. We will definitely rent a car from this company again. 5/5 and I would add another 5 to Giovanni, who saved us a lot of trouble with his advice. Btw we had Fiat Panda with full insurance (highly recommend as the Italy drivers are sometimes crazy)

  • S. K.

Terrible experience unfortunately. Extremely unflexible. Seems to be sub contractor to doyouitaly, seemed cheaper to start with, in the end extremely expensive. It said to have car at airport, ended up with a transfer. Total scam. Never again. Worst experience ever. Edit: the voucher hadn't even arrived on time, so NOT my fault, secondly it would have been courteous from your side to accept my father's credit card. Rules are rules, courtesy is courtesy.

  • Gareth Charles

Been in Palermo and wanted to rent a car for the weekend. I forgot my credit card in Germany and every other car rental didn’t want to rent a car without a credit card, but car motion did everything they could so we could have a car over the weekend. And even after someone damaged the car they didn’t keep the whole deposit and I only had to pay a fair price for the damage. Very friendly and helpful car rental if not the best in Palermo! Thank you guys!

  • Jan Lochovský

I have never had a more pleasurable experience in a car rental. My heart was full of joy as I interacted with the most wonderful people of CarMotion of Palermo. Their kindness, proffesinalism and, most important, impeccable style, were accompanied by a well serviced Fiat Panda, which gave the potholes of various Strada Provinzziale a run for their sinister tire-shredding plans. Most recommended to every car enthusiast visiting Palermo.

  • Christina Riedmair

This is definitely the best place to rent a car in Palermo! We wanted to rent a car spontaneous. So we went to some different car rentals (many of them were well-known companies) to compare the offers. And then we discovered Carmotion: We were cordially received and had a high-quality advice. The advisors from carmotion gave us many helpful hints. Thank you Carmotion for such a great experience! I can warmly recommend this place!

  • jakub smalec

28/02- 4.03. I couldn't make better choice. Corrado who was company's representative was very professional, polite and informative providing great customer service. Whole process was quick and straight forward. We got Fiat Panda instead of Smart, which was good swap and proved to be perfect car for driving in the centres of major cities, highways and country roads. I will definetely use this rental again while in Palermo.

  • Александр Ерёмин

Excellent service and the attitude to clients, it was pleasant to deal with your company. We took Opel Grandland X for a family of three people. Separate gratitude to the employee of the company - Giovanni Termino! Its professional qualities, good attitude and competent approach to the client played an important role in carrying out our rest! He very competently and in details answered all questions concerning us. 10/10

  • Christian Kniese

Perfect experience! Very helpful staff. Car in good condition. I really appretiate the high amount of transparency: They don’t fool you with crazy cheap prices (like most other car rental companies do, where you find yourself surprised why there are so many additional charges). At Carmotion they gave me three different insurance options to choose from and there weren‘t any additional costs... Great!

  • Jekon Gregory

Excellent service, very helpful during the trip and the pick up and drop off were quick and efficient. I had taken out full damage insurance and the inevitable happened - someone scraped the side of the car while it was parked up. There was no problem with this: I paid the small admin fee and went on my way. Carmotion couldn't have been nicer about it. The damage waiver is the way to go in Italy!!

  • Sharon At Uptrends Marketing

Strongly strongly recommend!!! The car was great, and there was almost not petrol usage for over 20 hours drive - i was really surprised. Customer service was beyond amazing. Not only were they so nice and professional - they were available on their mobile for any issues. Was really beyond expected. Also, i assumed i would need to clean the car but they said its ok. Really recommend strongly.

  • Sabrina Bullo

Buongiorno, abbiamo noleggiato un auto presso Carmotion di Palermo l'11 agosto scorso per tre giorni e abbiamo subito notato la disponibilità del personale. Ci ha fatto proprio piacere essere trattate con gentilezza e abbiamo preferito pagare di più, piuttosto di servirci di un altro autonoleggio, sempre in via Crispi, dove l'addetto ci è sembrato abbastanza indisponente.

  • Harriet Posner

I cannot give them enough praise. We were looked after Danelo - a nice young man who spoke very good english. Very helpful and nice. We drove for 4 days no issues with the car. When we returned he kindly dropped us off closer to where we had to be. Service with a smile. A small company who puts the customer first. Thank you Car Motion fabulous service! Harriet and Howard.

  • Marino Viganò

Società molto seria ed affidabile, utilizzata per il mio viaggio a Palermo. Già prima del ns. arrivo scambi di messaggi e telefonate puntuali per organizzare al meglio il noleggio del mezzo, sul posto un grazie particolare a Giovanni per l'ottimo servizio offerto e per i graditi consigli che ci ha fornito. Per i prossimi viaggi sarà il mio punto di riferimento in Sicilia.

  • xiyang Cheng

a scam company, car returned 30june22, after a month 28july22 send me a email, said alloy scratch, and charge my credit card 226.86 euro, only drive 1 day and I'm 100 percent sure there is no scratch anywhere of the car. i mean, nearly a month, the car would have been rented out many times, i think, they send pictures to anyone who rented this car, and charge the damage.

  • Milan Šára

Best car rental I have ever experienced. Nothing is problem everything is possible. I will never borrow car from any other company in Sicily. Be careful about the others. Like go Italia, gold car, and others. Here you can pay cash, debit, credit card. No stress caused by Salvatore and Giovanni. They are problem solvers. There are not there to stress you but to help you.

  • Pier Alberto Cucchi

Ho noleggiato una autovettura per 8 giorni. Il servizio di comunicazione e assistenza, grazie a Corrado, è stato impeccabile. Trasparenza nella comunicazione dei doveri durante il periodo di noleggio e le condizioni di uso del veicolo sono state chiarissime. Ho trovato il miglior prezzo disponibile in zona a parità di condizioni. Grazie a car Motion e ai suoi addetti

  • Anne Studholme

I last drove in Sicily 40 years ago! I was apprehensive, but wanted to drive around the historic towns and temples in the island’s west. Carmotion was great, made it all very easy. Very thorough and careful, super considerate. Great car. Ludovico was super helpful. Convenient location, right down at the port. Easy walk from residential districts and center.

  • Maurizio Lo Nobile

CarMotion é IL servizio di autonoleggio in Sicilia. É bastato un giro di mail rapido per avere un preventivo chiaro e con prezzi senza nessuna sorpresa. É fantastica la possibilità di avere l'auto disponibile all'arrivo in aeroporto. Ed infine per Gianni non sono stato un numero ma un cliente da seguire con attenzione e cortesia. A presto CarMotion!

  • Khirin Dhillon

Big thank you to Salvatore for all his assistance during our time in Palermo. From pick up to drop off, he was polite, patient and very helpful. Our car was ready on arrival and after a swift but thorough run through, we were on the road. Great communication throughout our stay. I would highly recommend Car Motion to anyone who needs a rental :-)

  • Antonella Derossi

Siamo capitati qui per caso in seguito ad un susseguirsi di spiacevoli imprevisti relativi al nostro viaggio. grazie al cielo qui abbiamo trovato professionalità, comprensione,e soprattutto un interesse nel venirci incontro che ci ha portati ad essere soddisfattissimi sia del mezzo che delle condizioni. Lo consiglio a chiunque. By matti e marti

  • Rosanna Mann

We renting a car for a month from Car Motion. Could not have asked for a better experience. Communication was great, car in good condition and all costs transparent. We rented from the airport office which is a little outside the airport but Car Motion collect and drop you off from the airport so it worked perfectly. Would 100% use again.

  • Michael Riley

Great Hire car company. Excellent experience with Car Motion. The service provided by Lorena was professional & honest with a smile :) The car provided was above our expectations, brand new and with google navigation which was bonus. Very good place for foreign tourists, we were well looked after and the rental process was easy.

  • Marta Fabrizi

Ho noleggiato una macchina solo per una giornata e mi sono trovata molto bene. Ho chiamato per il noleggio la mattina alle 8.00 e un’ora dopo avevo già l’auto disponibile. Ludovico, il ragazzo che mi ha servito, é stato disponibile ed esaustivo nella spiegazione (anche in caso di danni o problematiche varie). Consigliato.

  • Romeo Bravo

We rent a car for 3 days with absolutely no issues. Everything went smooth and customer service was great. We wanted a cabrio, so we rent Fiat 500 Cabrio, which was quite new (around 50K km) and fully functionable. We also bought full insurance, which covered nearly anything except lost of they keys. Great experience!

  • Gym Byke

The area manager is Mr. LUDOVICO, brilliant and proactive. He took all the needed time to find out a suitable car for us during a very busy Saturday morning. He is indeed a successful and quick decision maker . Strong management skills and effective communication of Mr. Ludovico. We are more than happy about him !!!

  • Manuel Winter

I can recommend this car rental. They don't try to cheat, everything works how it should works. Price was ok. 65 Euro for 24h, full cover insurance including unlimited kilometers. Grazie Maybe u will find cheaper one but I prefer to pay a little bit more than to get cheated and have to pay more in the end.

  • Simon Simonton

Wonderful experience. Best car rental agency I have ever dealt with. The gentleman that worked there was so accommodating and helpful and honest. We returned the car with too much gas and he offered us a refund on the amount we over filled it. I would recommend this company to anyone in Palermo.

  • David Scott

What a great company. These people understand customer service and appreciate their customers! Lovely family run business, very efficient, friendly. Car was freshly washed and near new. I will never book or use Budget/Avis in Sicily again as they over-booked and left us stranded without a car.

  • Filippo Rodella

Consigliato! Prenotazione effettuata in loco con poco preavviso. Ludovico del personale è stato molto meticoloso nello spiegarci tutti i punti del contratto e nell’eseguire la check list della macchina che ci hanno affittato, molto gentile e disponibile sia alla consegna che alla riconsegna.

  • Amina Djoudi

I recommend carmotion. I reserved by their website and everything went well. They came by car to the airport and we went to their agency (just 10min ride from the airport). Gianluca was very nice and very professional. Thanks to him, everything went well and no bad suprises at the end …

  • Patrizia Di Fede Credipass

Azienda che mira a vendere il noleggio a basso costo ma si ri fa addebitando al cliente danni "inesistenti" e già in essere. Mi hanno addebitato 99.70 € per una screpolatura. Personale traumatizzato dall'azienda e quindi anche poco professionale. Esperienza da non rifare .Sconsigliati !!

  • Monica Beccaria

Il personale é stato davvero molto gentile , avevo un problema con la carta di credito e sono stati molto disponibili aiutandomi anche a risolvere il problema . Massima serietà e competenza , inoltre il ragazzo ha due occhi chiari che quasi quasi me lo porto quando ritorno dalle ferie

  • Barend van Wonderen

Horrible the difference with witch we were treated at beginning and on the end. In the beginning very relaxed, we had to point to scratches that were said to be very small, while in the end they made us pay for a scratch not visible on any picture. Be very careful with this company.

  • Aleksandra Schuetz

Do not try to rent a car here. After we paid online, they demanded a second credit card from the same holder for the deposit. Basically everyone that doesn’t have two physical credit cards will be scammed and the money will not be refunded. We rented with a different company now.

  • Priyam Chovhan

The best car hire service I've ever experienced. Lorena was incredibly helpful and patient, especially given we arrived just before closing. The Fiat we had for a week was immaculate, very reasonable and fuel efficient. Get ready for some crazy driving in Palermo!!!

  • Tamta Otiashvili

I rented a car for 31 days and drive 3,400 km around Sicily. The car was fresh, clean and well maintained. The service at the office during pick-up and drop-off was excellent. Corrado was super helpful, friendly and professional. Definitely recommended!

  • Barbora Kubicova

We rented a car for five days, the process seemed scary but Ludovico was very kind, and walked us through everything thoroughly. It was possible to rent without a credit card, too, which was very convenient. The deposit was given back … Altro

  • Nicola Fiorilla

Becareful with Van 9 seater Fiat Ducato white. After 1 hour check, they will find a small and difficult to find damage 4 cm behind the back gate and charge you 280€ damage. Becareful with them. Their business is insurance not rentals

  • Francesco Pozzobon

Non posso fare altro che consigliarvelo: veloci, professionali, check in e check out precisi e corredati da un fascicolo con documentazione fotografica sullo stato dell'auto e mappa delle ammaccature già presenti. Ottima esperienza.

  • D O

Very friendly service. Described the booking process in great detail and easy to book. I felt the staff genuinely cared if something went wrong with the car. Luckily nothing did. Highly recommend Car Motion and this office.

  • A Zand

I rented a car from CarMotion in Palermo. I was given excellent, honest and friendly service and advice by Corrado including practical tips about driving and parking in Sicily. He spoke fluent English. Highly recommended.

  • Sara Orre

Everything went well and customer service was friendly all the way. Communication was easy with Whatsapp. The car we chose worked very well in Sicily traffic - compact to drive in cities but smooth to drive on motorways.

  • Marek Lukasz

Very helpfull and professional staff. We rent a car for one day, everything was OK. We chose full insurance option. Staff explained us everything, they made photos before and after car rental. We strongly recommend

  • Claudio Corsetti

Servizio puntuale, cortesia e disponibilità del personale, automobile pulita; comodissima navetta da e per l'aeroporto presso la sede di Cinisi. Da segnalare poi la possibilità di noleggiare senza carta di credito.

  • Elliot Cross

Great car rental in the city centre. Good prices, the cars are in great condition and the staff are very friendly and accommodating. Thanks Ludovico - you made the experience a real pleasure!

  • Félix Mulle

Very nice people, I highly recommend. Giovanni was very helpful and understanding and took the necessary time. I'm very grateful to Carmotion who really made of trip in Sicily an easy one!

  • Colman Chamberlain

Friendliest team, good vehicle, and far more affordable than every other spot. Definitely would rent from here again. It's shocking the difference a helpful and great natured staff makes.

  • Federico Tana

I had a great experience. Giovanni was so helpful and polite. I recommend this car rental and i hope you get attended by him. Thank you Giovanni for your patience and good attendance! =)

  • Federica

Competenti, professionali, auto nuova, check in e check out rapidi, possibilità di noleggio senza carta di credito. Complimenti ad Alessandro, gentile, simpatico, professionale e veloce!

  • Massimiliano Farinella

Personale gentilissimo e sempre pronto ad aiutarti, ottimo servizio e poi è molto simpatico il ragazzo con i capelli legati che sembra Dustin Hoffmann in Hook Capitan Uncino da giovane

  • pas poros

Very friendly service specially the young lady.I made a mistake with my on line booking and she did everything to solve it and did! Got a brand new fiat panda btw excellent …

  • Simone Moneti

Personale qualificato e gentile .. Noi abbiamo noleggiato una splendida auto al porto di Palermo e hanno soluzioni per qualsiasi esigenza per muoversi in Sicilia .. Complimenti..

  • Manuel Romeo

Dopo delle difficoltà nella ricezione del telefono durante una chiamata mi arriva un messaggio in cui mi si accusa di aver chiuso il telefono in faccia all’operatore. Spiacevole

  • Thomas Juettemann

Great experience! They were super nice and friendly all the way. I had a small damage on the car, and before they charged me they asked if I have full insurance. Thanks guys!

  • Kasper Verboven

Very helpful people with a good service! Very easy to rent a car without creditcard and low deposit. Rental is a bit pricey, but definitely worth it not having to have a cc!

  • aldo nicosia

Abbiamo noleggiato una city car per tre giorni. Servizio al desk rapido e funzionale, prezzi competitivi. Corrado è stato prodigo di informazioni e chiaro. Da consigliare.

  • Øivind Knudsen

100% reliable, with very good service, very nice and most helpful staff, and the best car rental offer I could find in Palermo. They can definitely be recommended. :)

  • Panagiotis Vafakis

Reliable services and competitive prices , everything was as described . Props to ludovico for answering every question I had and being very customer friendly

  • thomas affengruber

Very nice people, professional and great car. No Problems at all, i recommend it heavily The information about good food in Palermo was very helpful also :)

  • Qays Bousmah

Everything went well. The staff was very friendly, and it was possible to rent the car with a debit card (which is worth mentioning!). Highly recommended!

  • Franci Franci

Bravissimo il nostro referente Ludovico su Palermo Car Motion. Competente preciso meticoloso e molto disponibile . Grazie Ludovico da Francesca e Paolo

  • Jarsi Lehtinen

Good overall experience, fairly new car (2022 likely), good customer service and everything worked as expected/agreed. Fairly priced service! …

  • Anry Silve

Consiglio a tutti questa società di noleggio auto per massima disponibilità, serietà e servizio. Un grazie in particolare a Dario!

  • Sara Oliveira

Renting a car for the first time was a good experience. We were afraid of issues and problems. But we had none. Thank e Salvatore

  • Carine CHARLET

Clear explanation at start and very transparent. Photos are taken when we picked up the car and at the arrival, then no surprise.

  • Nace Novak

Great company and very friendly staff. Rented for 6 days and returned without any complications. Would definitely recommend.

  • Simone Donati

Noleggiato una fiat panda per 6 giorni. Ottimo servizio e tanta cortesia da parte di Corrado e Ludovico. Consigliatissimo

  • Lars B

Very friendly and professional. We rented a car for 10 days. Best recommendations for anyone needing a car in Sicily.

  • Andrea Andrenelli

Ottima esperienza con Ludovico e Corrado. Il noleggio è stato rapido e non abbiamo avuto problemi alla restituzione.

  • francesco bartolucci

Ho apprezzato la gentilezza e la cura del personale addetto alla consegna e ritiro dell’auto. Servizio impeccabile.

  • M W

Super friendly staff. Not the most normal thing to have a great experience with car rental. Highly recommended.

  • Christopher Campbell

Rare to have such superb service nowadays. Went above and beyond. Thanks Giovanni, we'll be back.

  • marco valoriani

Ludovico e Corrado molto gentili e professionali, prezzi ottimi e servizio impeccabile. Grazie

  • michel vercarre

Do not go there They charged me for damage that was invisible !! Bad experience ! Never again

  • merly maita

Eccellente!! Corrado una persona gentilissima che ci ha consigliato come muoverci a Palermo.

  • Alex Milne Turner

Lovely staff, really good value, and gave me 50% off car wash at the end. Thank you!

  • Helena Ceklin

Everything was Great. We get Great car, the seller was Nice and help full. Recommend

  • Jakub Miklos

Typical Italian style… lots of papers, weird car but the staff is really nice.

  • Marco Esposito

Servizio impeccabile. Ludovico fa la differenza, cordiale e gentile.

  • Stefan Persson

Perfect car rental! Professional, friendly and smooth!

  • Marius Popescu

Best renting cars company in Sicilia.

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