Red Butte Veterinary Care

257 reviews

1340 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84108



Red Butte Veterinary Care is a Veterinarian located at 1340 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84108. It has received 257 reviews with an average rating of 4.4 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Red Butte Veterinary Care: 1340 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84108

  • Red Butte Veterinary Care has 4.4 stars from 257 reviews

  • Veterinarian

  • "Truthfully I've been on the fence about continuing to go to this vet for awhile, but after reading some of these snarky responses to people's negative reviews, I have made up my mind to go elsewhere"

    "I do not recommend Red Butte Vet Care at all and especially warn against establishing any care with Dr"

    "Look, I'll spare you my specifics and give you the takeaway: there are a lot of options in the area and I would find another vet"

    "I was new in town with a sick kitty, decided to book an appointment after reading reviews online"

    "I am leaving a review in regards to Dr"


  • Karolanne Carter

Truthfully I've been on the fence about continuing to go to this vet for awhile, but after reading some of these snarky responses to people's negative reviews, I have made up my mind to go elsewhere. It's just so unprofessional. I don't have any particular 'one bad experience' but more an accumulation of dissatisfying visits. I have taken my pets here multiple times over the last year, and everytime I leave I don't feel like my concerns were addressed in a satisfactory manner. Dr. Brandt is continually forgetful (to the point that I have to remind her to address concerns I had already mentioned multiple times) and never seems willing to give her professional opinion on anything. If you ask her a direct question she hem-haws around and generally gives a vague response. I have very little confidence that she knows what she is doing when asked for her recommendation or professional opinion. When I go to the vet, I believe I am paying money to be provided a professional opinion or recommendation based on the vets years of experience and education. More often than not, I leave with a dressed up 'I don't know' rather than a game plan and feel very unconfident in what she has to say. When she speaks, she sounds unconfident in herself. And I normally will have to press my questions multiple times before I even get the 'I don't know response'. Further more, every single time, before even addressing the reason we are there, the first thing she does is look at my dogs teeth. She doesn't do a typical exam and look at the eyes, ears, nose, etc. Just the teeth. And EVERY time immediately recommends a dental. While I dont deny that my dog may need her teeth cleaned, it doesn't matter if she just had it done 3 months ago. It's still recommended EVERYTIME. When my husband confronted her about this since we had literally just had them cleaned by Red Butte, she then immediately covered it up with "oh right I see that now". If they need cleaned I will do it, but it's hard to trust the only non vague opinion she regularly gives, because it seems more like an easy cash grab and I'm not a fan of having my dog sedated or put under anthesia if it's not actually necessary yet. Lastly, when asking for advice on something simple, she often will provide advice as a fellow pet owner rather than a vet. Recently I asked her about food recommendations for my dogs gas, and she mentioned several foods 'that worked well for her dog'. I'm paying a professional, I want a professional opinion based on MY DOGS health and what she is seeing in MY DOG. What works for her dog, may not be the same as what works for my dog. It wasn't until I pressed her that she finally mentioned the science behind her recommendation, but even this wasn't very detailed and more just 'these dog foods follow science', whatever that means. All in all, if you want a vet that will continually tell you to have a dental cleaning done, even though they just had one, and cannot commit to an actual professional opinion, then this is the vet for you. I know I sound pretty callous, but we have gone to this vet many times over the last year and treat our pets like family members. We want the best care for them, and I don't believe that this is it. We will be going to a new vet in the future and getting second opinions from them on how to best care for our pets. Also side note: The vet techs have been amazing. They truly care for the animals they help.

  • Alesia M

I do not recommend Red Butte Vet Care at all and especially warn against establishing any care with Dr. Brandt. In my opinion, she has taken on too many patients, resulting in impersonal and delayed care, and has poor bedside manner. We established care here for both of our dogs a few years back. Most all of our dogs' needs up until recently were relatively elementary and required minimal involvement by the vet. However, this year our older dog started developing pain in his mouth. We went to Dr. Brandt twice seeking medical attention. Each time we sat in the exam room for 40-45 minutes before she arrived, just for her to spend 10-15 minutes with our dog. Each time we saw her, it was like she was seeing our dog for the first time despite there only being a few weeks between visits; it was clear that she had not consulted his charts and we spent the visit rehashing the issue that had progressed over the past few months. Finally, we requested that she perform an exam under sedation. We dropped our dog off at his appointment time with the expectation that he would be seen right away. Two hours later I still hadn't heard from them. I called for a check up where they informed me that dogs who are dropped off by their owners are not given a priority and will be seen at the doctor's first availability despite having a scheduled appointment. They indicated that he was getting prepped for surgery and that they would call within 30 minutes with an update. Another two hours passed and still no call. I had to again follow-up in which they told me everything was fine and we could pick him up. We arrived that evening to get our dog. She met us in the lobby, which was occupied by two other parties, to discuss our dog's diagnosis. It was in this very public place that she explained that he likely had an aggressive carcinoma. She indicated she would send the biopsy off for a pathological evaluation and that it would be back in about 2 weeks. We finally received the lab results on a Thursday morning. They were forwarded directly to our email. We read through them and the results confirmed that our dog had cancer. We awaited a call from her office for three days to discuss the results but never heard from her. Finally we reached out to contact her and twice requested a follow-up consultation. Her final response was a late night, impersonal text saying "I'm sorry your dog has cancer" and indicated that this was a terminal diagnosis. She provided names of individuals who I had identified earlier through a quick Google search, but provided no additional information for these recommendations. That was it. No offer for follow-up, no discussion of palliative care, nothing. We were in the office the following day around 4pm to pick up a prescription refill. We asked again to speak to her, but were informed that she had already left for the day. Two other employees kindly offered to help us. We explained the issue, they were very receptive and sympathetic and thanked us for bringing this issue to their attention. However, regardless of how great the rest of the staff is at Red Butte, Dr. Brandt's inability to deliver the quality care that every family deserves solidified that this will be the absolute last time that we ever seek care at this clinic.

  • Breanne L

Look, I'll spare you my specifics and give you the takeaway: there are a lot of options in the area and I would find another vet. I went here on the recommendation of a friend, but we've all left. I concur w other reviewers that they *will* get you in urgently, but it comes at a pretty huge cost. The short of it is: they give care without first consulting the owner and the you get hit with a pretty big bill, which I always had to ask what the heck I was even being charged for (make sure to do this as I almost got charge for drugs I didn't want). Don't plan to call and get any useful or even accurate information if you have basic questions about your pet -- they will want you to pay for a visit. If you're the type that likes to call and actually talk to a qualified professional, Red Butte is not for you. If you're good paying $50 every time you have a simple question, then maybe it's fine. Don't take my word for it: I encourage you to just look at how they conduct themselves responding to people who leave negative reviews (honestly, super nervous for how they’ll target me on here!). It’s crazy they have time to respond a custom message to nearly every single review, yet don’t have time for a simple call. Confrontation is not a good look on any business. They are showing you how they will interact with you. Honestly, I ignored this because I figured those were isolated experiences, but it turns out the clinic is really run pretty terribly. FWIW: I had a one-time experience w a solid vet there (it's definitely not Dr. Brandt, who is also the owner), so shout out to him for answering all of my questions that one time. That's the kind of service I'd hope for on a consistent basis, but it's not what they provide. RESPONSE TO OWNER 10/19/2020: You are, unfortunately, more responsive to negative reviews on Google than you are to your currently paying patients. You publicly misrepresent your clients and publicly share what should be considered confidential health information just simply out of respect. You'll note that you disclosed a specific instance, which was not my only frustrating experience with your clinic, but was what ultimately the final straw for me and others. Your combative responses provide further evidence for the critiques I provide above, and frankly don't really make any sense given the context of and facts of what actually happened (see my recent email you haven't responded to). I encourage you to, instead, take a more constructive and reflective approach. We all have room to grow and learn from difficult interactions. There is clearly a deep misunderstanding and miscommunication between us and that could have been handled much differently by your clinic rather than... this. Public reviews on google are not an approrpiate place to litigate a case. I am still happy to engage offline.

  • Morgan Yodz

I was new in town with a sick kitty, decided to book an appointment after reading reviews online. 10 mins into reading glowing reviews, one right after another, several that specifically mentioned their gentle approach with cats I thought to myself "this just sounds too good to be true". I was able to get an appointment the next day & after going to appt today I can say this is the first time in over 15 years of vets (some i even really liked) that I left a vets office not feeling like i just got ripped off. I'm terrible with names, but these SUPERSTAR cat whisperers deserve credit - the tech was such a sweet girl (i think her name is Cameron?) and the dr (didn't catch his name, something that ended in '-ecker') were AMAZING. After some pretty crummy vet experiences in the past, my boy Mr. President usually greets vets with claws out and hisses flying...Vet back at home wouldn't even touch him until he was sedated. He had to get sedated for ANYTHING, he just wouldn't let them near him. I almost fell off the bench today when doc & tech came into the room and kitty let us weigh him, poke around for temp, sat nice and calm for the exam and even allowed the girls to give him a shot. All without a single peep. I really appreciated the way the vet listened to me and offered his suggestions and didn't force anything, not even a test. In the past at other vets I've felt so taken advantage of to the point where I was very distrusting of vet medicine in general. I felt like the proudest cat mom in the world walking out of there head held high, not having to apologize to anyone for the ruckus/bleeding/hurt feelings my cat caused. So proud! In fact I was the shitshow this time, (I think the receptionist was busy so the tech was checking me out) As all my credit cards were getting declined, the tech Cameron stayed so sweet and didn't make me feel like a total dirtbag. She just politely tried every card I pulled out of my wallet with a smile (thank you soo much girl!) Not sure if the techs there normally ring ya up, but there was something about the person accepting payment being the same person who delivered care made me feel really good, like it was more personal and less of a rip off. We got the payment figured out and kitty is home resting, full of antibiotics and probably already feeling better. Hopefully Mr P stays out of trouble, but you know what they if he decides to play with another one of his 9 lives, this will be my go-to vet in SLC, 4EVER. Thank you for making this the best vet experience we've ever had! They didn't even laugh at his leash!!!

  • Rachel Morgan

I am leaving a review in regards to Dr. Leanne Brandt's behavior; this review is not a reflection of the front desk staff, vet techs, or assistants & this review is also not a reflection of Dr. Brandt's medical background or experience (as I cannot speak to that) I have read through a number of negative reviews specifically for Dr. Brandt & I see that she is also the owner of the clinic. Which explains to me how her poor bedside manner continues to be "tolerated". Background: I have been taking my dog to Red Butte Veterinary for 4 years & have typically visited with staff members other than Dr. Brandt. I have always remained in the exam room with my dog & have never had a doctor ask me to leave or provide space. All that to say, I had an appointment with Dr. Brandt this morning to have my dog's front dew claw examined. She began the exam by looking over his teeth, ears, etc (which was fine) - but when I leaned over to show her which dew claw needed to be examined, she lost her temper & yelled that if I did not back away from the dog then she wouldn't help me. Startled, because I have never experienced such a harsh reaction for touching my dog, I responded by saying, you really don't have to yell - I was just trying to show you which claw was injured. This clearly set her off & she proceeded to yell about how many years of experience she has & that if I didn't want to listen to her, I could take my dog elsewhere & good luck to me because no other vet offices are taking new patients. She accused me of questioning her authority when I was only trying to point out which paw, not interrupt her exam. When I again expressed that yelling was not necessary & she could communicate differently regarding exam room boundaries, she abruptly got up - yelled "that's it, I'm done!" - *slammed* the exam room door & left. Her behavior was beyond upsetting & unprofessional - I left the appointment in tears and confirmed with the front desk that I would not be paying as she abruptly left without providing any care for my dog. Thankfully, an emergency vet was able to squeeze us in - his dew claw was treated promptly & the doctor invited me over to the table to see specifically what was wrong with the claw. A polar opposite reaction to being screamed at for even leaning towards my dog in Dr. Brandt's office. Again, I have had positive experiences with the rest of the staff at Red Butte Vet - but Dr. Brandt's outburst today was completely inexcusable & I will be searching for a new office.

  • Brian Flynn

This pains me to write such a review because I've had mostly positive experiences with Red Butte Vet for 4+ years, but I do feel like others should be made aware of my recent experiences and the significant decline in service I've seen over the last 10-12 months. First of all, one of my dogs has a life-threatening blood disorder that was diagnosed earlier this year. After taking her into the emergency vet upon her initial flare up, I was really happy to take her back to her primary vet and get her the care she needed. Sadly, that has not been the case. The communication and game planning to get her back to health has been far from great. In fact, I feel as though the only planning or follow-up I received was when I was the one who initiated it. On top of that, we still have no idea what could be causing her flare ups. I also used to have an easy time communicating with Dr. Brandt via text (24 hour response max) but my last two texts have taken an ENTIRE WEEK to get a simple yes or no response. That included me calling, leaving voicemails and live messages with the front desk in between my initial text and the response I got a week later. Additionally, it's been very common to have a 45-60 min wait to see the doctor. Only tech appointments will we get seen pretty quickly. Even when seen by the doctor, I feel as though I am rushed through the few minutes I even have with her. Dr. Brandt has always been polite and I believe has tried her best, but I feel as though they may have too many clients for just one vet. I hope my experience is isolated and others have had more positive interactions, but unfortunately the last year of confusion, neglect and poor communication has been enough for me and my dogs to leave Red Butte. I've already taken them to a new vet up the road and am quite amazed at the stark difference in treatment, empathy and communication between both places.

  • Caitlin Andrew

The vet techs are lovely and caring folks and we always had a good experience with front desk folks. Dr. Brandt is problematic at best. On multiple occasions she’s been stumped by and unsure how to treat health concerns we have presented to her over the years. Even when tests are conducted she never offers her professional assessment or a coherent plan of care. After she was unable to interpret results from a biopsy of our dog’s infected nose, we took the results elsewhere and found out that the antibiotics prescribed by Dr. Brandt were not actually helpful in treating the type of infection our dog was dealing with. Just don’t go here. Edited to respond: we didn’t receive any information or “honest opinions that were difficult to hear”. That is the entire point of my review. After $1000 of tests and X-rays Dr. Brandt was confused by the results and kept asking US how we wanted to proceed. I generally rely on medical professionals for their opinion and development of a plan of care and so when that wasn’t provided we decided to go elsewhere. We kept coming back bc your practice is well reviewed, vet techs were pleasant and attentive, and for basic wellness checks the care was sufficient. It took time for us to notice a troubling pattern of a lack of critical thinking and analysis of health information when dealing with more complicated or unusual health concerns. This particular instance of being unable to analyze a biopsy and prescribe an appropriate plan of care for our senior dog is concerning and I believe other pet owners should know about our experience. Thanks for your response and best of luck.

  • James Pagni

So mad at the doctor here, not the other staff (they were great). I took our dogs in after we all got Covid, and of course, the doctor said dogs can’t get Covid (yet the front desk knew of studies proving dogs can get covid, and they agreed with me about dogs getting covid). Instead, the doctor said that my dog's spleen ruptured! I disagreed, and she said, “that’s my professional opinion”(only snobs use that line, unprofessional). She wanted us to spend over $700 on a blood test and ultrasound. She proscribed a pain medicine that she contradicted and said don't give any medicine since it was spleen or internal. We did the $200 blood test, and they found nothing. Did a stool sample a week later, nothing. I felt like I was being nickeled and dimed instead of her figuring out the issue with my dog. Before we knew it, we had to take our dog in to put him down elsewhere. During the evaluation at AVS, this other vet(so sweet and professional) said that it was apparent immediately that it was an autoimmune disease that border collies often are diagnosed with. How did the lady at red butte vet not know this? It was like she didn't care. If she had diagnosed him properly, we could have put him on the proper treatment and had a longer time with our dog. If you care about your pet baby, DO NOT COME HERE!!! In my professional opinion as a pet parent, she is a danger to take your pet too! You can imagine how frustrating all of this has been to find out. Lesson learned, get two opinions when your dog is declining. If nothing else, we found an excellent new vet at AVS for our other dog. >:(


Dr Owens treated my 2 lb poodle. She has extensive knowledge, showed kindness, patience and compassion. She was thorough and also went the extra mile. I felt she truly cared about my fur baby as well as listened and validated reported concerns. We were able to come up with a viable treatment solution as patnership. I was able to get in the same day due to a cancellation and she was super accommodating. I feel I have found my new vet for my fur babies. Brady was the tech, and she was super kind, listened to my concerns and so did the Vet. Brit greeted me at the front door. Be mindful masks are still required so be sure and bring your own. Waiting area was loud when one or more people get talking or dogs barking. Would love to be greeted at the front with a "Hello welcome to Red Butte Vet, how can we best help you today?" I needed a special accommodation and the team kindly accomodated it. The space is located in an ideal location in the heart of 2100 East and 1300 South. Limited parking spaces so plan accordingly. They also offer grooming, teeth cleaning, and training. The rooms arr spacious and clean and I absolutley LOVED the beautiful murals that this Vet Clinic paid for and installed. It makes the ambiance very fun. Beautiful space. They also have almost everything you need onsite but were quick to refer you to needed experts. They care alot about pets and are compassionate and kind to both furry patient and pet parents. A wonderful place and I am thrilled to have a new Vet. I had an excellent experience with Red Butte Veterinary Clinic in Salt Lake City. Thank you!!!

  • Lauren P

EDIT: I have requested that a copy of our chart notes be sent to our pet ins twice. The ins states that they have requested them themselves a couple times as well. I have called and emailed and each time they say it was done yet my ins still state none were ever received. I have been to this clinic twice. The first time was great all around, amazing vet and amazing tech. The second time, the vet tech that helped me was not very kind. To start off, she was kind of sassy with me while taking my pups history which was frustrating since my pup was sick and I was already stressed. But the real issue began when the vet came to talk to me. Maybe I'm in the wrong cause when I'm talking to the vet, I let my pup do her thing so I can pay attention to the conversation- The first tech happily played with her and rubbed her belly. The second one repeatedly slapped her on the nose instead of using her words, standing up, or asking for assistance. My pup was trying to play, not being aggressive and it was obvious this tech not only could not tell the difference, but also had no idea how to handle it. My mistake for not stepping in sooner. Next time I'll keep track of my pup myself. That being said, if someone is going to work with animals every single day then I don't think they should have to resort to aggressive behavior. Pretty unacceptable if you ask me. Both times I've seen Dr Blount, she was very patient and answered all of my questions. Overall I like this clinic but would not leave my pup there if I was not around to supervise.

  • Tori Flinders

I loved coming to this vet when Dr. Emily Blount was there, she was so attentive to all four of my fur babies, each with a couple health conditions. She made relationships with my kitties, they felt comfortable being examined by her, she always kept a mental note of what was going on with my sickest and oldest cat. Now, their receptionists have always been a different story, very disorganized, always forgot to request something if they didn't have it at the time I requested it, never sent the follow up information I requested to share with other vets seeing my sickest cat. I always tried to be patient, but since Dr. Brandt has been the only one seeing patients, essentially since COVID hit, I have had even worse service with the receptionists and Dr. Brandt. They have never once gotten my prescriptions correct, although I specify every time and have asked for that incorrect prescription off of my records to save further confusion. I've never had a more stressed out, overworked, forgetful, and sometimes even rude and petty vet to work. Dr. Brandt has consistently forgotten previous health concerns, and is quick to tell me whatever gets me out of the office the fastest. I'm so relieved I've decided to take my business elsewhere because the added stress of this vets office to my cats serious health concerns has made my life more frustrating than it needed to be. Wish Dr. Blount would come back, without her, this office has taken a significant down turn.

  • Emily Pitsch

Dr. Brandt removed a mass from my dog, which we believed was a problematic cancer. Post-op I was left in the parking lot with my unbandaged, unconed, and trembling dog. They ran out of cones, so I guess I was supposed to bring my dog to a pet store with his 8" fresh suture on the back of his hind leg? His sutures opened up twice and he had to be seen by a surgical specialist at another vet and Dr. Brandt knew that there were problems after the surgery she conducted, but she never cared to reach out and check on if he was okay. The clinic forwarded me the biopsy results from the lab, instead of giving me a call or a simple text. Apparently she removed a lymph node "as I requested" (I did not request that, I am not a vet...). Two days after I concluded what the biopsy results were she texted me that it was benign, which was useless for her to waste her energy at this point. Three weeks after his initial surgery he had his final one (this was supposed to be a one-and-done kind of deal). For a month my partner and I did not leave our dog at home alone for a single minute, which makes having a job difficult. The situation was incredibly traumatizing for my dog and family and we received no compassion or simple professionalism. I do not want any dog and their family to go through what we went through. Surgery aside, I felt like my dog's health was unimportant to Dr. Brandt. Please think about this experience if you are considering taking your pet here.

  • Matthew Waite

I have been taking our pets to this clinic since 2019. I looked past some of the annoyances of this clinic (smelly interior and smelly exam rooms, poor parking) because I felt that they truly cared about our babies. This last time I visited was my last straw. I received our 14 year old senior dog back from having her teeth cleaned and a mass removed from her leg covered in vomit and terrified. It took her days to recover. Seeing her come out that way was so sad and I had to ask myself, How can I justify taking her to a place that treats her this bad? When I asked about why she was returned to me that way, the doctors response was that they were slammed and couldn't get to cleaning her up. How long had she been sitting in her own vomit.? I get that they may be dealing with higher demand, but at what cost? I feel they have tossed their clients aside in the name of making a better profit. To top it off, the cost of the procedure jumped nearly $500 from the original quote. The first quote was before the pandemic, so about a year had passed from when I received the quote to when I was actually able to bring our girl in, but the doctors response was "Sorry, costs have gone up because of Covid". Not sure how they could jump that much, but that was her response to me. I don't feel the doctor here has my pets well being in her priorities and it saddens me that I will have to find another vet as this was convenient and originally very friendly.

  • Carly Kalkauski

I was stunned when I saw how high of ratings this office had but I can see why - two reasons. One, they give you $20 off your next office visit if you leave a 5 star review on Google which I find a bit questionable but number two, they do genuinely provide five star service. And I left Utah yesterday so I don't even get to benefit from the $20 off c; They got my cat in short notice for an exam because he had a coughing fit the day before. The vet recommended chest x rays to be on the safe side and was very pleased that I had a video of the episode to confirm that he was, indeed, coughing. Every member of the staff was extremely friendly, very patient with my many questions and nonjudgemental when I admitted I couldn't afford all the medication they recommended. The vet wrote a prescription for me so I could get it filled once I got paid which I intensely appreciated. I walked away already feeling that five star vibe but WAIT! The next day, one of the vet techs called me to follow up and see if I had any questions, ask how Merlin was doing. Unheard of. They truly go above and beyond and if I was still in the area, they would have definitely been my go to vet after such a great experience. Finally, just a fun sidenote, the exam room I was in had a beautiful hand painted mural. I couldn't help taking a bunch of pictures of it for all to enjoy c:

  • Meredith Eve

Today was my first visit to Red Butte Veterinary and I was extremely impressed with the professionalism as well as the customer service I experienced. Dr. Brandt and her staff went above and beyond to insure both my pets and I were comfortable and well informed. Due to an issue I experienced with my past veterinarian refusing to continue a treatment with antibiotics she had been providing my senior dog for roughly 7 years (unless I consented to what I believe to be an unnecessary surgery), he had developed large infected tumors on his leg. Prior to the appointment one had burst leaving him in a very fragile state. Rather than waiting for the condition to become worse, Dr. Brandt preformed the surgery today at a price I feel is more than reasonable. She was also sensitive to the fact he would not do well under full anesthesia, a concern my past vet had completely dismissed. The procedure was successful and I felt confident in the ability Dr. Brandt and her staff to safely see him through the operation. They also saw my other senior dog for an ear infection at the same visit and were equally wonderful with her. I cannot recommend Red Butte Veterinary highly enough. My experience from the moment I made the appointment was phenomenal. They have earned a client for life.

  • Hunter Clapsadl

My review is for Dr. Gregg! Every time I bring my dogs to see him he is so kind, thorough, and patient. He is only usually in on Wednesdays (I think) and is so worth the wait. I wish he was at the clinic full time, he is seriously the best. I tend to worry a lot about my pups, especially my older dog who is approaching senior status. Each and every time I come in with the dogs he listens to my concerns, evaluates the pups, and then gives a detailed explanation of what he thinks his happening. He often draws diagrams for me and sits with me to make sure I understand what is happening to my dog (not per my request either- he’s just that awesome). He references research based practices and always provides me with options for how to best proceed with my pups. I have never experienced a more gentle and wonderful veterinarian than Dr. Gregg. Our household loves every interaction we have with him. He’s helped our dogs to be the healthiest and happiest they can possibly be, and treats us with respect and patience. If he leaves the practice we will likely seek another vet in the valley. His care, along with Cordtsy’s care for our dogs, are the only reason we continue to come to Red Butte. They are both really lovely, as are the receptionists.

  • Kyarie arie

I absolutely LOVE this vet. She obviously cares and does what is best for you and your pet. I will never go to another vet. I don't know what pets she sees exactly, I have guinea pigs and she is just amazing with them. If I even get other rodents or reptiles or birds or anything I will first seek her care for them. If she ever doesn't know something she will take her time to look it up and find the absolute best solution. She saved my sweet baby boy guinea pig and I could not be more thankful. The other vet I was seeing would have killed him (Wasatch Exotic Pet Care), now he is a happy for the most part healthy little boy. He has an infection in his jaw bone that just won't go away so he can't eat solid food and has to get his teeth trimmed monthly now. But it is SO worth it, I'd much rather syringe feed him than euthanize him. She makes his care reasonably priced. Again, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this vet and I highly recommend her to anyone who wants the BEST care for their loved pet. I simply don't know what I would do without her. My guinea pig and I were traumatized by the other vet and she ABSOLUTELY SAVED the both of us (mostly him).

  • Brooke Vincent

I had high hopes as I was recommended to this clinic and was looking for a new vet closer to home. Started with a room that stank and had another dogs fur all over the floor, it obviously hadn’t been cleaned. Dr. Brant was less than pleasant. She recommended blood work and a UA for my dog, which I wasn’t arguing against, but when I asked clarifying questions on what each test was for she lost her cool and basically said, “because I’m the vet and you’re here for my opinion”. Her tone was arrogant and condescending. She then assumed I didn’t want to do the tests because of the cost when I didn’t once bring up money as an issue. It seemed unacceptable to ask questions on my dogs care and what the tests would be looking for. When I was paying she then sent up a medication to the front desk we hadn’t talked about the benefits or risks of to help with my dogs symptoms, after just telling me it would be risky to talk about treatment without the test results first. Worst experience I’ve ever had with a vet. We’ll drive the extra distance and stay with her original vet. Front desk staff and vet tech were professional.

  • Sydney Ferris

Honestly, I was very hesitant bringing our dogs here at first, solely based on the reviews. Our dogs are our family, and we want to give them the best care. But after the first visit with our youngest dog, we immediately set another appointment for our rescue. They've been nothing but kind! We absolutely LOVE Red Butte Vet and will be taking our dogs here forever! The techs are so attentive and caring towards pets. The vet herself is very straightforward, in and out of the room. But we like that in a vet. We've had awful experiences in the past with vets in the area/SLC, but as soon as we walked in, we knew our dogs would be taken care of. It's hard having a rescue pitbul, and she's very nervous around new places and people. But as soon as the staff walked in, Willow immediately went to them for love and affection. She didn't even flinch once! I'm so happy with the care we've received and will be coming back for as long as we can! Thank you for being so kind to us and our four-legged family members! You've made taking the dogs to the vet so easy and stress free!

  • Casey Swift

I love them. Everyone of the staff was so sweet and nice! We had found a stray kitten (10 weeks) and he wasn’t doing super well, they got him all fixed up and within 24 hours he’s been doing amazing! They even texted me right at 9am the next morning to check on him and make sure he was doing okay! Keep in mind, I did have to wait 25 minutes and ask reception how long the wait is, I was extremely frustrated at the time but I do know vets are humans and can have family emergencies too. Despite the wait, which reception was actually super nice about because I know I wasn’t that kind at first when I asked due to my high stress and sick kitten, they still did an amazing job and one receptionist kept bugging the vet making sure I wasn’t forgotten in their super busy day (adorable curly blonde haired receptionist: me and gizmo say thanks for going above and beyond for us) and I do very much like how me and Gizmo were treated! Vets can be frustrating and every vet has negative reviews but so far they have exceeded all expectations and I couldn’t be happier! Thank you!

  • Adam McCormick

I've been taking our dog there for 4 years and I have no complaints about the treatment. The staff are kind and respectful. I am complaining about the billing practices and the lack of accountability in discussing these matters with clients. I called to get an estimate for our cat to get spayed. They quoted $190-350. When my wife dropped off the cat they said $660 and she didn't know I had been quoted half that. I feel like it was a bait and switch. I'm a surgeon and if my patients were given an estimate I stick to that estimate. I asked for Dr. Brandt to call and discuss the HUGE difference and there was no follow up. I rarely write reviews because I feel like usually people are trying to do their best. However I felt like this was out of line and we will not be returning there. Also they charge for monitoring during anesthesia. In the human world this is included in the cost of anesthesia. I fully expect my animal to be monitored as part of the service when rendering them unconcious and administering general anesthesia.

  • Will Thomas

I give you one star because I couldn't give zero. You guys have the opportunity to work with the person who can pay their bills and was war than willing to pay half up front and still wouldn't. I had to take my pet 2 hours away to a Veterinary Clinic that would work with me and my finance. Because of your negligence my best friend my fur baby had to be euthanized. People like you shouldn't own a Veterinary Clinic. I will never ever recommend anybody to you guys. And With all sincerity I hope your business closes and you go bankrupt! Furthermore the next day after i put euthanized my best friend, ( while still grieving) they had the audacity to call me and try to convince me that i misheard or misunderstood the person i talked to about working with my financial situation like i was delusional. i strongly suggest that if your reading this that you take your pet to a veterinary clinic that genuinely cares about their patients and even though it may be 2 hours away i HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Animal Hospital in Price Utah!!!

  • Hayley Tomney

It was very frustrating that we made an appointment for our cat and when we arrived it took 30 minutes for them to come out and get her after I had already called and said that we were there. Then we never received a call telling us that our cat was ready to be picked up my wife had to call and check on her. Then when my wife came to pick our cat up she called when she arrived and watched everyone get helped around her (who arrived after her). My wife then called and said hey I have been waiting for 45 minutes the tech on the phone then said “oh let me get the vet”. About 10-15 minutes later the vet called her to tell her what was wrong with our cat and shortly after that our cat was brought out. I understand that with co-vid19 things have had to be changed but a half hour to hour wait just to drop off/ pick up our cat and never being called to let us know that she was seen thats unacceptable. We just moved to the area and have never received such shoddy service from a vet. We definitely will not be coming back.

  • hwang su jin

I had my first puppy couple of months ago, and I when to Red Butte to have my puppy vaccinated and get checked. All the workers were kind and caring! They took great care of my pup! I brought my puppy with me back to my home country a few weeks ago and there were many documents needed to be prepared. They were fast in response, taking care of every document needed, doing more than I asked for. They always picked up the phone whenever I called to ask about symptoms I saw that my puppy had. I called them a lot since I was paranoid with everything since my pup was my first, but they were kind and patient every time and answered my questions! Whenever I was concerned about my pup’s health, they tried to make time for my pup whenever although they were really busy. I really want to thank every one of them! If I were to go back to Utah, I would definitely go back to Red Butte to take care of my pup’s health☺️ Thank you for your service!

  • Taylor Roscoe

Newer to Salt Lake from the Midwest and one of my biggest concerns with relocating is the care for my Boston Terrier. Was hoping to settle into the city, get situated and then establish a vet, and of course things did not work out that way and thats okay because it brought me to Red Butte. I was able to get in very quickly and felt like all of the staff from the telephone call to the actual doctor visit. My dog has scratched his cornea now twice since we have moved here and its extremely scary and nerve racking for me however each time i have gone in Dr.Blount is amazing and makes me feel reassured that we have a treatment in place and my baby WILL get better. She is great and i feel very well taken care of every time i go to see her. The front desk is amazing and friendly, i love the text messages you guys follow up with! I would and will recommend this vet! Especially Dr.Blount :) (she is amazing!)

  • Amie Cox

I love this vet for my two dogs. I’ve only come here since the pandemic started and they make pick up and drop off so easy. Each veterinarian I’ve spoken to is very thorough and spends so much time with me on the phone answering questions and giving honest feedback and recommendations for the best quality of life for my two pups. As far as cost, I am unsure of how they compare to many other providers. I do feel like they do a good job of communicating all my options and let me decide what steps to take. Everyone is willing to spend something different on their pets but I personally save a certain amount for each dogs health needs every year and have yet to overspend it here. The office staff is always very friendly and easy to talk to. They even make our goodie bag of medications and receipts special. My dogs love coming here and all the special attention they get. Thanks for the great care RBVC!

  • Kezia Nakagawa

My dog, Panda, has a history of being really scared at the vet, to the point that they have had to put a muzzle on her. I thought that she would be this way at any vet that I've taken her to. She is an incredibly well mannered sweet pup and I hate that other vets have had to do this to her in the past. When I took her to Red Butte, I was expecting the same thing scenario as always, but I was pleasantly surprised at how sweet the staff was and when I told the doctor that Panda gets really scared when we go to the vet, she took the time to slow down the visit and ease Panda into being comfortable there. My little lady didn't have any problems and didn't require a muzzle at all, even when they took her in the back to draw blood. I'm very impressed with this clinic and would recommend it to anyone looking for a new veterinarian. The 5/5 star rating for this place happened for a reason. <3

  • Sydney Gee (sydgee8)

This review is long overdue, this is the BEST veterinarian clinic in Salt Lake Area. There are two reasons, the first being how responsive they are, I was out of town and my parents were watching my dog. She got really sick one evening and my mom called them in a panic, they were about to close and said no problem bring her in. They got her medication and food for the week, I truly believe that they saved my dog. The next scenario is similar my dog had a weird rash that I noticed one morning, I called when they opened and figured they would get me in sometime that week, they told me to come in at 10 same day. Treated the rash and sent me home with the proper care. Not many vets are like this, I have gone to four different ones in Salt Lake and have had horrible experiences everywhere else. All the staff is so nice and helpful, I will never go to another vet!

  • Bailey Setzer

I didn't feel like me or my pet were a priority. We were a later appointment in the day, but I felt like we were being rushed. I take my pet's health seriously, and wanted advice as well as testing. I just didn't feel like the veterinarian was really listening to me. The people at the front desk also weren't very attentive and sort of unprofessional. The entrance was clean and put together- but the exam room was not. Cords coming from the ceiling for internet to a laptop seemed like a cheap set up. After my pet was returned to me after a blood draw the assistant and vet immediately asked if I wanted to put them back in their carrier- no! Let them relax for a moment with me- they are terrified! It seems like they didn't care how spooked my furry friend was. I came here because of the great ratings, but I was not satisfied with my service.

  • Kimberly

I am a new customer and have only visited twice, but so far the customer service has been good and the quality of care has been excellent! I recently moved to Utah from Oregon and was looking for an affordable, but high quality veterinary clinic. I had been going to the clinic back in Oregon for many years, so it was a little scary and sad to leave it. However Red Butte has displaced some of those fears with their kind technicians and Vet. I think they are a newer clinic, so I hope they continue to improve an already great facility into an outstanding one! (For example, there is an App called 'Pet Desk' that my old vet clinic used and it tracks your pet's medical records for you for free). Over all, I would highly recommend trying them out. I am a VERY picky pet parent and have high standards for his care and Red Butte has met them all.

  • Brett Mathison

Update: These guys are just the best. And they have done so well with being super transparent about costs so I'm not surprised when I get the bill. I work in the automotive industry where estimates are everything. So I really appreciate knowing what I'm looking at before it's done. Thank you guys for always taking the best care of Bandit and Ranger!❤️ Old Review: Awesome care received for my pups here. I love taking them here. It is convenient and always a great environment. It's a little more expensive than other places, but that is to be expected with the location. The only thing I haven't liked is having tests suggested during an appointment and agreeing to them with no mention of the cost. It makes for a surprising bill for sure.

  • Abie Bigham

We took our cat for a check up and the vet suggested a teeth cleaning. She informed us it would be $300 which we were fine with. We rearranged our schedules to bring him in and when we did they informed us (without looking at his teeth) that he actually needed a $2,000 tooth extraction. When we questioned why we were never informed of this they were unable to answer, but said they could not do a teeth cleaning without the extraction. The tech got very flustered and rude throughout this process trying to push us to do something we were never informed our cat needed. Her attitude was so over the top and surprising to us that we left. The entire process was a complete waste of time and pretty upsetting. We will be changing vets.

  • Yiautumn

Unfortunately, my review of Red Butte Vet has gone down. We brought my two dogs in to check out an eye infection and neither Dr. Brandt nor the vet tech thought to let us know what was wrong with the dogs. They charged us $30 each ($60 total) for 2 eye drops which were $10 each for the exact same brand and size online. We asked for a refund immediately, and they took over an hour to process it. They also forgot a medication refill, even though they wrote it down, which took longer and needed to be charged separately. My husband and I are not impressed with Dr. Brandt's professionalism. Dr. McMullin and Dr. Blount are incredible, but Dr. Brandt is the owner of Red Butte Vet so we have decided to take our business elsewhere.

  • Karen Anderson

After making an appointment a month ago, they called me to reschedule and gave me two options. I went for #2. When I arrived, I was not on the schedule. They did take my kitty's info (name age, etc) and took him to see the vet which was good of them. When they brought him back she verified the spelling of his name and she said she'd correct it immediately. I was to make another appointment for a follow up shot. Just went there today. My kitty's name was not changed, his birthdate was the same day as his last appointment and they scheduled a full exam, in which they did not charge me when I called attention to it during my conversation with the Vet. My daughter made the recommendation but I would not go back.

  • Crystal Jones

They are amazing! I needed a vet that could get my kitty in right away. I googled so many places that have horrible reviews. Finally for Red Butte Sunday night made my appt for Monday afternoon. My cat was seen and we made another appt for his teeth. Came home from work Tuesday and his poor tooth was hanging out of his mouth and he couldn't eat. Right then the Vet called me to give me the results of his blood work, talk about timing. I explained what was happening, she got him in the very next morning and he's all better today Wednesday!! Already a much happier kitty. Doesn't even miss the teeth they had to take. I will forever be going here for my kitty and any future pets. Everyone was so nice and helpful.

  • Paige Boso

I cannot say enough good things about Red Butte Veterinary Care! My middle-aged pup was pretty sick recently and when I called, they immediately got me in and got her evaluated. They sent me home with clear instructions, exact medications, diet recommendations, and followed up countless times. Their staff is incredible and I trust their vets 100%. Their responsiveness is on-point and while I would pay an arm and a leg for my pup, their prices are actually great. While it seems silly, I was very scared I might lose my best friend, but they held my hand (metaphorically) the whole way through and now my pup, Posie, has recovered and is super happy and healthy again. 10/10 would recommend. Thank you, Red Butte!

  • Kate Lau

Unprofessional bedside manners with negligent care at best. Plan to either get a misdiagnosis or prescribed the wrong treatment. Glad our new vet confirmed our worst fears so we could quickly course correct. Do not bring your beloved pets here and entrust this clinic with them. We switched to a vet 3 miles north because of how bad the experience with Red Butte was. The fact there are are MULTIPLE complaints against one specific doctor on here that the clinic seems happy to just half heartedly deflect should have been my first warning. The unprofessional responses they are providing to negative reviews with concrete details should be the second warning.

  • Pati Allred-Sorensen

We took our toy poodle there for over two years and still could not get appointment except last minute when some cancelled for grooming. The cut was often not what we had asked for, but still paid $65 plus a $10-15 tip. They never mentioned her teeth until they had to pull 1/2 of them and charged us $1666. She was going in for a vaccination and her paw was hurting and told them it needed to be looked at before we came in.. They took her in the large room in back, came out, asked it they had checked her paw and they said no- You'll have to make another appointment. Never seemed to care. The only thing they seemed to care about was asking for payment.

  • Krystal Day

The Vet tech themselves are not bad. But the Receptionist are the worst. No one gives you correct information, I got my rabbits spayed and the receptionist told us to make sure our rabbits didn't eat after midnight when in fact that is dangerous for a Rabbit and can cause GI stasis.This was the 2nd time I've been there and they say they are ready and you end up waiting over an hour. Receptionist need more training and weekly meetings to make sure they know the services the vet can provide and to insure they understand how to put information into the system. I do not suggest this place because of their extreme unprofessional approach.

  • Haeli Hauritz

This office has been great to us. I really enjoy going here because it has almost a family quality to it. The staff seem to make a great team and truly care for their patients and their families. I've had the pleasure of having appointments with with both Dr. Brandt and Dr. Gregg. Both of them have an incredible amount of knowledge in their field. What's more, they are able to explain what is going on with your pet in very clear terms and help you navigate all possible options to you for treatment. Their attention to our puppy when we thought he ate a safety pin reassured me that I had picked the right veterinary clinic.

  • Zelda Skywalker

I give them 5 stars easily. My fiancé and I rescued a kitten last night. He was very mangy and had an eye infection/ear mites. Everything was closed last night so I called in as soon as they opened today to see if they could help and they were able to get us in right away. The vet was very thorough and the front desk was very friendly. The technician who gave him his vaccines was very friendly too. We had a hiccup with our payment method but they were more than happy to help fix it. Very affordable prices. Definitely taking our little guy back there when he’s due for his next vaccines. Thank you for the great service.

  • Lydia Berggren

Dr. Brandt is great. She made a difficult diagnosis of our dog’s illness, and basically saved his life. This happened when we did not even have an appointment; we just showed up with a very sick dog and she took the time to diagnose and treat him. We are forever grateful. She has kept him going through tricky re-occurrences of illness. The whole office is caring and very good at their jobs. Sometimes at the end of the day I might wait a little bit, but I know that is because Dr. Brandt takes her responsibility to care for her patients very seriously. Highly recommend Red Butte Vet.

  • Tanya Vickers

Dr. Brandt has experience in emergency veterinary care, is practical, and goes the extra mile in communicating with pet owners. Our dog experienced an acute blood disorder that required a great dealing of sleuthing and some practical advice from Dr. Brandt. She was sensitive and realistic in the recommendations provided. Beyond the veterinary care, Thana offers exceptional grooming services, even for the most hesitant pet. Our dog was muzzled by a prior groomer, which only made things worse. Thana takes time to gain your pet's trust, a muzzle is no longer needed!

  • Emily Maxwell

My puppy Lady and I just had our first visit here and I was very impressed. My pup started limping today and her regular vet couldn’t get her in for 4 days. Red Butte made time today. The staff was so friendly, greeting my nervous puppy by name right when we walked (limped, in her case) in. They got us right in to the doctor. My puppy hardly ever approaches people, but she went right up to him. The doc was kind to take time to chat and carefully look at her, resolved our concerns and advised us to call tomorrow if things weren’t better. We’ve found our new vet.

  • Nicole Christensen

Overall had an alright experience. I picked up my kitten after her surgery, got her all the way home, only to find out that she still had her IV catheter in her little leg. Totally unprofessional and such a huge oversight on their part. Drove all the way back to have it removed, re-traumatizing my little one all over again. I didn’t get the feel that this was abnormal, and was offered a quick apology. Be sure to check your pets before you leave. Otherwise, the surgery went well, the incision looked good and healed well, and my kitten is back to normal again.

  • Haley Baker

I’ve been taking my dog here for about 3 years or so and they’re always quick, good at scheduling, informative and do the job right. Never had a complaint. I recently took my dog to get a growth off of her lip removed. The quote was accurate to the final price and they did a good job, her lip looks like it use to. I also appreciate the fact that they are accommodating and understanding to my dog when I come here because she is aggressive towards other animals. Which is nice because I have had a hard time taking her to other vets in the past because of that.

  • Marina

Vet techs are friendly and helpful. Dr Brandt comes off a bit harsh at times, but is helpful and knowledgeable. I have been charged a couple of times for testing I didn’t consent to, which is not ideal. We have also been left waiting more than a few times to check out because of a “cute dog” coming in. I.E.,, it not being an emergency, we have simply been left waiting while the receptionist/vet tech stopped to pet a dog. This has also happened while waiting on hold on the phone. Overall decent enough I guess. But probably more ideal if you’re a dog person.

  • Hayley Evans

Stella, my 85 lb. German Shepard mix is of the nervous type. She gets EXTREME anxiety at the vet and shakes terribly. Everytime I come here, the staff is so patient, gentle and kind. It’s so hard for Stella, she gets terrified. It’s been so refreshing to have a staff that handles her with care and doesn’t look at her like an inconvenience. Stella and I have been going to Red Butte for 4 years and will continue to. The staff and the doctor have always been super helpful and reasonably priced. Thank you for always being so kind and helpful Red Butte!

  • Bob Gray

Thank god, finally a decent vet who cares! We took our Dutch Shepard here for an badly infected bite on his muzzle. He was lethargic and clearly in a lot of pain. Leanne and her assistant were fantastic! They actually listened to us and valued our input and opinion in deciding the best treatment for the issue. I immediately felt comfortable the moment we walked in the door because it very apparent that our pet was the number one priority. I would feel right at home bringing any of my 3 dogs, 2 cats, 10 chickens, or 4 parrots to see them!

  • K&S Sullivan

I took my Golden Retriever puppy to Dr Blount at Red Butte after a less than great experience at a different vet clinic. I couldn't be more pleased with the care he receives from Dr Blount! She has helped us on numerous occasions and has given my puppy great care and attention. She solved some stomach issues we had been dealing with and now he is doing great. I have found Dr Blount and the rest of the staff at Red Butte to be responsive, helpful, and very loving to my sweet boy. I highly recommend them!

  • Caseylyn Allen

I have had an amazing experience over the last 2 and 1/2 years. The vet and vet tech are all amazing! They are very sweet with my dog, Dolce. They always answer my questions and have squeezed him in between appointments when he wasn’t feeling well. I have always felt confident with the care they give and the advice they give. We are leaving on a trip for 4 months and I am really going to miss their care! We see them monthly for a b-12 shot and re going to miss seeing them over the next few months!

  • Haley Neihart

They were trying to check my dog's knee and she was very nervous and tense. The vet tried to manhandle my dog on her back to check her knee. My dog peed everywhere because she was so scared. The vet didn't try to make her feel more comfortable at all. I will not take my dog back to them. They also charge money to send over prescription approvals for online refill subscriptions which is a total scam. I paid their checkup prices to get that prescription, and now they want more money.

  • Patricia Callahan

Diamond in the Ruff Ruff Ruff in Salt Lake City. My two dogs have always received exemplary care. Dr. Brandt takes the time to care for both my pups (& me) during those scheduled and those unexpected medical situations. Her prices are very fair. She discusses everything in advance. Her staff is friendly, professional and efficient. Her awesome groomers are an extra perk :). We are fortunate to have such a quality health care facility for our pets right here in our neighborhood.

  • Clint M

After trusting the other reviews, we had our first visit with Dr. Brandt and her staff–great people. We definitely found our new vet. They are very patient and gave us great comfort and assistance with our dog, Ralph. Ralph was hit by a car and was having trouble walking. They were able to throw together a nice brace and give us some other tips and within a week he has improved drastically! Great place. Very pleased. Ralph keeps telling me he wants to go back :)Thank you!!

  • Cindy

Brought our puppy here after months of limping and getting no answer from our previous vet. They took us seriously and help facilitate an appointment with a specialist who diagnosed her the elbow dysplasia. Since we still caught it pretty early, thanks to red butte, the damage was very minimal. She has since had surgery and made almost a full recovery. I’m so grateful to red butte veterinary for helping us get our dog the care she needed so she can still live a full life.

  • April Radford

I called after my cat got a gash in her leg from the groomer shaving her without my permission. I was so distraught on the phone but the receptionist was incredible patient and helpful. She fit me into the schedule immediately, despite the clinic being busy. They were incredibly understanding and helpful with me, and made the entire situation much less stressful and traumatic for my cat and myself. Will absolutely be bringing my cat back for anything she needs!

  • jess K

TLDR: Not grossly negligent but you can get much better care for lower prices elsewhere. I have taken all 3 of my dogs here multiple times because I live close. Different vets each time I've gone in, bad sign. They added on services I didn't agree to and forced me to pay. The final straw was a vet who said he had no idea about an issue my dog, but then the clinic refused to give a referral for treatment elsewhere unless I came back to pay them for more tests.

  • Erika Wiggins Seliger

Dr. Brandt is the vet I was looking for in SLC. It took me awhile to find the right mix of knowledge, compassion, and practicality. She is all of those. My pets don't mind visiting and even my skittish kitty Artie loves up on her. The staff is caring and helpful and there's never a wait. I also appreciate that they always let me know what to expect cost-wise and don't simply do things without a conversation. I highly recommend Dr. Brandt and her team!

  • Paris

Shannon, the receptionist, was beyond helpful! We really appreciated how kind and patient she was with helping us navigate our dogs potential allergic reaction. Honestly, we had such a positive experience with how she treated us and our dog with a last minute appointment over the phone, even though this vet office is farther than our normal one, it was clear to see how well managed and organized it is which would make the longer drive worth it.

  • Candice C

I am new to the practice, but have been happy with Red Butte Veterinary Care so far. The waiting room is small and parking can be challenging, but I LOVE that I can book appointments online. I am especially impressed with appointment availability and can often get an appointment the next day! I have seen Dr. Brandt and Dr. McMullin at the practice. They are both very professional and take the time to explain everything at every step of the way.

  • Angie Marie

We just adopted a puppy a few weeks ago and wanted to find the best vet for his first visit. Red Butte was perfect!! They were so helpful throughout his first-ever exam, and they answered the million questions I had about raising a puppy. He had to get medication, and they were so patient with explaining to me how exactly to give his meds. Puppy will be all better soon and we'll be going here for his future visits!

  • Devon Brower

I’ve been going to Red Butte since my little Hank was a 2-month-old puppy. They’ve been wonderful with the vaccination and exam process. We’ve recently had a couple health scares in the past week and the clinic staff and Dr. Brandt have been exceptionally accommodating and kind. Thorough, patient, communicative and transparent about pricing and the plan of care. I highly recommend! You have a pet parent for life.

  • Desa Tolman

We went to Red Butte based off a recommend from a friend. Our dachshund was having back problems and Dr Brandt was very thorough, was more than willing to answer any questions and gave plenty of options for potential paths of care. The amount of follow up from Dr Brandt and her staff is a rare find and very appreciated. I would recommend this office for everything from routine care to serious concerns.

  • Katie Cuevas

Today is the last day I give this place my business! If you want to be scammed go here! They upscale you and screw you over! No communication about prices until your stuck with a crazy high bill! Not to mention my dog is unable to take any type of steroids it's listed on his chart and they gave him steroids! So disappointed with this clinic. Do better our fur babies deserve the best.

  • Marcia Gahring

I have been to many veterinarians over the years and realize the demands of their work. Dr. Brandt was warm, knowledgeable and caring to my two pets. The 15-year-old required extensive dental care and the problems were take care of with excellent results. The 8-month-old was also examined and taken care of wonderfully. I couldn't be happier with the service and the care. Thank you!

  • Baroger

Consistently bad service, over charging for simple tasks ($40 to shave two of my dogs toes), terrible job at clipping his toe nails (they cut his dewclaw too short so his foot was bleeding and didn't even realize it when they brought him back to the room). I have had nothing but negative experiences the two times I have visited this veterinary clinic. Absolutely do not recommend.

  • Sarah S

We have taken our dogs to Red Butte Vet twice so far, both times we were looking for day-of appointments to address immediate issues and they were able to get us in on short notice no problem. The staff is very friendly and appointments are quick and efficient - but Dr. Brandt always takes the time to give our pups some love! We are so lucky to have Red Butte Vet as our neighbor!

  • Spencer Mitchell

Been using these guys for the last 3 years. They are trying to charge me $60 dollars for an appointment cancellation less than 24 hours prior to the appointment. We didn’t even book the appointment 24 hours in advance. Not to mention each time I’ve gone I wait 30+ minutes just to see the vet. For a 10 minute appointment with the vet. I don’t charge them for wasting my time.

  • Jennifer Carr

Dr. Brandt is an amazing vet. Our elderly Dane was having pain and difficulty holding her bowl movements. She realized this was not the end (we brought her in with tears in our eyes). She was encouraging and took blood to check her liver and kidney function, which was good. She put her on a low dose of NSAIDs and Gracie responded very well. Thank you Dr.!!!

  • Brendan Fife

This vet is absolutely amazing!! She is the most caring and honest vet I have ever been to. When my sweet Pomeranian got sick she was there for us every step of the way, to answer our phone calls, to give him the treatment he needed, and support us! He is completely back to normal now because of her! You have earned a client for life. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

  • Sarah Moss

Red Butte Vet Care has the friendliest staff. Scheduling our first appointment was very easy, and Gris, my puppy, and myself immediately felt well taken care of and at home upon arriving. All staff was very knowledgeable, and I feel I could call with any questions outside of our regular visits. Thank you for taking such good care of my doggie Red Butte!

  • Wes D

Brought my 7 week old German Shepherd in today and was impressed with the way they handled everything considering the pandemic. They were able to get me in the same day, and although they were a little busy, Dr. Brandt took a good 10 minutes to go over results and answer my questions. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a new vet.

  • banana junior 9000

We brought Tucker in for a teeth cleaning, in and out, happy kitty. A week later he was in a great deal of pain with one eye. It had to be removed. Red Butte got Tucker in the NEXT DAY. As a former vet tech I've seen some botched eye removal surgeries but Dr. Brandt's work looks like Tucker's eye is simply closed. Dr. Brandt is top drawer.

  • Sean Heffernan

We have a very particular cat that can be difficult. The professionals at the clinic were excellent with him and knew just how to deal with his injury. He had developed a small abscess and it was his first time at a vet in well over a year. Very pleased with the whole experience and are excited to finally have a great vet for his needs.

  • Michelle Bartlett

Dr Brandt is amazing. Very knowledgeable and thorough. I trust her completely with my old dog's care. My dog came down with a terrible case of pneumonia and was near on his death bed. I brought him in and Dr. Brandt took him in without an appointment, worked her magic, and he is back to his old self. I won't take my dog anywhere else.

  • C Lar

We love and recommend this vet to everyone we can. They are so caring for your fur babies. Our dog came out of the vet with a smile on his face and looked relaxed. I could tell they took really good care of him. Which is what at great considering he’s been terrified after all the other vets we’ve visited. Not overly expensive either.

  • Sadie Banks

We LOVE Red Butte Veterinary Care! We have been coming here for over 5 years and they have taken such good care of our little anxious pup. They do everything to help him be comfortable and feel safe. They are quick and they help us understand how to better help our dog! We recommend them to everyone we know in the Salt Lake Valley!

  • Kajal Ganesh

About three weeks ago our family pet fell ill. We tried to contact several other veterinarians, but all of them were extremely far away and overpriced. We were thrilled to hear that small animals are also checked at this location and scheduled an appointment. Our rat is doing fine now, and we are happy about the excellent service!

  • Margie Prochaska

I have used Red Butte vet for about 4 years. They do a great job of managing the health of my 14 year old dog. They get medication refills quickly. I love being able to make appointments online… especially on weekends so I can get him in quickly if needed at the start of the week. The staff are friendly and efficient. Thanks

  • Niki Houghton

red butte has taken care of my dogs for the last 3 years and they've done a great job at servicing our needs! we had a disabled dog that needed a lot of care and dr. blunt worked with us until the end, and we were able to text her any questions we had. the whole staff is very friendly and always makes us feel welcomed.

  • Iris Petersen

I love bringing my dog here! Everyone in the office is so kind, friendly, thorough and professional. They provide excellent care and take time to address all of my many questions. My dog sees Dr. Brandt, and she is so knowledgeable, compassionate, patient and kind. I would highly recommend them to anyone! …

  • John Burton

All the staff here amazing and compassionate people. From routine check-ups to illness treatments and monitoring to end-of-life services, Red Butte Veterinary Care always makes sure the animals comfort and best interests are put first. I will recommend this facility to everyone. Thank you for your compassion.

  • Page Harston

I have taken my cat here for 2 years and love them! They do great with cats (even with my not very cooperative one). I recently had an appointment for a checkup and to address some concerns I had and they were COVID safe, gave him excellent care and were very helpful. I highly recommend them!

  • Owen Matherly

i really like this place! it can be on the expensive side for some services, but i feel that it’s worth it to know my pup is in good hands. the vets i’ve seen here have always been able to answer any questions or concerns i have about my dog, and they seem to truly care about her well-being.

  • Robert Mcrae

Dr. Brandt and her staff are fantastic. Dr. Brandt always takes the time to truly understand what has been going on with our dog. On top of that, she is very thoughtful, open, and honest with her treatment plan. Thank you Dr. Brandt, Harmony, and everyone else at Red Butte Veterinary Care.

  • Elana Mazur

Dr. Brandt is an incredibly skilled and compassionate veterinarian. Without a doubt she saved my dog’s life after a sudden onset of bloat with his stomach flipping. Dr. Brandt and her team were able to perform an emergency surgery to save my dog’s life. My family will be forever grateful.

  • Breezee Wilson

The only doctor I trust with my pets. I have been taking my animals to Dr. Brandt for over 10 years! She and her staff truly care about your family member and will go above and beyond to help with any issues! Thank you Dr.Brandt and the amazing staff at Red Butte veterinary!!

  • Hannah New

Taking your precious pet to the vet during a pandemic is nerve wracking, but Red Butte Vet put me at ease. They treated my pup so well and explained everything they were going to do and did. They were easy to talk to. I will be using them for my future pups as well.

  • Andy Guss

I have taken three of our animals to Dr. Brandt and the amazing staff at Red Butte. I couldn't ask for a more helpful or caring group of people to turn to whether it is a desperate emergency or simply picking up some extra treats for the puppy. Thank you so much!

  • Sijia Zhang

Much cheaper than university veterinary (800 to remove most of my cat's teeth compared to the 1350 quote university veterinary gave me). Also the service and quality of care is just as good, so I will probably be making them my main vet from now on.

  • Fletch

I’ve always been very impressed with the level of communication and care for our dogs. No surprises. No attitude. And they’ve done a great job answering questions to help us along the way. I don’t see us using any other veterinarian any time soon.

  • Cole Warburton

Great place! Only been in a couple of times for a checkup and grooming. They are all very friendly and so good with my three pound pooch. It’s always nice to find a place where everyone who works there is friendly and helpful. Thanks Red Butte!

  • Caroline Kellough

Love the staff and doctor here. It feels like a very personal experience and they’re incredibly attentive and good with the doggos. They have been able to get me in last minute and don’t charge me for things my pets don’t need. Love red butte!

  • Eric Bradley

They were able to see my dog same day and get his ailments treated. Very professional and kind staff. I was a new client and they treated me as if my dog had always been part of their clinic. I’d recommend this vet to anyone with an animal.

  • Silvia Pedrini

I adopted my baby Husky girl back in 2017 when she was only 3 weeks old under a challenging circumstance. Dr. Brandt has been taking outstanding care of my Husky girl since day one! Red Butte Vet is a pillar of support & expertise and I’m

  • Ryan Daley

After a couple of bad experiences, I'll concede I can be hyper-critical of veterinarians but Dr Blount and Red Butte Veterinary served as a refreshing change of pace. None of the normal fear mongering and unnecessary medical testing that

  • MacKenzie Landers

Constant issues: ask for all of our pets on same schedule and too often seem to be sent notes for another appointment needed. Once waited for doc for over 40 min and was told she was picking up her daughter and they didn’t know when she

  • Clara Robertson

I had gone to multiple other veterinary clinics who didn't seem interested in actually helping my puppy, but this clinic was amazing. The staff is so friendly, competent, and overall wonderful. I'll definitely be coming back!

  • Mischante Sandoval

Took my puppy Rocky here for a wellness check. Staff is friendly and knowledgeable especially for first time puppy owners. Rocky wasn't nervous at all. I will be bringing Rocky here for all his vet needs. Highly recommended!

  • HG #1#1

Vet was very thoroughl with my pet. She had a new approach for what my animal was going through. Instead of just staying on the same plan that the previous vet had him on. They are also very responsive through text message.

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