
846 reviews

Xincheng, Xi'An, China, 710003



西安城墙 is a Tourist attraction located at Xincheng, Xi'An, China, 710003. It has received 846 reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of 西安城墙: Xincheng, Xi'An, China, 710003

  • 西安城墙 has 4.5 stars from 846 reviews

  • Tourist attraction

  • "我是新加坡旅客在12/3 星期天在城墙骑脚踏车。 不幸在文昌门 骑车途中不知钱包从后裤口袋掉出。我发现时从南门骑车到北东城墙试图要巡回,但徒劳无功。 我在东门还了脚车之后去 一楼游客询问中心 去向服务员求助。 服务员广播后一两分钟后 就告知我钱包在文昌门的脚车出租站里。我感谢服务员 ,也在文昌门取回钱包。 我在此感谢 游客中心服务员-苏欢和脚车出租站-乐乐先生的帮忙。我也把我遇到乐于助人 路不拾遗 之人 的经历分享给大家,鼓励大家来西安来玩。 I went to the city wall to cycle on 7/3 night 12/3 day "

    "We'd planned on coming here to see the city wall, but we had no idea we'd get to bicycle it! It was great fun, and not strenuous at all (it's a flat city wall, after all)"

    "Great Wall of Xi'an is a well known place in the city, it's very famous and old as it's an ancient wall like the great wall of china, you need to pay 100 yuan to enter it, there is also discount for students 50% if u have your student ID card with you, during Chinese new year celebrations it's very crowded and marvelous cuz Chinese celebrations are amazing, 10 days before the spring festival you will see a lot of red lanterns around the city as it's traditional way of celebration to hang the red lanterns as a sign of welcoming the new year with prosperity and happiness"

    "Entrance fee CNY54, bought on the spot via Wechat and entered via the South entrance, which is where the metro exit D1 leads to"

    "2019年   8月に  ^_^ 兵馬俑ツアーで訪れました ♬ 西安市は、紀元前から都の地でありましたが、前漢の時代に長安と命名され、長らくこの名前が続きました。 明の時代に西安となったようです‼︎ いろんな説がありますが、一般的にシルクロードの起点と言われています。 ( ^ω^ ) 唐から明代にかけて築かれた古代の城壁❗️ 現存する城壁の中では世界最大だそうです❗️ 敵から城民も守るために、大きな城壁が造られます❗️ お城のみならず、大きな城壁の中の城民も守られる安心感があるでしょうし、簡単には出られない不便さもあったのかな? なんて思っちゃいます (^O^) 立派です‼️ 城壁の上を歩きますと、1周が約14kmもあります。 レンガで造られたそうですが、幅も広く、長く、たくさんの人が訪れても堅固な建造物ですね‼️ 敵に対しての武器なども色々置いてありました。 (^ν^) ああ これで敵に対したのかなと、興味津々に見ながら、少し身震いもしたものです ( ̄∇ ̄) マラソン大会も開催されるそうです、、、西安の姉妹都市の選手も必ず参加されるとか❗️ 最大で、ハーフマラソンの距離だそうです❗️ レンタル自転車を使い、楽しそうに1周されてらっしゃる方たちも多くいらっしゃいました ♬ 城壁の上から市内も見渡せます❗️ 悠久の古都の歴史を感じるひと時です  =(^"


  • Kelvin Lin

我是新加坡旅客在12/3 星期天在城墙骑脚踏车。 不幸在文昌门 骑车途中不知钱包从后裤口袋掉出。我发现时从南门骑车到北东城墙试图要巡回,但徒劳无功。 我在东门还了脚车之后去 一楼游客询问中心 去向服务员求助。 服务员广播后一两分钟后 就告知我钱包在文昌门的脚车出租站里。我感谢服务员 ,也在文昌门取回钱包。 我在此感谢 游客中心服务员-苏欢和脚车出租站-乐乐先生的帮忙。我也把我遇到乐于助人 路不拾遗 之人 的经历分享给大家,鼓励大家来西安来玩。 I went to the city wall to cycle on 7/3 night 12/3 day . The experience is great and it will take 1.5 ~2 hours to cycle round this massive 14 km citywall. Rental of the bike is 45 RMB for 3 hours . The last return of bike has to be done by 950 pm (close at 10 pm) or else you will lose compulsory deposit of RMB 100. Anyway on 12/3 my wallet slipped off my back pants pocket when i was cycling past wen chang at south gate area. I backtrack cycled to the North-East city wall (anti clock wise) and back to east (clockwise) to search for my wallet, but without success. I return my bike on the east gate and went to level 1 to Tourist Centre for help. The Female staff - Su huan helped me broadcast about my missing wallet ..In 2 mins time, SuHuan informed me Wen chang gate bike rental stop responded that they have my wallet. I thanks the staff and got back my wallet from Bike rental Male Staff - Ler Ler. I would like to thank both of them for their swift assistance . I find Xian residents in particular the staff are helpful and honest , come to xian, is safe and fun~

  • Alex Demas

We'd planned on coming here to see the city wall, but we had no idea we'd get to bicycle it! It was great fun, and not strenuous at all (it's a flat city wall, after all). You get to see the City Wall much more thoroughly than you would if you just walked it, because you can cover more ground more quickly. The bicycles were decent-the tires are underinflated so as to better deal with the uneven bricks. Make sure you test the height of the bicycle though. I didn't, and it ended up being fairly uncomfortable at times. Pro tip: go in the morning. We were there in mid-June and it was getting exceedingly warm by 11:00am. I would not want to do it after then during the summer. Way too hot. There's little shade and the bricks reflect the heat back up to you. There are occasional ramparts where you can dismount and enjoy a little shade, but it's still really hot.

  • Mo-Travelleer X

Great Wall of Xi'an is a well known place in the city, it's very famous and old as it's an ancient wall like the great wall of china, you need to pay 100 yuan to enter it, there is also discount for students 50% if u have your student ID card with you, during Chinese new year celebrations it's very crowded and marvelous cuz Chinese celebrations are amazing, 10 days before the spring festival you will see a lot of red lanterns around the city as it's traditional way of celebration to hang the red lanterns as a sign of welcoming the new year with prosperity and happiness. The wall is very long and you can ride bicycle to explore all the wall, also Chinese respect bicycles a lot as it's very important in their culture.
最多 10 分钟

  • Daphne Yeo

Entrance fee CNY54, bought on the spot via Wechat and entered via the South entrance, which is where the metro exit D1 leads to. At level 2 of the city wall, there's a centerpiece of the entire area and a staff comes by at designated times to give a brief of it. Lucky to catch the 4pm one and got a better understanding of how the city wall came to be and possibly the origin of the term '买东西' , stemming from the only 2 markets at that time 东市 (local market)& 西市 (international one where they traded with 西域). The entire wall is 6km long but I've clocked enough steps for the day, so I walked for just a stretch along the city wall, entering from 永宁门 and exited thru 文昌门.

  • sakura

2019年   8月に  ^_^ 兵馬俑ツアーで訪れました ♬ 西安市は、紀元前から都の地でありましたが、前漢の時代に長安と命名され、長らくこの名前が続きました。 明の時代に西安となったようです‼︎ いろんな説がありますが、一般的にシルクロードの起点と言われています。 ( ^ω^ ) 唐から明代にかけて築かれた古代の城壁❗️ 現存する城壁の中では世界最大だそうです❗️ 敵から城民も守るために、大きな城壁が造られます❗️ お城のみならず、大きな城壁の中の城民も守られる安心感があるでしょうし、簡単には出られない不便さもあったのかな? なんて思っちゃいます (^O^) 立派です‼️ 城壁の上を歩きますと、1周が約14kmもあります。 レンガで造られたそうですが、幅も広く、長く、たくさんの人が訪れても堅固な建造物ですね‼️ 敵に対しての武器なども色々置いてありました。 (^ν^) ああ これで敵に対したのかなと、興味津々に見ながら、少し身震いもしたものです ( ̄∇ ̄) マラソン大会も開催されるそうです、、、西安の姉妹都市の選手も必ず参加されるとか❗️ 最大で、ハーフマラソンの距離だそうです❗️ レンタル自転車を使い、楽しそうに1周されてらっしゃる方たちも多くいらっしゃいました ♬ 城壁の上から市内も見渡せます❗️ 悠久の古都の歴史を感じるひと時です  =(^.^)= 他の城壁は変化して違うものになったりしたようですが、西安の城壁は古代よりその姿を保っていますので、とても見応えがありました  (#^.^#)

  • Xiao Hong

M...ouais. Remparts bien entretenus (voir trop), larges comme un boulevard où vous croiserez cyclistes et voiturettes à touristes (qui n'ont pas le courage de marcher). Franchement, visite sans aucun intérêt. Vue sur les bâtiments délabrés de la ville et des travaux en cours. 54¥ l'entrée, c'est honteusement cher si l'on considère le prix d'un repas en ville. Le même jour j'ai mangé un bon repas (viande aux légumes sur plaque chauffante, riz et bière) pour 20¥. Si vous tenez à le faire, je vous conseille la nuit tombée. Peut-être que les lumières donneront un peu de magie à l'endroit.

  • くぼゆう

西安城壁 入場料54元を払って永宁門を見て回り、しばらく歩いていると、たくさんの観光客がレンタル自転車に乗っているのに気づいたので、我々もレンタル自転車で城壁の上を走ってみようということになったのでした。 値段を聞いてみると1人乗り用が3時間45元で、2人乗り用が3時間90元で、デポジット(保証金)がそれぞれ100元。いざ時計周りとは逆に周り始めました。 スタート地点は南の永宁門で、しばらく走ってようやく四辺の東の角まで着いたのです(約2km)、 東門の長楽門を目指す。 その後、とうとう北門の安远門まで行くことになりました。(スタートからの距離は約7km) ここまで来ると残りの距離は半分なので、次の西門の安定門へ。 いよいよ最後の門の安定門に着いて、これまでの門と同じように写真を撮ったりして観光していたのですが、そろそろ陽も暮れて来たしレンタル自転車に乗って最初のスタート地点の永宁門に戻ろうと自転車を止めた場所に戻ってみると…。自転車を盗まれました。。 これでは最初に受付で預けたデポジットを返してもらえる訳もなく、オマケに最後の約3.5kmを3人で歩いて帰る羽目になってしまったのでした。(西安城壁一周 約14.3km)

  • Rajat Bansal

X'ian Wall is a great place to visit during your trip to X'ian. Visit during sunset time to get the best views. Do try the bike ride available on the wall. Few bike rentals available on the wall, a bit expensive but worth the experience to ride a bike on the wall. Lot of food stalls also available on the wall. They do have some laser shows also few times a week, do check that before visiting.

  • André Longatti

Incrível! Além do lugar ser maravilhoso, a neblina da um ar ainda mais especial. Locamos bicicleta para andar em cima da muralha, foi sensacional! Chinês, como sempre, mandando muito bem, oferecen uma atração bem sinalizada, com valor justo e estrutura incrivel. Fiquei realmente surpreso com a experiência.

  • lc L

Really interesting to climb the wall built during Ming dynasty. During the day time you may rent bicycle to stroll around. At the night time they have performance at the south gate 永寧門 (yongning gate). The wall is 13.3km and it might be rather hot during the summer - so remember to bring an umbrella.

  • Stephanei Fox

It was such a fun and nice day on the wall! We had a tour guide who took us through all the must places and let us explore most of it on our own. The weather was so nice and I learned so much about the evolution of bicycles and their importance to the Chinese culture.

  • Poon Chai

กำแพงเมืองซีอาน (Xi'An City Wall) เสียค่าเข้าชม 54 หยวน กำแพงเมืองซีอานถือเป็นกำแพงที่เก่าแก่ที่สุด และมีความสมบูรณ์ที่สุดในประเทศจีนกำแพงเมืองโบราณ ด้านข้างมีสวนสาธารณะ สร้างขึ้นเมื่อ 600 กว่าปีมาแล้ว ในสมัยราชวงศ์หมิง โดยจักรพรรดิ ฉู หยวน…...

  • Gunnar Caya

The city walls of Xi'an are one of the best preserved ancient city walls in China (although I like Nanjing's city wall better because I'm biased). There are great views of the city which now extends as far as the eye can see, both inside…...

  • Mike X

Visited in December. Go up anywhere in the 4 Cardinal direction gates and rent some bikes. It's pretty fun and a good workout. It took us 1.5 hours on a tandem bike, stopping along the way. There are restaurants and restrooms at the top.…...

  • Hope Ang

Beautiful city walls that were lit up at night. Also went to visit the chang'an impressions show, 梦长安 which was spectacular. A must see for visitors to the city. From the walk in outside the city walls to the stage with the historic city…...

  • Aey Angel

Ancient city wall was build by qin shi huang and repair after that dynasty for many times. It has 13 kilometers for the length of the wall . I rented mountain bicycle o the wall and biked on the wall. That's a very good memories and wise…...

  • Stef P

Xi'an City Wall is a big wall that surrounds the city. You can walk or bike the wall if you like. I did the bike and it was rough. Since the wall is so old there are many bumps and my body was feeling it later on. However, when we were…...

  • Gia Nelson

The city wall is such a cool experience. My friend and I biked along the wall and had a great time. The architecture in Xi'an is beautiful. You can purchase a tour throughout the day in which you can ride in a trolley car or do a self…...

  • 王鑫

來西安 一定要排時間登上城牆 感受歷史 再來騎一趟自行車 看看西安的古今交錯 上城牆想看夕陽 夜景燈光又怕曬, 再來多拍一些相片留點回憶,考慮體力不想花太多時間在城牆上騎車,所以計畫在1630之後上城牆,騎一半的路程又省力氣.於是直奔北門(定遠門).開始西安城牆的慢騎之旅. 1900之前 4個城門均可還車, 1900之後還車點只有在南門(永寧門). 上城牆門票 54, 騎車 雙人車 90/3小時, 押金200. 沒有騎一圈也要來個半圈 回憶回憶。

  • Halil Erdogan

This was my trip plan 1. Terracotta Worries and Horses Museum 2. Datang Everbright City 3. Great Wild Goose Pagoda 4. Muslim Quarter 5. Fortification of Xian 6. Bell Tower of Xian 7. Drum Tower 8.Mount Huashan

  • Andy Cheng

Beautiful place to visit. when you are on top of the wall, you can get a good view of the city and ancient Chinese style roof and buildings. you can even rent a bicycle or pay to ride the electric car

  • Mangiare Senza Glutine

Molto suggestive, ben conservate e ben restaurate, le mura antiche della Città di Xi'an hanno anche un fossato ed è possibile percorrerle in bici. Sconsiglio la visita in giornate molto calde.

  • Haigang Zhou

国内保存完整的绕城城墙。 可以在南门租自行车。45块,200押金,租2个小时。绕行一周约14公里,加上停下来拍照,2个小时可以游完。白天可以在东,北和西门还车,但是晚6点后只能回南门还。有头盔,不过要索取才给。 墙上路面不平,在东边有一段是上坡。如果是租车向左走(西边?),骑到最后上那段坡还是有点累。 整个感觉不错,路上有很多标识牌,对建筑物都有较详细的说明。

  • Brandon Wang


  • Norman Tahan

Said we were going to walk the entire wall but only did 1/2, approx 7 miles. Well maintained. Next time I will rent a bike. A must do, while visiting Xi'an.

  • Spy

Great place for walking and getting glimpses of the ancient part of the city. Bike is highly recommended if you intend to go around.

  • Didr Sa


  • Noctis


  • Motoki Makita

一周約14km、レンタサイクルでゆっくり走って2時間半。 昼間とライトアップの時間帯と景色が全然違うので、午後遅くに現地に到着し、後半に夜景が見られる様なスケジュールがおすすめです。

  • Philip Chen


  • Paul Hodgson

Fantastic city walls, bell and drum towers



  • 風中燈塔


  • Phoebe Mak


  • 李峙希


  • Zhou Wan


  • Fidel

Worth walking the whole perimeter, recommended

  • Tom Nook

这里风景很棒~绕着城墙走一圈能发现很多有趣的景物… 就是票价可能不是那么的便宜…

  • Charles Tan


  • Isaac Yao


  • 饮雨山人


  • 黃軍鴻


  • John Hung


  • Raymond Ngan


  • S Y


  • Innocent Grey


  • 迪达拉


  • Li Bo


  • Piero Yu


  • xian yu


  • 富一涛

可以租自行车 骑行一圈一个半小时左右

  • Neo Cheung (一个没有感情的菠萝头)


  • Asenuq Tang


  • 陳品蓁

穿越城牆內仿佛穿越時空 夜景很美

  • 李小李

周边都有地鐵站到, 碑林就在附近

  • HC Wong


  • jian wang


  • Shawn Hung


  • 高炳賢


  • x xiaobao


  • Pui Yam Yau


  • 刘瑞琦(Rich)

冬天风特别大 冻死人。

  • lz wang


  • 曾帥帥


  • Tee ShaoHong


  • Evane kou


  • 程生


  • Ruby


  • Sky Young


  • jun zhao


  • Zhitao Yan


  • Sonic Ming


  • Dennis Liu


  • Zhang LongQi


  • King Cheng


  • w m


  • Chung Yan Chung


  • 岳彩建


  • Chen Yang


  • Jack Yu


  • 雪蓮花


  • 麦逗(lingbaoboy)


  • wnter


  • 豪寺祐


  • 黄俊翔


  • NEB


  • Ken


  • Lee Ben


  • Rosa VZ


  • Brian Zeng


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