Fair Deal Auto Sales Inc.

140 reviews

1515 Broadway St, Houston, TX 77012




Fair Deal Auto Sales Inc. is a Used car dealer located at 1515 Broadway St, Houston, TX 77012. It has received 140 reviews with an average rating of 3.6 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Fair Deal Auto Sales Inc.: 1515 Broadway St, Houston, TX 77012

  • Fair Deal Auto Sales Inc. has 3.6 stars from 140 reviews

  • Used car dealer

  • "when in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation"

    "I screwed up recently (a month or so ago) and bought a car from them and 4 days after getting it my transmission gave out"

    "So i decided to call and get info on a 2008 Honda civic and asked some basic questions from a girl that sounded less motivated than I can imagine"

    "My husband and I purchased a 2004 dodge ram 2 years ago from "fair deal auto sales," we paid 2500 cash"

    "Fair Deal Auto is far from fair"


  • Joan Castillo

when in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

  • aZel Saine

I screwed up recently (a month or so ago) and bought a car from them and 4 days after getting it my transmission gave out. After they fixed it, my alignment was screwed so I got that handled on my own no worries. Then my starter and my battery went out. I LITERALLY had a different issue every damn week and they were asking for too much money for a car with over 250,000 miles on it! But, I was forced to get it because they accept bad credit and you don't need insurance to drive off the lot (and I see why), but as of now my car was repossessed Sunday (6-26-2016) because I missed 1 payment; they claim it was 2 payments, but they didn't want to accept one of my payments because I didn't have my "missing payment" also so it's documented as if I missed 2 which is bullshit. I didn't get a warning call, no mail, no type of notice, NOTHING whatsoever. I literally woke up to a car that wasn't there and all they have to say is "you missed your payment". They don't care about negotiating and are very unprofessional. I wish the ladies DAD still ran the company. I'm pissed because I put $1500 down on the car and lost it within 5 weeks without knowing it was coming at all. Long story short, I BEG everybody not to buy anything from here. Don't bother, I'm serious! I was dumb and desperate enough, don't you be! Fair deal my ass...... P.S. I dont want to hear yalls bullshit apology either. I know whats up. Just save it. Y'all aren't sorry, all y'all care about is money money money and not humanity itself. Y'all need to stand behind true business quality and make some modifications instead of raping wallets.

  • mark shay

So i decided to call and get info on a 2008 Honda civic and asked some basic questions from a girl that sounded less motivated than I can imagine. I asked how many owners did the car have and she was unable to provide information. I suggested looking at the car fax report because all my questions were going to be based on data from the car fax and she said, yeah we don't have one. I asked, you guys don't provide car fax for your customers on a car that cost about 9k and she said nope. Cool thx for all you help, which she simply replied with bye. About the only thing she was able to tell me is that the car was still available and god knows what they may be hiding. Big red light on dealers who refuse to provide something as simple as a car fax report. So I guess I am going to take my gulable behind to a dealership that can work with me since I was willing to buy asap with cash in hand. To owner: if you want to run a successful car lot in today's day and age, it's not what you have in your lot, it's the professional or lack their of you treat your customers with.

  • Misti Crosley

My husband and I purchased a 2004 dodge ram 2 years ago from "fair deal auto sales," we paid 2500 cash. We have had to do some minor a/c repairs, replace the thermostat, buy a new clutch, FULL tune up, (including coil packs) replace the emergency brake line, replace the water-pump, (full of rust inside) replace the dash and buy FULL set of tires, replace the catalytic converter and the power-steering pump. The only known problem they disclosed was the obvious, power-steering pump and it needed new tires. Turned out to cost WAY more than 2500!! The truck still runs 197,000 miles, he barely drives it, maybe he put 9k on it, luckily we are blessed enough to afford repairs, I wouldn't recommend purchasing from them unless you are willing to pay more, and go through the hassles and headaches of one issue after another. Our truck wasn't very safe or dependable shortly after purchasing - Paid Full, In Cash. Save Yourself- Try Joe Myers kia; used cars.. P.S. Fair Deal doesn't accept trade ins. They'll buy your "trade-in" for thousands less than blue-book value.

  • Brittany Chavis

Fair Deal Auto is far from fair. In fact, I would say that they're unfair, dishonest and unprofessional. I recently bought a 2006 Nissan Sentra from Fair Deal Auto and after a day of driving I realized that the car had a serious problem. Therefore, I took the car to my mechanic and found out that the car had a huge emmissions problem. I then started to do research on the cars VIN number and found out that the car was said to been inspected on a day after the day I actually purchased it. In other words, the car was illegally inspected because I had the car in my possession at the time it was said to had been inspected. Therefore, I was sold a damaged car and it was done illegally. I wouldn't trust this company. The car salesman Ronald is a very dishonest guy and I wouldn't fo business with him or anyone else at this company. He clearly knew that my car had problems that would prevent it from passing state inspection so he illegally passed my cars inspection and completely left out the details about the cars issues. Worst experience ever and so UNFAIR!

  • Christina Garcia

I have to say this place NO LONGER DESERVES 1 STAR I HAVE BUSINESS with RON MANY TIMES AND THIS WILL DEFINITELY BE MY LAST TIME ..USALLY I have paid cash but this time I had to to payments and it has been a straight NIGHTMARE EXSPECIALLY with the lady in the office she does not know how to explain nothing or where a payment has gone there trying to tell me im 3 months behind knowing good and well im not when I've tried to talk to Ron about the situation he does not let you even speak this place has gotten very unprofessional over the time I have worked with them on buying cars and now not able to tell me where my payments are ...and this last car has been nothing but PROBLEMS AFTER PROBLEMS AND ITS A NIGHTMARE TRYING TO TALK them anymore i have now requested all my payments let's see if there even willing to give that to me ....I ADVUSED ANYONE TO STAY AWAY FROM HERE UNLESS YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO PUT INTO YOUR CARS ....STAY BLESSED

  • kaharold

IF You are Looking for A Vehicle With NO HASSELS and NO BS This is the Place to Come, The Staff is Nice and THEY Don't give you the Run around like some places do. BUT I have 1 Issue, I Don't have the Best Credit BUT I also Don't have the Worst Credit Either, My Credit is Bad Only Because I was a Cosigner for a Family Member of Mine. I Went Last Week to Look at 2 Toyota Tundras and THEY was asking way to Much for a Down Payment, $6000 Down On 2 Used Trucks?? AND The Blue Tundra had Rust AND Several Dents AND Dings. I Came here Because I Went to the Toyota Dealership and THEY Wanted $ 3500 Down on a NEW TRUCK, SO Why Would I pay $6000 Down on A Used Truck When I can Get a New Truck for half that Price, My Point is THEY Want Way to Much Money Down on THEM Used Vehicles With NO WARRANTY. Come on Fair Deal Auto Sales, yall are Better than THAT

  • Steve E.

BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!!!! Ok, I understand that they are in business to make money, BUT there is a difference in making money and trying to rape people. The cars they have are NOT worth the price they are asking. They DO NOT want to negotiate. The body of the car was damaged and it had a couple parts missing and they still wanted the full asking price. Motor was good, but by the end of the deal, they tried to stick me with some hidden fees that they couldn't explain. How do you go from $6999 cash asking price to $8700 by the end of the deal? There are better used dealers out there. Just keep searching.

  • Tanya Handy

DO NOT BUY A CAR HERE! The people at Fair Deal Auto will not stand by their cars, will not represent the true condition of their cars, and will basically deceive you if you are not an EXPERT used car buyer. If you try to reason with them about their raggedy product, they'll tell you that 'you are just one customer' and will not try to remedy any complaints you have about their service or the car they sold you. They don't care about satisfying customers. I'm still waiting on license plates and we bought the raggedy car months ago. Save yourself some time and heartache and go somewhere else.

  • Santiago Bermudez

I wish there was negative stars to rate this company! Heard a lot of good things about it and took my chances, well completely dissatisfied! I understand it’s a business and that’s what they’re there for but to laugh in a costumers face and say “ You can’t afford it” is unprofessional especially for a person who claims they have 35 years in the business. Been through many car lots and never been told anything like that. Clearly a money hungry business that does not care about the costumer would not recommend anybody to this place.bad business in my opinion!

  • Christopher Lee

This dealer dealt with me from New Orleans I never even went to see the vehicle but they made videos and made me aware of condition I was in fear to send so much money via check for something I haven’t drove but Fair Deal and it’s staff was AMAZING AS WELL AS THE VEHICLE! In all seriousness they blessed me and my family and I’m very grateful for everything. The manager excellence displayed the dealer Chris was outstanding!!! Thank you sincerely!

  • carlos torres

I've made alot of mistakes in my life....I'm human!!!! I'm not perfect,who is Making mistakes to learn from is part of the growing process.....(sigh) the guys here a fair deal understood and worked with me....did everything they could to get me in a vehicle....I now own 4 cars fam.....thank you for giving a loser like me a second chance!!!!! You guys are GOD SENT GIFTS FROM UP ABOVE!!!!

  • Shermaine Guidry

Even though it was a bit overpriced, I got the car I wanted. My monthly payments are very low and reasonable. They help out a lot ESPECIALLY if you're going to be late on a payment. I got married in August, missed the entire month of payments and THEY WORKED with me! They are awesome! THANK YOU RON FOR YOUR GREAT SERVICE! Nice to know someone cares and understand that we are HUMAN.

  • Nina S.H.

Back in January of 2009, I purchased a vehicle from Fair Deal and received very good service. Ron assisted me with my purchase and I was very pleased with the outcome. I paid the car off in two years and I still drive this car. It is a 2000 Infiniti I30 and I love it! It rides so smooth and people tell me all the time that I have a very good car. Thanks Fair Deal Auto!

  • Amber Vives

Got my truck from them about 3 weeks ago Paid 1500 cash for it including tt&l I couldn't be happier with it It's so perfect ... no major problems and drives really well ... thank y'all so very much for giving me my baby They sales man was awesome and very helpful I wish I could remember his name but if I ever need another cash car I will be back in a heart beat

  • Samantha Keal

Call a day ago to find out about there cars and the lady was so rude over the phone i even ask do they work with people on there down payment and she told me to call back when i come up with all the money then i desperate in need of a car and the reason why i went there because a friend purchase her car from there and they work dam good with her but i try

  • NaTasha Brown

I bout a car not even a week ago. I been having problems with the car everyday literally since Got it. I have gotten so many things fix on this car an I still owe money on it I havent even had the car for a week. However the customer service is good. I just would not recommend anyone to get a car here from what I am experiencing.

  • Jeremy Lee

Fair Deal is a pretty cool place to shop for cars. They have reasonable vehicles here. For the right price. But their down payments are a lil steep. But they will work with you. I just brought my car cash and it is a great car. When you come here. Talk to Ike. He's a great salesman. Good guy. Trust me. #Duley

  • Eloise Clark

I have purchased two vehicles from Fair Deal in the last ten years and found that Ron and his staff are the most honest and pleasant used car dealers/salesman that I have ever met. They have excellent customer service as well. Thanks for all that you do for your community.

  • Cora Green

You would think after buying five cars from them they give you some type of discount show some type of love deposit is too high and as a loyal customer, you would think they will show some type of loyalty to you. It’s all about the money I see

  • Oma'am Igbo

I have purchased 2 vehicles from Fair Deal Auto Sales. Their name speaks for itself. Both of the SUVs I bought were at a more than reasonable price, and presented with minimal to no problems. Since 2015, they are both still running great.

  • Daniel Brown

They are the most biggest pos people i know i spent over 2 grand in a car and had it towed and that pos that sold it to me told one lie after another i wouldnt buy anything from this place THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER NO IF AND BUTS ABOUT IT

  • Donna Samuels

I havent went to fair deal but i did talk to some lady on the phone. She was very pleasant and answered all my questions. I do plan on stopping by to see wats offered. Some of the reviews are bad, some are good. I love the layaway plan.

  • Kiki

There customer service really sucks. It seems they catch an attitude for you asking a simple question. The sales guy Ron must have a short man complex or something because he is very confrontational. I only came here out if desperation.

  • Immy ahmed Edinburgh

Great service and price all ways looked after guys are helpful best in town for Partworn tyres at great price and new tyres the best thing is they do puncture repair you go anywhere else they tell you u need new tyre when you don't

  • A Johnson

We were out looking for a car for my daughter and we weren't even acknowledged on the lot. I mean come on man we were there obviously to spend cash. What the hell. Never again , we took our money somewhere else. It's a no for me.

  • Hen Mack

I been reading the comments on this place people y’all need to stay the hell of way from fair deal their over charging folks on high mileage car’s it’s second chance Finances companies at major dealerships that will help you out

  • Cyndi Payton

I just want to say that our salesman was Ron and he bent over backwards for us to get a deal on a truck. Every promise he made, he kept. It was a great pleasure doing businesses with such a fine company. Thank you Ron.

  • Ghalle Biedermann

We just moved here from the Netherlands and couldn'have found a better dealership. Super happy with my new truck. The team treats you like family and when you are there, be sure to ask for Agnus! 5 stars all the way!

  • Ibrahim Ezghair

I didn't get to buy a car here, but the general manager Mr. Hall was so nice and helpful throughout the process of finding what we need. He was so patient with us, friendly and professional. Thank you Mr. Hall.

  • Shelia Anderson

People beware of they cars they cars are no good after l saw they cars l was like who would want to buy any of they cars they cars are no good please people dont buy any of they cars.

  • Red Just red

Great people Ron and the rest treat you like family. More than reasonable prices. If you have any questions or concerns they genuinely want to address them quickly and correctly.

  • C Mos

It was a good experience and very helpful sales person. They had a few cash cars on the lot for a reasonable price. Then I'm not a mechanic so I would need one to look it over.

  • Jesse Cherry

Fairdeal is the best hands down thank you fairdeal for blessing me with a 2010 kia and it a very good car and very professional staff I thank all of your

  • Moses Garcia

Chris seem to be an honest guy this is the third time I bought a vehicle from here and I'm sure this one will be the same as the last Fair Deal

  • Esteban “BIG COUNTRY” Casillas

I bought a 2010 Dodge pickup truck they sell team there is marvellous and easy to work with I recommend them to anyone looking to buy a vehicle

  • John Washington

Very easy approval process, only draw back is they don't have a easy pay system. Look forward to supporting my minority business owner.

  • SOUTHAMERICANBRI Southamericanbri

Ronald is the best ! He is fair & he literally has the best deals in town ! My mom purchased a car & has had zero issues with it !!

  • Ebony Washington

Ron is a wonderful salesman and helps you with everything, I loved my experience and plan on shopping with him again in the future!

  • Güera

Purchased a family vehicle here, had the best price and best interest rate after searching for several months. Thank you Mr. Ron

  • Kyra Carl

I really shouldn’t give them this one star. Poor customer service. Vehicles are not taken care of and they target communities!

  • J Fitz

Ronald help me. He videoed the vehicle running for me before I drove down to test drive. Was very helpful & knowledgeable.

  • Sean O

Depends on what your options are on purchasing a car, but I'm guessing you'd enjoy your experience. I liked mine though.

  • Robert Williams

Pleasant and unrushed auot buying experience...even in the heat. LOL...it was 100 degrees that day...August Heat

  • Raymond Burnett

this place is an AMAZING COMPANY...... they have helped me time and time again.... I highly recommend them...

  • Burnett Garner

I really enjoyed it .the people there are so nice and courteous. Thanks Jr. Go checked out . …

  • G. E. Long

Great place, real people for real LIfe situations while giving back to the Community in the Process

  • Kem Jokotola

Almost finished paying off my truck. This will be the 2nd vehicle from Fair Deal I have paid off.

  • Michael Ross

There cars are affordable and there service is great. I would recommend anyone give them a visit.

  • Erica Martinez

They'll sell you a good car as long as you got the money to fix it when you leave it a lot

  • Christopher Nwabuisi

Poor customer service unprofessional and they don't keep accurate records of your payments

  • Lady T.

They were efficent and professional with my daughter. She finally has an affordable car.

  • patricia randolph

They made my car shopping Easy n inform me of all Cars N Trucks that were There...

  • Sandra Missouria

Christopher the salesman(very polite) Ron and Don actually walked me to my car.

  • ronney lipford

I was very pleased with Ron and his staff, they were very helpful and friendly

  • Diana Palacios

I loved it the sales person so nice this is my second car i buy from them.

  • Kat

Car broke down one week later..not they're problem......fair deal right.

  • Consuella Haskin (Dannise)

This was a very good experience. They also report to the credit bureau.

  • Nora P. Diva

My friend Myosha invited me to a party for Christmas it was real nice

  • Taria Bedford

Car broke down within a few months....nothing was done...MONEY WASTED

  • Leola Gamble

It ok pt cruise 6 year ago now I am with knapp Chevrolet and kar town

  • Geno

Some thing gives you a bit of unsure feeling. To fast to make a sale

  • Danielle La'Trice Young

Excellent ServiceAffordable Prices …

  • Joseph Jackson

High milage vehicles. Liked the one in galveston better

  • Velma Mingo

Great place to buy a car we are on our fifth one.

  • Mela Whitten

Dont see where the fair deal was. Went elsewhere

  • Christine Thomas

To much b.s. to put here...avoid this place.

  • marvin campbell

Very great prices and customer service

  • Jennifer Lee

Crooked ass dealership. Don't go here

  • Lawrence Burkeen

I must tell others about this place.

  • Eliazar Nevarez

Good people good service good cars

  • Roger Edwards

A wonderful place to buy your car

  • teddy price

Nothing was good about this place

  • B J

Cars look nice prices reasonable

  • Mike Dunn

Fair and affordable. Great staff

  • Linda Grant

Only went to a Christmas party.

  • Sherian Hall

Honest people and great cars!!

  • Silvina Serieux

Good honest business people.

  • John Odom

Ron is the guy 100% …

  • Ronald West

A really GREAT place.....

  • Aaron Germany

They treated us Fair

  • Yolanda Waddel

Mr.Hall is the best

  • Gwendolyn Watford

Just Awesome …

  • Ismael Molina

Horrible service

  • Thomas Sweed

Cars over price

  • Jordan Broussard

Great deals

  • Jonathan S.

Good deals

  • Monica Pineda

Good place

  • Jimmy Lewis

Not good

  • Sophia Gonzales


  • Velma Mingo


  • Davida Jeffery
  • Brittny Johnson
  • Jamie Johnson
  • Jessie Waller
  • Earl Kyle Jr
  • Ashante Days
  • Tara Adesanya
  • Edwin Velasquez
  • Raul Vazquez

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