Last reviews

ALBADENTA odontologijos klinika Alytuje

T Dambrauskas

Kreipiausi dėl danties maudimo. Patikros metu nustačius problemą, parekomendavo tvarkyti skaudamą bei dar du su skausmu nesusijusius dantis (120eu vnt.), bei nedelsiant darytis burnos higieną (50eu) kadangi daktarė be burnos higienos negali tvarkyti netgi to skaudančio. O ir priimt, netgi po burnos higienos galės tik kito vizito metu (neaišku po kiek laiko). Suprantama gi jiems tai neskauda Ataisakius tolimesnių paslaugų teko susimokėti už rentgeno nuotrauką (kurią žadėjo atsiūsti, bet turbūt nesulauksiu) 15eu, apžiūrą 10eu ir dar pritaikė COViD apsauginių priemonių mokestį 9eu kuris lyg ir atšauktas su karantino pabaiga atėjau su savo kauke jegu ką Pigu ar brangu nežinau tačiau, pasirodė jog pinigai o ne mano bėdos jiems rūpi. Bet čia tik mano nuomonė, sprėskite patys...

DCINE Bến Thành

Văn Sĩ Lê Kỳ

Rạp D-Cine này cũng mới khai trương thôi. Nó nằm ngay trong nhà hát Bến Thành đường Mạc Đĩnh Chi. Mình có 1 vài review về rạp như sau: Vì rạp "sinh sau đẻ muộn", ra đời sau mấy ông lớn như Galaxy, CGV, v.v.v... nên rạp có sự đầu tư khá kĩ lưỡng về bề ngoài lẫn phòng xem phim. Mình thấy cực kì ổn luôn. Sảnh ở đây rất đẹp, sảnh chờ xem phim cũng trang trí rất sang trọng. Mình đặt thử vé Cine De LUXE và có được trải nghiệm cực kỳ ấn tượng và thú vị dù giá vé của nó chỉ có 100k/vé. Vé Cine De LUXE được ngồi chia làm các ghế cặp tách riêng (như kiểu ghế couple ở các rạp khác) nhưng ghế ở đây có nút bấm ngã lưng, ghế rất rộng ngồi cực thoải mái, đặc biệt là nệm cực kỳ êm. Nói thật 100k như vầy là quá xịn và quá xứng đáng đồng tiền. Ngoài ra toilet ở đây cũng sạch sẽ, bãi giữ xe thì sử dụng chung với nhà hát ở dưới hầm. Nhân viên cũng rất vui vẻ và thân thiện. Nói chung mình rất ưng cái bụng, đây sẽ là rạp chiếu phim ưa thích của mình dù nó hơi xa nhà mình nhưng sẽ thường xuyên dẫn vợ ghé đây xem phim. Chúc DCINE luôn phát triển và giữ phong độ nhé!

Le Sélect Bistro


Lovely dinner & restaurant. I sat outside on the patio in the back, but the inside of the restaurant was beautiful. Attended during Summerlicious but ordered from the regular menu. If anyone wants to order from the Summerlicious menu, the entire table does. The food was fresh, flavourful & rich. The bathrooms are located in the basement. You will need to use stairs. Will definitely be back.
Dine in
Meal type
Price per person
Food: 5
Service: 5
Atmosphere: 5

Great Hills Baptist Church

Petra Isabel

Wednesday Prayer Night. 6:30 pm I'm SO EXCITED to be here. I had been wanting to go to a Wednesday night service this week . I heard the voice tell me turn here. I thought it was so I could look at my gps safely.. but It was more like an answer to my prayer. I stopped Jocelyn outside to ask some questions. I was taking pictures and Richard was wondering why. We had a good chat.The Gift he gave to Me is a handwritten poem. I gave him a Big Hug. The little I know about this church. These people believe and pray to God .. Jesus and The Holy Spirit. I AM SO GRATEFULTO BE HERE!! THE YOU LORD!! MY IS HAPPY

Württembergische Landesbibliothek

Sarah Bruckmann

Ausleihe nicht empfehlenswert in der Corona Zeit. Es gibt hier zwar gute Bücher, der Service und aktuelle Informationen sind aber unterirdisch. Ich wollte Bücher zur Ausleihe abholen und schrieb diese in eine Mail, sodass ich diese in Corona Zeiten abholen kann. Die Rückantwort kam prompt - alles sei versendet worden - ich müsse Betrag X zahlen. Ich gab daraufhin an, dass ich keine Versendung wollte. Leider war nichts zu machen. Nirgends wurde ich über die Kosten im Vorhinein informiert. Schade ist auch, dass eine Rückgabe der Bücher nicht möglich ist per Briefkasten. Die Bibliothek hat noch einiges vor sich um zeitgemäß zu werden.

The Nigeria Police Force, Divisional Headquarters, Igando, Lagos (Temporary Location)

Ewaade 3A

The old Police Station which is about 200 meters away from where this Temporary one is located was burnt down during the "End SARS " Proyests which ravaged the country October, 2020 last year. This Temporary location does not befit the status of A Divisional Headquarters but I think members of the Police Force are s tree eong and committed following the huge trauma of loss of lives and Property last year. The place is accessible to all and is located on a very busy road.

Won Ton House Restaurant

Eric Parent

The food was good, but way too expensive. I had the large shanghai noodle, which is smaller then the regular full order at so good and other places, yet costs 40% more. The soo guy chicken was very good, but the regular portion is actually a half order, but again about 50% more expensive. My order was about $50 after tax, for about the same quantity of food I get at competing restaurants for about $25.
Price per person
Food: 4
Service: 3
Atmosphere: 3

Genova Car


Ho usufruito per la prima volta di questa carrozzeria alla quale, come dipendente di un'agenzia UNIPOLSAI avevo canalizzato molto clienti che erano rimasti tutti molto soddisfatti E devo dire che avevano ragione perché ho trovato persone qualificate, molto gentili e disponibili che mi hanno riparato l'auto velocemente, facendomi comunque usufruire dell'auto di cortesia. Mi hanno restituito la macchina brillante, perfettamente riparata e anche sanificata. I ragazzi sono stati veramente bravi e la segretaria è una persona molto disponibile e squisitamente gentile. Non posso che continuare a consigliare questa carrozzeria.

Universitätsbuchhandlung Krüper - Sack Fachmedien

Pia Schwichtenberg

Nach meiner nicht so guten Erfahrung in der letzten Woche wurde meine Beschwerde sehr ernst genommen. Ich bekam eine sehr nette Email von der Geschäftsleitung, mein Problem wurde umgehend gelöst und ich habe mittlerweile die Pendelbuchstütze erhalten. Zwischenzeitlich war ich erneut in der Buchhandlung und hatte ein sehr nettes Gespräch mit dem Mitarbeiter den ich als unhöflich empfunden habe. Jeder hat eine zweite Chance verdient <3 Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Beschwerden Ihrer Kunden so ernst nehmen und mir so toll geholfen haben.

Ресторан ВА


Хочеться поставити НУЛЬ. Йшла в цей заклад вперше,з надією смачно повечеряти та насолодитися атмосферою. Але ,нажаль,не зовсім вийшло) Інтерʼєр милий,незвичний,приємний. Офіціант намагалася бути дружелюбною,але видно,що заморена,постійно невиразно спілкувалася,доводилося перепитувати,та навіть після прохання повторити – стиль спілкування не змінювався. Замовила локшину з креветками – непогано,але такі жадібні порції до цього моменту бачила тільки у Франції. Далі був гарбузовий суп з креветками – тут враження було яскравіше – він виявився не просто не смачним,а з дуже неприємним запахом і таким,що мене почало нудити після першої ложки. Сухарики,які подали до супу мали не свіжий і навіть застарілий смак,запах та консистенцію. В результаті цього всього я просто відмовилася платити за "чудо-суп" бо,панове,так бути не повинно! Ціни абсолютно не виправдані. Вкрай не рекомендую!
Прийом їжі
Їжа: 1
Сервіс: 1
Атмосфера: 1

Northwest Tenant Group

Lee and Jen Street

I can't thank Stanford Scriven at Northwest Tenant Group enough for his expert negotiation on our law firm's office relocation. Even though we had a year left on our old lease, Stanford went above and beyond to find us a new, fully furnished office at an amazing price, and secured almost a year of no rent payments so we could relocate immediately. On top of that, he helped us sublet our old office, turning the whole project into a profitable venture. If you want the best guidance on your real estate needs, look no further than Stanford at Northwest Tenant Group!

Officeworks Penrith

jiranun kumkamol

For all women who go shopping to Penrith office work on their own! Please, bring someone with you if you have to buy heavy furniture in an oversized box! You’ll have to go with someone because, no one can or want to help you to get it into your car at all!! It’s very poor customer service! You can’t ask anyone to help you to carry. I went to Officeworks to buy a desk for my daughter to Do her homework. And asked a guy who worked there if he can help me to carry the box to the car and he said go and get the trolley! I knew that I have to get the trolley but I just want to make sure that I have someone to help me! when I came back with a trolley, he wasn’t even there for me. I saw a lady and she only helped me to put it on the trolley !!!! and I again asked the lady if anyone can help me to put the oversized box in the car and the lady said I should be able To manage to put it in the car on my own. Is it a great customer service?? Not even close!!! Even though the same lady saw me outside while I was struggling putting the box in my car, she didn’t even care to ask me if I was alright. She pretended not to see me at! This is so so poor customer service at Officeworks Penrith, shame on you and this is going to be my last time to visit to this Officeworks and I will tell all my friends about my bad experiences there.

The Gym

Alfredo Dizon

I give this gym 5 stars for the variety of equipment they have but really 2 stars for the environment and atmosphere. It’s just that all the people that work out there are not who I aspire to be or who I want to look like. I think it’s important to surround yourself of who and what you aspire to be. I respect what everybody do Les there but it seems like everyone are out to be body builders here so it’s just not my cup of tea. Oh and it’s hard to get in and out of their parking, everything is tight.

Christian's Tailgate Bar & Grill


The drinks were good. CUSTOMER SERVICE FROM OUR BARTENDER... HORRIBLE... She seemed like she didn't really care about serving us. But she sure put on a show for the male customers. When I asked her what her specialty drink was, she totally didn't understand what I was talking about. I even asked another employee if she was a new bartender, but he said she has been there a long time. When he told me that, I was instantly mind blown at just how horrible her customer service was.
Dine in
Meal type
Price per person

サングリア 久能店


クリスマスディナー✨をいただきました。(7500円/1人) クリスマスの時の食事時間は、電話で予約したときの話では、2時間が目安らしいので、私たちは15分程早めにお店を訪れました。飲み物と前菜は素早かったですが、次の料理までの間にウェイターの方がこちらのテーブルに視線を向けて進捗状況を見ているのですが、厨房とのタイミングが合わないのか料理と料理の間を7~8分待つことが二回ありました。 最後のパエリアの時は、「出来上がりましたので間もなくお持ちします」と、わざわざ伝えに来てくれたので直ぐにいただけるのかな?と思ったのですが、5分以上待ちました。パエリアの米は少し水分が多く期待していたお焦げは有りませんでした。 厨房とウェイターさんは流れに乗れてない感じでしたね。時間が夜8時に近づいてくる頃、パエリアの平鍋とエビ・カニの殻入れ等をバタバタと片付け始め、パエリアの取り皿と交換にデザートが来るのかと思っていたけれど、なかなか持って来ないので相方はトイレに立ちました。待っていたデザートは早めにパクつきました。 19時59分に会計を済ますことができましたが、パエリア前からのバタバタ感は、いただけないですね。星⭐4にしましたが、ほとんど⭐3に近いです。 20時頃前後から何組かの新しいお客さんがやってきました。 この夜は いつものパエリアの米の調理ではなかったですね。時間に追われる雰囲気は、調理する側も食べる側にも良い結果はもたらさないですね。(笑)✌️

Landmann Lieferservice in Niehl - Brauhaus-Küche för zu Hus - Schnitzel - kölsche Spezilitäten

Lukas Schroeder

Sehr lecker! Das gelieferte Essen war immernoch SEHR HEISS (~10-15min Fahrzeit). Sehr gut verpackt (#CircularEconomy: viel Plastik. Aber denkt dran: pures Plastik ist gut recyclebar, spezial-beschichtete Pappe fast gar nicht!) Der Salat war frisch wie es sein muss, und kam in drei Teilen, sodass nichts matschig war. Die Portion üppig. Das wird wiederholt. PS: Und herzlichen Dank an den geduldigen Fahrer! Unsere Klingel ist kaputt - wie wir jetzt wissen.


ma is

友人に悲しいことがあり、お花を贈ろうとお店を探していましたが、お花屋さんに行ったことがなかったので、緊張しながらも口コミが良かったこちらのお店にお世話になりました。ドキドキしましたが、店主の方は本当に気さくで、友人や私の気持ちを汲んでくれて可愛い可愛いブーケを作っていただきました! 友人もお花を見て泣いて喜んでくれましたよ!こちらにお願いして良かったと心から思います。看板犬のジャンボくんともんちゃんに可愛い接客をしてもらいとても楽しかったです♪

Law Office of Matthew J Olsman

David Vengel

Matthew helped my wife through her green card/permanent residency process after our marriage. He is very personable and knowledgable w/ immigration law. We felt he was very available, replied quickly, and attentive to our concerns. He was really helpful with interview preparation and following up with USCIS after unexpected delays. We worked with a paralegal before Matthew and were not satisfied with our experience. It felt completely different after starting with Matthew and really trust him. We plan to continue to work with him on any future immigration issues. We highly recommend working w/ Matthew.

BNP Paribas - Marseille Republique

Patochette Marseille

je suis cliente depuis plus de 40ans et déçue depuis qq temps....j envoie des mails personne ne répond ni ne rappelle. Quasiment impossible d avoir son conseiller et quand vous avez enfin une réponse s est au bout de 4 mails envoyés et de plusieurs msgs laissés. Inadmissibe pour une banque comme la bnp !!!! On envoie pas de mails pour le plaisir et cela peut-être urgent...dommage Par contre quand il s agit de proposer des placements ou autres contrats ils se rappelent de votre numéro !! désolée mais c est dans les 2 sens que ça fonctionne....après ne vous étonnez pas si les gens changent de banque et j en connait bcp

Astro Aesthetics Dental care

suraj kumar

यह अब तक का सबसे अच्छा, साफ-सुथरा, मैत्रीपूर्ण और सबसे कुशल दंत चिकित्सक था जिसके पास मैं गया हूँ। कार्यालय बहुत अच्छा और एकदम साफ-सुथरा है... आपको ऐसा महसूस ही नहीं होता कि आप दंत चिकित्सक के पास हैं। लेकिन उससे भी बेहतर... पूरा स्टाफ यह … ज़्यादा


ATMBeauty salonPharmacyBus stopCafeFloristDrug storeFurniture storeShopping mallBakeryCar washElectronics storeDentistHardware storeClothing storeBarBankGas stationSupermarketJewelry storeFuneral homeLiquor storePost officeTourist attractionReal estate agencyBook storeShoe storeGymInsurance agencyHotelConvenience storeDelivery RestaurantParkTravel agencyHair salonHigh schoolCar rental agencyPet storeLibraryCar dealerRestaurantAuto repair shopArt galleryNight clubUniversityParking lotFire stationAttorneyBicycle ShopMuseumPlumberMoverVeterinarianPet supply storeDoctorDepartment storeStadiumMovie theaterHome goods storeGrocery storeChurchRoofing contractorCemeteryBus stationAccountantElectricianCourthouseLocksmithLocal government officeParking garagePolice departmentSchoolUsed car dealerCoffee shopSelf-storage facilityCar repair and maintenance serviceElementary schoolPolice stationWomen's clothing storePainterTrain stationStoreTransit stopGeneral hospitalCity government officeTram stopTrucking companyFast food restaurantMosqueTobacco shopLaundry serviceLight rail stationLaundromatAmusement parkAccounting firmPhysical therapistTaxi serviceZooDay spaMovie rental kioskPublic libraryPizza restaurantSpaDry cleanerSaunaAnimal hospitalAuto insurance agencyLaser hair removal serviceSubway stationTour agencyMoving and storage serviceFamily practice physicianBowling alleyHospitalLaundrySandwich shopAquarium shopComputer storeKey duplication serviceVeterinary careWarehouseGift shopCasinoAutomobile storage facilityHome improvement storeForeign consulateBookkeeping serviceStorage facilityElectrical installation serviceHairdresserBoot storeCity courthouseSelf service car washMiddle schoolBeer storePersonal injury attorneyAuto parts storeKitchen furniture storeCosmetics storeSushi restaurantFitness centerVeterinary pharmacyJewelerDVD storeVaporizer storePublic universitySynagoguePrimary schoolCampgroundKaraoke barInternet shopAmusement park rideChristian churchMassage spaDental clinicCriminal justice attorneyBar & grillMen's clothing storeMedical clinicRussian Orthodox churchCatholic churchCertified public accountantFree parking lotTire shopCity HallMexican restaurantCounty government officeTransit stationEmbassyCity parkBaptist churchOrthodox churchEmergency locksmith serviceShipping companyCostume jewelry shopHindu templeChildren's clothing storeAirportArt museumAmerican restaurantMedical CenterHair removal serviceInnMotor vehicle dealerHypermarketAquariumLegal servicesTraffic police stationHookah storeGovernment officeRV parkChinese restaurantDiscount supermarketAmusement centerTransportation serviceOrthopedic shoe storeBicycle repair shopSports barPizza deliveryCell phone storeChildrens libraryWine storeKitchen supply storePubSkin care clinicCocktail barHookah barState policeGymnasium schoolCar inspection stationShort term apartment rental agencyDollar storeMemorial parkOrthodox synagogueGeorgian restaurantPhysical therapy clinicPastry shopPublic parking spaceItalian restaurantMusic schoolNail salonPediatric dentistHistory museumUniversity libraryHostelState government officeRecords storage facilityAdult entertainment storeCorporate officeReligious organizationSporting goods storeStationery storeCommercial real estate agencyPrivate universityE-commerce serviceCosmetic dentistMobile home parkBuilding materials storeCity tax officeLaw firmCollegeVariety storeWater parkTaxicab StandHealth spaInsurance brokerTakeout RestaurantChauffeur serviceOffice furniture storeUsed book storeButcher shopEspresso barAppliance storeFinancial institutionChildren's amusement centerKindergartenBeauty supply storeLoungeInternistSports complexInsurance companyCar rentalAirline ticket agencyDivorce lawyerCounty courtMassage therapistChurch of ChristAirport shuttle serviceSightseeing tour agencyPawn shopHamburger restaurantBathroom supply storeFreight forwarding serviceSpa and health clubPoliceBagel shopNon-profit organizationChildrens storeTransport interchangeDoor shopCarpet cleaning serviceAuto body shopNon-denominational churchDistrict councilAuto brokerFacial spaFamily restaurantBarber shopJewelry designerMeal deliveryChicken restaurantSouvenir storeInternational airportBed & breakfastDo-it-yourself shopFederal courthouseGeneral storeReal estate agentMovie rental storePrivate educational institutionLocal history museumTruck repair shopWildlife parkDistrict courtTropical fish storeOffice space rental agencyPentecostal churchGeneral practitionerJanitorial serviceAuto glass shopMagistrates' courtMotelReform synagogueMilitary cemeteryTax preparation serviceMedical spaThai massage therapistHealth food restaurantBoot repair shopBuddhist templeRailroad companyBankruptcy attorneySoup restaurantBus companyPlace of worshipEvangelical churchParkingBoutiqueRegional government officeVisa and passport officeTheme parkCourt of ArbitrationEmergency veterinarian serviceWork clothes storeHeliportSports clubTour operatorElectrical supply storeReal estate consultantComic book storePlumbing supply storeGuest houseCharter schoolBoat storage facilityBicycle storeHistorical landmarkBedroom furniture storePresbyterian churchAirlineHealth insurance agencyAirstripMattress storeIndian restaurantJapanese restaurantSeafood restaurantLodgingReal estate rental agencyBicycle rental servicePassport officeOpticianSocial security officeConservative synagogueTool storeFashion accessories storeFederal government officeTourist information centerSofa storeLive music barLingerie storeShawarma restaurantCake shopSeventh-day Adventist churchSuburban train lineComputer repair serviceHeritage museumLawyerCatererWar museumOphthalmologistHousing authorityGastropubApartment rental agencyVietnamese restaurantPublic educational institutionAssociation or organizationPet groomerScience museumBusiness centerMoving companyFood storeConstruction companyDiscount storeToy storeOffice supply storeFixed-base operatorInternational schoolAuto spring shopSports nutrition storeProtestant churchCandy storeGay night clubLyceumSenior high schoolHome insurance agencyHoliday apartmentExtended stay hotelExhibition and trade centreBreakfast restaurantEducation centerWholesale bakeryFamily law attorneyInclined railway stationAnimal parkModern art museumObstetrician-gynecologistMagazine storeTea storeGambling houseArt schoolWatch storeDisco clubRoofing supply storeDonut shopSecond hand storeSportswear storeWaxing hair removal serviceCathedralChildren's hospitalDistrict attorneySmoke shopEducational institutionDinerLanguage schoolNursery schoolJustice of the peaceBanquet hallEuropean restaurantConcert hallWallpaper storePackage lockerAuto machine shopInternet service providerShrineLighting storeEnglish language schoolFishing storeLutheran churchShipping servicePiano moving serviceWheel storeBalloon storeIrish pubChildren's museumMediterranean restaurantManufacturerCold storage facilityEvent plannerFurniture makerShipping and mailing serviceLife insurance agencyAsian restaurantCleanersHouse cleaning serviceArt cafeFurniture accessories supplierRecording studioDress storeNovelty storeWholesalerBedding storeJewelry repair serviceLimousine serviceOuterwear storeBicycle wholesalerOpen air museumSeaportMusical instrument storeBrewpubBridgeAlcohol retail monopolyParty equipment rental servicePlastic surgeonImmigration attorneyResort hotelPaint storePediatricianHandicapped transportation serviceRussian restaurantErotic massageRail museum